Well, we all know we need to do it. The question is HOW. How do we take back women's right to vote and fix this world?
Women Voting (A lesson on degeneracy)
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she's very close to natasha. she could be in a james bond movie.
Import more muslim..
Women can't vote when they don't exist.
Make fun of men who vote, call them gay or effeminate. Accuse men of being weak and immature for relying on government to get their shit together. Men won't give a shit and keep on voting, but women will say, "I'm just like one of the guys," and stop voting. Women are dumbshits, man.
whos this hot goddess?
1. Convince people about the highly emotional and less rational nature of females,something that isn't desirable in leadership positions
2. Show statistics connecting sociopolitical downward spiral with gradual female vote liberation
3. Convince previous structure of the female fulfilling the role of the mother was actually desirable and natural to begin with, show them how it actually isn't restrictive and enslaving
4. See backlash because no one can think logically and everyone is already biased as fuck
5. Enforce monarchy anyway
Require voluntary military service for voting eligibility.
have a group of individuals controlling the media to subtly push the idea girls who vote are 'uncool', with time creating an impression most through subliminal messages in sitcoms, news stories and cartoons that there is something wrong with actively political females. They're weird, boring, creepy, laughing stock, etc. Let it sink in for a bit. Continue quietly, but firmly pushing it until female political participation diminishes over years or decades to the point where abolishing female suffrage becomes a formality.
Based and would you like to know more pilled
Remove the welfare state and the degeneracy will be gone
women in a nutshell
By exerting our natural dominance of course.
Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice
You make all voting contingent on property ownership, tax status and/or national service. This will not entirely eliminate woman voting but with would reduce the percentage of woman vs men voting.
50 second clip. shows why men need to run thing and women are a danger to us all.
Best and most realistic answer. Most women are slaves to their ego and perception of status. if a majority of men acted as you describe, female activists would be unable to carry on because their supporters would abandon them overnight.
Statistically woman earn less, draw more benefits and are less likely to do national service if given a choice. You can in theory limit woman’s vote as-well as minority vote with out mentions either in the legislations.
Okay, now all we need to is get control of the media and Hollywood
good idea. too bad you are all pussies.
Wahmen shouldn't vote. At least most of them. They definitely shouldn't lead countries.
Bring back the patriarchy.
I think it would also be good to try and glorify the responsible women who recognize the unsustainability of women's suffrage, and to treat these women with the respect they rightfully deserve. Other women will notice this.
We can make our own
>We can make our own
I'll get started on the logo
>We can make our own
This is how you attract glowniggers.
Hollywood is a powerful thing, even if it has no power over Jow Forumslacks
Women belong in one of three places:
Kuchen, Kinder, Kirche.
We need to go back to a patriarchal society like ancient Rome or maybe somewhat similar to modern Islamic societies (minus the barbarism)