I’m happy the Germans are going extinct. I never liked krauts...

I’m happy the Germans are going extinct. I never liked krauts, they’ve always had a stick up their ass and generally I think the world would be a better place if they just stop existing. Luckily my decendents might live in a world where the krauts no longer exist.

For the most part I can’t really think of any good reason to let them carry on, does Jow Forums have any?

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Your president is a kraut...

Why do Germans always have to hide behind EU memeflags? Cringe.

He literally whorships Israel and the Jews so I don’t know what sort of case you’re trying to make here, are you trying to make me hate krauts even more?

Im like 95% he’s a amerimutt that likes to larp as a kraut. We have many of those “muh kraut ancestors” types.

Lol you couldn't even go to moon without us

Don’t care, it’s more detrimental to keep you around than what we’ll get out of you.

Want a burger?

I wish they did their original plan to turn Germany into an exclusion zone and enslave all the Germans. Fucking Churchill was the only one who opposed it and they need all 3 leaders to agree.

I want you to go extinct. Turks are working too slow, I think we need to Bonn Iran to get another wave of refugees to you.

Shut up you VPN Jew.

May Iran rain down 1000 nukes on your home in Tel Aviv

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I’m not s Jew, I’m a full blooded American whose grandfather fought valiantly to destroy the kraut menace. Slaughtering krauts is an old American past time. I think we should be hunting them for sport if anything. I think we’re too civil with these savages.


So how do krauts feel about their extinction? Fucking Merkel best leader ever single handily genocided the krauts. She should get a Nobel peace prize.

I don't know what you're talking about.

> (You)
>I’m not s American, I’m a full blooded Jew whose grandfather fought valiantly to destroy the kraut menace. Slaughtering krauts is an old Jewish past time. I think we should be hunting them for sport if anything. I think we’re too civil with these savages.

Eat shit, you dumb Kike mutt. Hope you like some Hiroshima style burns after Iran Nukes your home.

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Shut up VPN kraut

May merkel import 1000 refugees on your home in berlin

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Cope. Overall it doesn’t matter what I say, thing have already long been set in place. As Germans slowly fade away replaced with Turks, Syrian, and African Europe can know true peace. It’s a shame some genuine good countries like France and UK fell victim to this too however I think overall it’s worth it just to eliminate the krauts. Nothing against any other Europeans, hell I even like the majority of them but krauts are niggers that deserve nothing but death.

Germany’s biggest crime was inventing communism

It doomed whites


not sure if op is a kike or just a regular amerimautt and can't decide which one of the two is the worst form of life.

I prefer creatures that make me laugh. Die faster, Europe.

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Hmm idk I think killing some 70 million whites in ww2 and forever attaching a negative stigma to pro european nationalism might be a tad bit worse. The most ironic part is that these krauts aren’t even empathetic to these whites they killed, they don’t care they killed millions of Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarussians, etc.... they also don’t care they killed hundreds of thousands of other Europeans like French, or Anglos. They never had any empathy towards other Europeans.

The single biggest poison to Europe has been Germans.

As usual, you dumb idiots out yourselves like sore thumbs. You seriously have learned nothing in all of your time of browsing Jow Forums.

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SS troops slaughtered many of your innocent villagers.

I’m not a Jew

Your God Yahweh was right about you, no longer being gods people.

LMAO an African Tribesman is more qualified in being next to God than your entire race.

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Is this literally what shills do as a tactic now? It's horrendous. It's the equivalent to just screaming nonsensical things and sticking fingers in ears.

What race of Mutt are you?

Americans are jews.

All of that happened because of German communism.

Germans weren’t a threat when they were the Holy Roman Empire.

No argument I see

Well I’m off, I just want to say I’m glad Germans are being genocided through population replacement.

cool story glownigger
your inferiority complex is really obnoxious

>Slaughtering krauts is an old American past time.
lol come back when you cesspool of a country actually develops history and culture.

as a slav i am horrified at this, europeans need to work together to stop their extinction...
jewish shill

Of course, you are, Shem.
Of course, you are.
You are still terrified of them.

>Germans are going extinct
Sad but true

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Not just kebabs but also nignogs as well

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> be american
> got 5G'd
> now have bad offspring dna
> get extinct next

Fine, i don't like you either

Fuck you and your D&C tactics, kike. Germany fought and survived countless wars and will outlive you and your kind.

The problem, is that many scientific advancements in medicines come from Gerrman researcher. What the retard who posted this doesn't understand is that the repercussions from a world without German scientists would be catastrophic for the human race.

t. non-German spic

Krauts,Frogs and Brits created what we now call Western Civilisation and all it's scientific,industrial and cultural advances of the last 500 years. The rest of you are just visitors , gliding on the jet streams of our achievements.

Kill yourself.

FUCK OFF! the krauts should of won ww1. also the german empire was a near perfect state that's worth emulating.

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You did pretty good, pops. Time for some jello and sleep.

>I’m happy the Germans are going extinct

And where do you think most American stock came from?

you're next, mutt

Shut up son - youre an embarrassment to your old man now - totally pussy whipped by that jewish whore you call a girlfriend

(((They))) will rewrite history where you achieved nothing.

>germans are this
>germans are that
>i hate germans
yet you have never met one in real life.

What a fucking abomination... I hope she dies from leukaemia (from which she certainly will, because she can't take blood from ANYONE).

(((They))) will fail and are in for a rude awakening

OP is either a nigger or a race traitor

>dude I went on the Autobahn one time in Germany and I was speeding the whole time
>I kid you not I was going 110mph and nobody cared

Have driving lessons carcels

Lul like tim pool? Kek

No one went to the moon Fritz

Motherfuckers, stop bumping this shill thread.


Just seeing that flag makes stormfags screech lmao

Lol. Italians and Greeks go out the fucking window then?

B-but muh will of da peepuhl. Monarchy bad.

If she wants to be useful for "this country" the best thing she could do is get the fuck out of it - her and her roach husband - fuck off back to Syria. the war is over.

Learn to read - the past 500 years

kinkel and a fat swine etc + random americunt + glorious brit-ish empaya + vaticunt minion.

all cunts.

>Germans going extinct

Not over here, ever been to the midwest, nigger?

Most white Americans (the ONLY real ones) do, in fact, have kraut ancestors.

>past 500 years
Most Imperial expansion was done with the explicit approval of the Pope. In Rome.

true that, anglo-irish bongish double crossing abomination,

since the entire world got infected by the chosen language everything was going to shits. how is 2019 treatin you? on a basket weaing web forum.

so long.

wassabi glow cunts and minions. pary over?

i swear i wont post anymore - let me hear you bitch on. it is interesting.

report to a glow cunt as well - i have not fucked a man yet, but those anglo-irish-scot-welsh-scandinavian-dutchgerman - german and minions do seem tasty.

on a graveyeard.

seethe more. Keep blaming the germans for the world your countries created.

Zu lang; hab's nicht gelesen?

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well said,
good goy!
now go suck rabbi shlomo‘s dick

nichts verpasst

Why don’t you breed

Germany inviting millions of black and brown men is a GOOD thing.

Literally fuck off, most of white Americans have Germanic heritage. I'm Slovenian and Germany ,even may it be cucked, currently is the last bastion of hope for Europe.

I admire the likes of Bismarck and Hindenberg, maybe a few others off the top of my head. Hitler yes but he went full sperg

They kill a lot of French.

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Let us not forget all the Jewish Banking families (rothschilds anyone) that came from the german HRE that ruined Empires and set up central banks in Britian, Spain, Portugal and France.


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A legitimate question. In general, I would say it is because
-Muh feminism we want a career
-Extremely high rent prices everywhere. (even 1 and a half room apartments cost over 500 dollars without all the extra costs (in 250thousand + population cities)

My personal reasons
-too young at the moment
- no good female mating choice a lot of them are either retarded lefties and smoke and drink or are militant feminists.

Anglo kikes took 300 years to corrupt us and the Frogs
It took them 75 years to totally kike the USA
You convicts in rooland don't really bear much consideration. Youve done the edge up nicely admittedly. You need to pull your finger out.

Move to the countryside - simple life and cheap
Import an estonian/latvian bride
Breed like rabbits

I already planned that for the future. My city where I live is most likely one of the worst ones here.


They are far too depressed to actually fall in love

Hamburg ?

What city you in? Berlin?

No theyre just not manically grinning and superficial like american wenches.


>I never liked krauts
No you prefer niggers because you're a nigger.

Berlin - full of leftists,feminists and deviants - urghh
Save money,acquire capital and then proceed with your countryside relocation plan. And godspeed Krautanon

Yep that sums it up.Thanks

He's a mutt - he can't help it - his nation is run by jews and obsessed with niggers

Very valid point , i'm in love with an american wench currently and it's extremely tiring. So i don't blame you for thinking that way.

Ah , Well at least surrounding Berlin you have the based east German resistance with fewer migrants than compared to the west.

My friend is going to medical school in Hamburg , and she literally cant get over the degeneracy there. Insane number of gays , and migrants, and really anything and everything vile. She's from Bremmen and shes red pilled as fuck. (she went to school in the states). They're out there , brother