Why do Italian women do this?

Why do Italian women do this?

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she wants to be a nigger because that's what's being pushes as 'cool' and 'hip' by the media.


Attached: 1517811283518.jpg (2586x1552, 1.41M)

Because they are half black.

Attached: 2rm5jrl.png (640x446, 164K)

She's already a mixed race which fucks with her head, so it's really no surprise


Who is italian in that picture?

I mean, free oppression points are as valuable as cold-hard cash today.
Otherwise why would so many companies sudoku their own intellectual properties?

Targeting the amerimutt audience

Hollywood is a machine

Show the photos of her with roman polanski

Looks like the right movr with the success shes gotten

lol for real that's how she really looks? waw

>Italian of
>North Italy of all places
>described herself as "not white" the other day

What must be done lads

>Why do Italian women do this?

Italians are niggers.

She was the new 2017 voice of the "Madchester" sound

Attached: manc.png (492x394, 205K)

That should say gf

Shes sicilian

She looks waaaay hotter on the right no contest. More white girls should go for this look, it's so hot. I'd give my left nut to suck the olive colour out of her lovely little bean gas shit hole and marry her.

>No tits

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FUUUUUUU I ve always thought she was a fucking latina

cunt niggers dont know how to sail, let alone swim. those are vandals not niggers u fucking braindead amerimutt hurry up and die from your diabetes

> meme flag
opinion irrelevant

Southern Europeans (excluding France) are not white

Go back, mario

Shut the fuck up faggot

Oy Vey.



Big think

Attached: dn4234.jpg (800x421, 52K)

>I'd give my left nut to suck the olive colour out of her lovely little bean gas shit hole
Since when are olives orange? Are you color blind?

True, white is pic related circle

Attached: white.png (850x850, 338K)

Italian women are beautiful I have an Italian girlfriend and honestly she is the best woman I have ever had. I hope that one day me and her can get married so that I can pump her full of my seed to create some little Romans. Maybe one day a Viking Mussolini shall emerge from us.

Attached: Italian flag.png (1200x800, 88K)

Getting that much tanned once is harmful but doing it over and over again is literally a free ticket to skin cancer town.

its not actually the same female in those 2 pics. i think some one decided to molest her and then it got a little rough and she ended up in the desert in a shallow grave

plains of the face are different including eye shape. both are probably about the same size with the same body shape and a similar shaped head but the finer points are different

The JEWS are pushing this narrative. They can because they own the media and the advertising dollars.

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It's obviously fake spray tan. It's not harmful at all but it does look disgusting and unnatural.

If we are niggers , we sure do a bad job at being broke and retarded. Although I will say , niggers have for some reason always said “ Italians ain’t white” to me.. but any white people ive ever met consider me white. It’s like 2019 race cheat code

She looks like a turd now.

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this proves nothing my brown skinned friend

Attached: giganig.jpg (400x400, 34K)

that pic is not recent, newfag

You're fucking American you dumb faggot

How does a swede get a med gf?

He was right about everything. Admit it.

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must be that semitic genetics. their women want to be coalburners so bad, but their society wont let them.

she's transnigger
don't hate, bigot

So my bloodline doesn’t count? That’s like saying African Americans aren’t niggers. U mad because everyone loves Italian Americans ?

No your bloodline doesn't count. Grow the fuck up

Get some pussy faggot. It’s blatantly obvious who has never gotten laid.

this is your brain on civic nationalism

The jew propaganda

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We white and shhhhhhiiiiiitttte.

Attached: hannibal-barca-image-1.jpg (550x389, 60K)

Fuck diversity.
Every shit skin race we dissipate makes living space for white kids to raise.

Attached: killniggers.jpg (800x1831, 118K)

The funniest part is that it's obvious at one point "cute white redhead" was what she was going for... then it shifted. All it shows is that she's empty.

Damn I always assumed she was a spic.


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It's called plastic surgery you retarded faggot

Old fag here,left and right girl are same?