Why so much hate towards Indians

I understand why pol hates kikes and niggers but what is the reason Indians are ridiculed so much and treated dismissively. I know the majority of Indians are defensive pussy faggots but still..

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Because they can't poo in loo

Indians are generally below nigger tier


another generic self hating Indian
Fuck off cunt.
need an intelligent reply here

Also they shit the conversation everytime. Look at what Jow Forums has become. Fucking Dravidian niggeroids shilling for some Dravidian smelly cunt.

Tbh south India, bihar and Punjab should be nuked and left in isolation so mother nature and can undo all the damage done by those niggeroids

Ecological, cultural and sanitary conditions in India are nigger tier. Correct it at once.

indians on pol are defensive faggots that is

Mutts are no different than Indians on 2019 desu
Commiefornia has literally got a poop patrol

Fuck Indians, everyone who votes for BJP deserves to get hanged.

I agree

Also, unified India is a mistake.



Jow Forums is a board most frequented by people who come here to give themselves a leg up in the world by hating anything that doesnt reflect them.

they are so insecure they literally have to dismiss anything and anyone else who is different to them or the crushing weight of inferiority, shame and humiliation that is their life, will come crashing down.

they hold their own roof up to keep their bubble world intact while millions of people all over the world laugh and have a good time.

and in what way is North India superior to the other states?

Nigga india got no economically right wing wing party. It's either socialist left or socialist right.

We need a libertarian party desu

we don't hate indians we just think they are goofy

Yeah Punjab. They are the niggers of Indians.


Are you retarded?
Punjab is in north.

But Punjabis aside, North India is better than south simply because we don't spam or work in call centers, don't smell, don't eat like a chimp and are whiter than the Dravidian niggeroids


lol,fuck off. come and try to say this in punjab.

which state are you from?


I guess you must be proud of your rape output then?

>Come and say this in hood
>Come and say this in Punjab

it's just banter bro don't take it personal.
every nation gets it.
just join in.

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It's quite obvious different parts of modern India behave themselves differently and a significant cultural racial and sometimes religous tensions exist. the most obvious split is between the southern and northern indians, but there are a lot more. The only way it makes some sense for a unified India is to protect from China.

Niggers are stupid violent and stuff but they're also good at sports, have better muscles and bones, muh dick, trend setters in usa, more dominant and higher testo on avg etc etc
So they're subhumans but with some benefits

Indians r niggers without any positive side. ur ugly, stupid, weak, small, slow, unattractive, low testo, asian tier dick. not even considered humans, theyre just funny looking sad ridiculous humanoids and theres 1bill of them so ppl just want them to die really.

Like imagine a indian shitting on a street while wobbling his head and saying yes, i'd laugh if someone shot him dead right there, just genuine laughter.

Not really. Because Delhi is fucking full of lower caste reserved faggots, Punjabis and Biharis.

And i won't defend the bharamns who rape

All rapists should be beaten to death by stones publicly

Delhi NCR

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>Fat mutt among Dravidian niggeroids in a spam call centre

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,Kys you dravidian subhuman

I grew up in NJ. There are Indians everywhere and most of them are annoying. Some are really chill but it's a minority. They keep to themselves and are cheaper than Jews. My friend works as a tutor and whenever he teaches Indians he's lucky if he even gets paid by them. On top of that they're houses fucking reek of curry are their accents are laughably bad. I've met some real Indian Bros though so milage may vary.

Ur all the same shit race dont think ur superior. Id laugh at both a north indian and south indian death

Actually i would kill myself if i was a Dravidian niggeroid

its kind of like north and south italians.difference exist even among same people.

Based ShItalian

Don't take yourself so seriously. Learn the art of self deprecation.

At least spare Tamil

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its same thing faggot,most of india is dravidian as fuck excluding some north western groups like jatts and khatris.

You are really retarded bro. Or you live in Mumbai

Yeah it's quite rude t b h. It's funny that so many of you are opposed to using a toilet but it's just tedious that you all get the same reply, no matter what you post.
>no, I'm not actually Indian, despite my flag.

whats the difference

its the truth retard,go take a dna test.

North italy is one of the richest places in.the world, south italy is more like second world

Meanwhile north india is third world.brown shithole, south india is third world browner shithole, both shitjoles with subhumans in it

>At least spare Tamil

I don't give a fuck desu as long as we split India into 4-5 autonomous regions with restrictions on flow of labour.

It was not always like that but you probably don't know history.

the toilet meme is just that. Sanitation in India has been improving exponentially at least for the past 10 years

I would bet you're an amalgamation of all sorts of things including Dravidian. The condition is called being Indian

Do you even know what a dna test is? I guess you are just a Dravidian niggeroid

Fortunately not.

you're all fucking niggers and the world looks down upon hiring any of you

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You have potential user. You will be made Supreme governor of the newly established Third Position Traditionalist Indo Sector of the glorious new Traditionalist World Order

I don't mind you hindu and sikh boys. You lads are OK with me. Never had any issues. It's Muslims that irritate me because they are belligerent and ungrateful.
The poo in the loo memes are just funny banter don't take it to seriously mate.
I actually have a lot of respect for hindu culture. Fascinating pantheon and spirituality.

Because you are not part of their ethnic group. It doesnt matter who you are or what you are like. The only thing that Jow Forums cares about is if you are part of their self identified race. If not, you can die for all they care.

t. Seething beta. SIR Babu Nagoor is the WEAPON OF DURGASOFT.

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I don’t dislike Indians on principle, but they are both good and bad in very extreme ways and such a big and ancient assortment of nations all cobbled together in the tropics is like having a dozen weird ass Floridas. India can’t help but be easy prey for harsh banter and that isn’t going to change any time soon. Just do what Australia does: take credit for every bizarre niche thing even remotely related to your country and wear it like armor. Wear a mask in the back of your head to keep tigers from attacking while you poop on a roof.

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>Uneducated cumskin lol

The dude you posted is a Dravidian niggeroid, the ones I am ragging on in this thread.

Half of them are swindling backstabbers.

some of you are alright

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that's a phillipino you retard

Another problem with pajeets is that many of you are like this guy. Incredibly hostile to anyone except white people who you treat as gods despite the fact they have been shitting on you for centuries. Both of those are bad character traits


Bro i don't fucking care desu but Indians have a general tendancy to shit every online conversation they are part of. They can't seem to be capable of accepting their mistakes. It's always the same old
>We Are Coders and shiet
>Uk stole our wealth and raped us and shiet
>Send bobs and vagane and shiet

Its because Indians in general are sub par in everything that they do.

Ask any non-Indian whose ever had to work with Indians from India on a project, I they jusy don't take pride in what they do

This is the shit which pushes a normal sane man into the never ending abyss and pick up guns

Philippines are so much better, if i see a pinoy die irl i dont laugh, if a pinoy tries to talk me irl i dont tell him gtfo, with an indian i do both

fix the smell (its the food), the accent, and liking cow poo (and probably cows in general) and you're golden

Whites were mentioned 2 times in this thread as
1. Mutts
2. Cumskin

Get off Jow Forums and fap to the Muhammad raping your wife and daughter

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lol,looks vary alot in india.jatts don't look like south indians.

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It’s probably because your country’s notoriety stems from its populace above average pooping in the streets

they smell and they come here and drive like escaped zoo animals

>Sanitation in India has been improving exponentially at least for the past 10 years
This is the goofiness some other user mentioned, which we find funny. 10 years is an incredibly recent development for basic sanitation.

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fuck off kike

Subhuman trash.
Indiana are like a swarm of locusts, and that's an insult to locusts.

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i didn't mean it as an insult
you asked i answered. thats THE answer. you just don't like it.

Thank you for proving the point

Jow Forums doesn't hate everyone, but Jow Forums ridicules everyone

No problem fren

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Because your people think taking part in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) actually accounts for something. It's a pity party, why do your people think they are fantastic writers or fantastic programmers? It's a false sense of hope, you can't even use a toilet properly.

>oven-dodger giving advice on self improvement to literally anyone
Your kind aren't welcome or wanted here or anywhere, Schnozzberg.

They have THE most ugly women in the world, hands down. So ugly it's actually somewhat of a preservative to their race because no one except Indian men will marry them or father children. Granted there are some beautiful ones, but as a whole they are disgusting. Way below blacks.

Nothing that tough law,order and eugenics policies couldnt fix within 2 generations under a firm but benevolent and competent Governor such as yourself user.

we are here

You will get used to it
t. most hated country on the internet

Because they stink and they're even more fake than americans in their politeness and "oh how glad I am to see you" shit

Makes you wonder why the Indo Europeans even decided to mass rape them

Grasping heels as usual no doubt.

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>mass rape
never happened

>why are us, ridiculous people, ridiculed so?

Just a quick reminder that gypsies are also indians. Thats why all Europe hates you, and Romania is caught in the middle because we had the idiot idea to ensalve them, and even a more retarded idea to emancipate them.
We shouldve neutered all gyppos and send them to work in salt mines

Where does the hexagram on your flag appear in the torah or talmud? Oh that's right it doesnt. You are the slaves of apostate occultist frankists.

Yeah it did. You carry Indo European Y DNA but your autosomal DNA is the same as Dravidians. All of India was Elamite or Dravidian before they got ARYANED.coom

Is the new theory on “Jews” that they are satanists who are masquerading as Jews for minority points?

Nah,it was more of an assimilation.Also indians were half iranian neolithic and half south asian hunter gatherer before steppe people came.

ugh...the Indians on this thread are fucking cancer.
Maybe we should kill ourselves after all


It's an old "theory" that the elite/big jews are actually sabbatean frankists who believe in antinomianism heresies,redemptiom through sin and dark occultic practises. See Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank for details