Sweden's southernmost regions have refused to accept more migrants and threw away their faggot flags. The Swedish flag will be the only legal flag from now on.
Oh,and the municipalities refused to buy any more modern art
Sweden is fighting back
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Kalmar union soon.
Lets see if It is true...
Now that's a good new!
It's been brewing for a long time. For the past 10 years or so policy has been dictated almost entirely by large cities such as Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, but recently due to large changes in local elections smaller towns have gradually begun to forbid quota immigrants to be distributed to them through various means.
Another example of this would be a couple of counties in the region of Norrland shutting down their immigration offices, and more smaller counties are following suit. Stockholm is going to be stuck with the cancer they brought on themselves.
Rise Sweden
Day of the redblock soon
imagine thinking literally anything other than out right genocide will stop the disappearance of sweden within a century
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised. It's SD's stronghold that did all three, refused to flag non-swede shit like the Pride flag, refused to take in more foreigners and refused to pay for degenerate art
Took like five minutes for faggots to crawl out of the wood work and redpill people with their faggotry too.
>artists try to pretend to be reasonable and oppose "political control of art"
>same day there's "protest art" of a puppet model holding a pride flag and menstruating blood from their nether regions basically admitting to normalfags what it's all about
>youth leader of the "Moderate" party tries to grandstand and goes to hand them a pride flag in person
>his own party people mock and loathe him for it, only his leftist opponents like it
>refuses to take in more immigrants
>took like a day for more communes to declare they're following suit when they realized they could actually do that
The guy in the video said that the decision took by the local administration will trigger a confrontation with the administration. This clash will most certainly take place in a court ,but many other events will have an impact on the result. I'm talking about demonstrations as well as bribing the court. This may be unlikely as if that happened a national outrage would take place.
The national government will certainly do something in order to win the process but the backlash will be dramatical. The great news is that a precedent will be set.
Patience, this is how it begins. When the second coming of the führer arrives, be ready to fight for your life.
the trump
inb4 the (((lefty Swedish government))) calls out the military to force their race-mixing edicts on the Swedes
Well by the looks of this another victory on the current culture wars. Good riddance libtards everyone waking up to the fact that they have taken several steps too far. Hopefully, NZ will fight back, I have been seeing some small signs of hope, if labor pushes things anyfurther they are about to have a pretty serious crisis on their hands.
Fingers crossed for u kiwi bro, expel the sandniggers!
>the ship is sinking, the captain and most of the crew are pro-water, the pumps are off and there are no lifeboats
>but wait, we found a bucket!
>mfw jews flood white countries with foreigners and now we all hate foreigners, even jews
Send them back!!!
Finally good news from Sweden.
Good to hear.
glad for the swedes! please for the love of Hitler save yourselves
>Greater Swedish Empire
what is this crap picture? Denmark was never under Swedish rule Roma scum
>>took like a day for more communes to declare they're following suit when they realized they could actually do that
>Wait, guys, guys, wait, guys, we can just, refuse them?
Here is the real Swedish empire at the height of its power. Your picture is some Swede alt history cancer
Good. Lets hope more will follow.
>stop the disa
Fun times ahead
Hey hey might be time to move in and grab me a blondie hunk.
Why did you cut off the part about that map being the high migration scenario?
>Sweden is fighting back
Maybe it's just an illusion
Wait & see...
Wait, sweedish men look like THIS?
Not convinced yet Sweden. But keep at it for all of our sakes please
Great news.
Move to rural areas, vote for local politicians that are more right leaning. Have LOTS of children
Create local businesses and fun communal things for locals to do. Give the young a role in maintaining and contributing to their communities so they dont turn to degeneracy
Let the cities implode on themselves, crime and degeneracy will be their ruin.
In 10 or 20 years or so we can reclaim our capital cities, clean them up and bring them back to glory.
These are the type of things we should be talking about and planning not larping all day and night or encouraging people to throw their lives away in acts of violence.
The lefts policies are unsustainable, we need to make sure we are a credible alternative when the public look towards other options
>Sweden 30.6
>Germany 19.7
>France 18
>UK 17.2
Who the fuck made this? Fakest of fake news
Remove Malmö City and Skåne county is 100% Based!
People like this user are very likely shills trying to make right wing politics as unappealing to the public as possible. They larp and encourage others to larp with them so we can be painted as big bad nazis. Dont fall for it, things are changing in our favour
Well that and cynically seeing that Sölvesborg are the ones who'll be dragged to court over it.
"Shit let's jump on this train and we can stop these immigrant shits until at least the courts say otherwise."
The whole fight over communes refusing migrants is because the fucking cities who took them in actually spread them around to the smaller cities, you can go to sub-100k pop cities and find arabs and niggers shitting up the place thanks to that policy.
Umm.. They are kids. Are you blind or just retarded?
>that muscle development
What... have you been feeding those kids?
That's a pretty normal build for a teenager before the modern age of ultra-indulgence.
thanks crobro
you guys should have a cryptoleftist movement that targets wealthy leftist areas for migrant placement. should be done under the guise of these communities being more open minded and wealthy therefore better for the migrants with the real goal being turning these neighbourhoods to shit and creating more SD/AfS supporters
I looked like that when I was 14-15 but I had a larger schlong
Go Sweden. Kalmar Union it and retake your land.
Let's be honest user, you fucking elves don't fucking age, I have literally seen 23~25 yo who looked like that, minus the dick, I didn't see their dicks.
Alright trip to Romania after Sweden, where else should I visit?Also small/average dicks are hot too.
what are you even talking about? those are normal kids
No they aren't, no kid has that muscle definition. I suppose the face might look like a teen but I didn't even look at it.
Kids that do sports have.
That is kinda classical ideal body.
Looks normal to me.
Alright I'm tired of this, define "kids" specific age. Nowadays I'm 100% certain that between 16 to 22 there's a big grey zone.
Do you even fucking understand percentages? Your country has like 10 mil to the UK 's 70 mil
>mutt slowly starts to realize why all the top weight lifters are white
They are in their teens propably.
I dont know where this special statue even is and I said It`s kinda ideal classical look.
What military? The closest thing Sweden gas to a military are the drug cartels in the cities
And all the best twinks too, well with the exception of asians. What the fuck how can whites have both good genetics for muscles and twinkdom?
take into account that its a mercator projection, and the real empire is much much smaller
but still, i finally some good news from sweden
how is Denmark doing? has been quiet lately, what happened to the cumran tosser?
Fuck Sweden. They reap what they've sown. I hope the country collapses as a lesson to the rest of the world. They are so far out of touch anything they're involved in turns to shit.
Go to a region called "Moldova" or seek to find the villages. The people in the larger cities are not the best exemplaries
>as a lesson to the rest of the world
no such thing, every country will be like "won't happen to us" and will learn nothing
Nice meme flag, Shlomo
You shouldn't live in a village with a population over 500.
>rightful danish clay goes AWOL
my almonds are activated
Congrats, hopefully the momentum stays