Whitey, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?
Whitey, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?
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We ancaps will sell weapons to both sides
kys reddit
>thinking modern wars are decided by who has the biggest muscles
Hey JIDF, shift change is it?
>start a race war
And you will be killed before your first sale
t. Far Cry 2 veteran
naw but I'd sure love to finish one
look Tyron, your big arms ain't nothing agaisnt my shoot-shoot
Now fuck off back to plebbit
I think its fitting the kimbo is in this photo. He died of a heart failure and had just been diagnosed with a mass on his liver.
Because like every other black person in this photo was on performance enhancing drugs and payed the price.
yes, we will BTFO you all easily
Uh, why are there no black chads on the list, wtf bros???
I just want to live in peace desu
I was so ready for Trump's call to save America. You have no idea. The mexican mafia that rules bestgore would have declared me a saint.
It will be like last time.
I have been looking for this image for a long time thanks OP
the only reason the niggers will never be able to win against the whites
pic related
If a nigger war broke out, just call the cops. They'll shoot them all.
sure y not?
Puts kimbo slice ínstead of melvin malhoeff or bones, do u ever nig Nígger?
All that muscle won't stop a bullet from my .45.
Hows that gonna save you from a machete swing to the head faggot
YES 100000% YES
Sure, why not
yes please i cant wait
shut up negro, you don't even know how to use an iron sight.
Do you?
Because power is nothing without control.
And if you can't manage your power effectively it's worthless.
YES. It is an excellent idea. We must save the noble animals of Africa from the destructive throngs of Black Kafir.
Yes. I like breaking big things.
>whites want the war
>read average crime statistics
How many wars have niggers won against whites? How many white countries have been colonized by niggers?
Respect your master, nigger
>How many white countries have been colonized by niggers?
all of them
>that bulge
Imagine the fucking size of that thing hard? Where do I get a giant bf Jow Forums?
Being shipped in an cared for is not colonizing, it’s just a nigger infestation.
I think YOU should white boi
Kimbo Slice is dead you dumb fucking nigger.
What was that?
He's alive in our hearts white boi
Take yer swing niggers
OP is not black.
And yes I want to start a race war.
I just don't want to kill niggers right now.
We should be hanging kikes from streetpoles.
Niggers can help.
OP, you are just another blind hypocrite. Why can you not see that you are the one casting the first stone?
Ethiopians are probably the chaddest of any Ethnic group.
If the Soviets had continued supporting them like Tzarist Russia did, they might have won the 2nd Italo-Abyssian War.
Checked and keked
There wouldn't be a war. Niggers would just starve. You can't feed yourselves without whitey. I'm pretty sure the beaners would end you before whitey gave it a thought.