Niggle me this, atheists

How can Christianity and Islam (basically the sister religions) come from absolutely nothing and end up being the most dominant religions by far in less than 1500 years?
Why not any other religion?
Why is it that the ONLY challenge that they ever had was each other? Pagan religions got btfo so fucking hard its almost sad to look back at.

How can you possibly deny there is some kind of divine intervention that gives these two sister religions +10 all stats?

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How come there is no mention of kangaroos in any religious text?

no mention of the Jews in your holy trifecta there user pls xpln


Why bother making thread, everyone knows atheists are virgin cucks with no mental or spiritual capacities and are just here as NPCs to fuck with Gods chosen.

Because not even transcendent ethereal beings who live on higher planes of existence want anything to do with Australia

Because they slaughtered everybody in their way and imposed it on the people by force

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came from jewish lies
spread by roman swords
maintained by violent and vicious overlording insitutions who murdered anyone you didn't tow the line
fake news passed parent to child over a thousand years with abuse and threats

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You know what those two religions have in common, right?

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>they believe this is an argument
yeah, it just so happened out of pure coincidence that it was exactly Christianity and Islam that completely dominated everything, and it was just a mere coincidence that Jesus managed to become the king of the world despite being spat on and crucified.

its good for keeping sheep under control....well it used to be.

Both created by the Jews?

Buddhism and Hinduism are sister religions, wow what a coincidence they ended up being the biggest religions on earth. Must make them true

most hindus and buddhists are just atheists, and both of them got/getting quite btfo by Christianity and Islam in terms of conversions

>Divine intervention caused success
Or it might have been the church burning at the stake, drowning, torturing, starving and ruining anyone who disagreed.
>Jesus managed to become the king of the world despite being spat on and crucified.
You have a strange definition of ruling and succeeding.

Nobody is converting to your shit except retarded third world trash, anyone intelligent is rejecting it. It's largely disappeared from western europe, and is gradually disappearing in america as well

Ancient Russia was baptized by "Fire and Sword".
Google the history of the baptism of Novgorod.
Abrahamic regligions, especially Christianity, are the bloodiest cults in the history of mankind.

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islam had it easy, expanding into war-torn byzantium and collapsed sassanids.
christianity had it much harder, being persecuted for 300+ years before the roman empire degenerated to such an extent that they got a christcuck emperor who legalized it.

point being they all suck and OP is a faggot

Muslim here.
Islamic monotheism is logically consistent and very hard to defeat as an idea and ideology.
Thats why people who attack Islam attack Muhammad and call him a pedo and warlord etc. They know the monotheism is bulletproof.

Islam is inconsistent with modern scientific understanding.

They came from the jewish faith which in itself was not new, and is based off older texts and traditions
Also this

the golem speaks

>How can you possibly deny my argument from ignorance?

They're militaristic and have historically put populations of opposing Faith's to the sword

maybe it has something to do with starting with the emperor of the most powerful empire on earth and a desire to spread itself like a virus, something pretty much no non abrahamic religion does?

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>rings are literal gas cookers
lmao poor russia

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>sister religions

Islam is a pagan religion whose prophet is a pagan pedophile that kissed a black stone and promoted violence, rape and murder.

Jesus is NOTHING like that.

Not to mention Allah (Ba'al/Stan) and YHWH are two different entities, YHWH being the true God and Allah being Ba'al aka Beelzebub.

These two are only sister religions in the eyes of the mainstream, the ignorant masses who get their information from whatever they hear on tv and radio.

>YHWH being the true God
This is your brain on semitic storm cults

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Any polytheism that practiced forced conversion would still exist right now.

Hindus have a clusterfuck of gods and Buddhist believe in a sapient energy field that controls the universe.

>hey, why do the religions that threaten endless hellfire for non believers spread like cancer?
You are also saying that popular things = better/true things. If that is the case than everything normie is better/true.

Most of then didn't because they weren't savage golems

Hindus believe in the sapient energy and the clusterfuck of gods are different personal manifestations of it
Buddhists believe in transitory phenomenons that are bound by nothingness.

Polys didnt believe in a one true X they accepted gorillions of gods existed but their people would worship only their pantheon.

My point exactly

>How can you possibly deny there is some kind of divine intervention that gives these two sister religions +10 all stats?
They were born out of slavery and used to shackle the minds of the slaves. eat some mushrooms faggot! God is a mushroom!

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Based retard

Christianity can be explained away by Roman incompetence of using it for slaves but then letting it go too far

False, God did die for our sins. His earthly name was Adolf Hitler.

It made it easier for Germ to obey too, however the religion destroyed the true cultural diversity of our race.

>divine intervention
What? Muhammad clearly just took notes from the existing systems of spirituality when making his own, much like the Baha'i' followers are spinning off their own religion from Islam, or much like how Christianity borrowed several elements of the Jesus story from other spiritualities of the time, or like how different sects of Buddhism have spun off from the main branch over time. Most successful religions seem to build off the dominant forms around them when they're starting out, such that success begets success. Consider Mormons vis a vis Christianity; theoretically a very similar religion, except Mormons have a whole separate holy book. This is just because people dislike stepping outside their experience too much to jump to a whole new religion and would rather take what they have, edit out the parts they don't like, and then continue on as though they've changed nothing "important." Or that they only got the religion back to its real roots, like a Protestant might claim. There's nothing about the branching sets of revisions and modifications to existing spiritual systems that necessarily suggests some kind of shared truth that they all outline.

NB, this is why paganism is having such a hard time and will likely never take off. Beyond paganism having gone too long without an update, the practice of it requires people to step completely outside of their experience and relearn everything from the ground up, which almost nobody likes to do, hence no broad acceptance of the movement. If pagans want to get somewhere they will probably have to glue their gods to the Christian church, as that's where they'll find receptive minds; like some kind of reverse version of making Saturnalia into Christmas.

Also NB, I'm atheist and don't buy into any of this shit.

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because abrahamics quite literately killed off their opponents using the state and religion and economic assaults as their vehicles of mass destruction and outright murder and genocide of non-abrahamic faiths

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they both claim to belong to Abraham, the super patriarch jew of abrahamism?

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They were the most forced memes, that's it.

>(basically the sister religions)
Alright retard, one simple thing: HAZING.
All desert religions are based on one principle: mark a group of people as chosen, rape them either physically or mentally or both so that the fathers will do the same to their children bc they're literally traumatized and in need of confirming themselves and what happened to them (doesn't have to be recognized rationally by the victim), and let the HATE spread like plague, that's what you are and how you reproduce, not by logic, not by love, but by clan vs clan mentality and projecting the damage they've done to you to everybody else, jewish circumcision is child sacrifice, (((christians))) communion is human sacrifice, and islam is just a fucking hot pile of a shitty mess.


>you're literally a rape victim and you don't realize it, like rape victims do
>it's not your fault but you have to wake the fuck up
>your parents lied to you

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they didn't come from absolutely nothing, religions have been evolving since any written language started.

Whose tube true God YHWH or El christcuck?

Well in Islam he stabs the boy but Allah in his infinite mercy replaced him with a lamb.

A.K.A How God Saved Jesus our Lamb!!

Dunn Dunn dunn

Why would the Bible talk about fucking kangaroos? How is that even relevant to Christianity?

>HURRR DUUURRRR Why would the Bible talk about fucking kangaroos? How is that even relevant to Christianity?

>meme flag
Are you going to answer the question, you faggy mongoloid?

Jews always create cults based on their retarded religion and philosophies then shove it upon everybody's asses, like communism, feminism, SJWs,...

You have been visited by the Win Worley of dead and dying spiritual kingdoms.

Satan's kingdom is coming to an end soon, but only if you take up your authority in Christ and go to war against the hosts of hell (Ephesians 6:12).

To begin, come to the Lord with the following prayer in you heart and on your lips:
>Dear Lord God, I am a believer who professes your Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. As an heir of salvation, I am aware of the tremendous power and authority which you have delegated to me through your Son and your Word. Dear Lord, I now wish to exercise this authority for the furtherment of your glory and kingdom.
>In accordance with Luke 10:17-20, I claim authority over all of the enemy spirits.
With the above, you now outrank all powers, authorities, dominions, principalities, world rulers, kings, princes, Satan and all angelic ranks.
>In accordance with Matthew 21:21-22, I claim authority over all the enemy's Earthly institutions, corporations, agents, entities, etc.
The above gives you ground to launch an offensive against, for example, Google.
>In reference to Hebrews 1:14, I request protection against the blows of the enemy.
Very important. If you start praying warfare prayers, you're going to be on Satan's hit list pretty quickly.
>I bind the above to the third heaven in accordance with Matthew 18:18.

With the above, you can now wage war in the heavenlies. How you do this is up to you; plan and strategise.
For example, suspect a member of high society is engaging in nefarious activities? Send a spirit of revelation to enter into their midst, if something is being hidden, it'll become known. When it is known, continue to pray by sending out appropriate spirits to protect the course of justice.

Couple of videos on the subject:

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Because not every religion ordains that you must spread it. That imperative exists only in christianity and Islam, and your 'anyone can be a christian if I die off to make way for BASED christian niggers that's okay' mindset has proven to be not self-sustaining in the long run.

>as an heir of salvation
>muh lord and savior, only son of god
>muh magic words ooga booga, i claim authority over spirits


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Why would the Bible talk about fucking kangaroos? How is that even relevant to Christianity?

Probably because Australia wasn't even settled, and thus nobody even knew what kangaroos were.

Please continue screeching, demon. I haven't got my fill yet.

Might have something to do with violent expansion in colonies under European Christian control and other under Arab Caliphate control, just guessing

Because they succeeded in killing off enough of every other religion to win.

YHWH = Yahweh
YAHOSHUA (JESUS) = "Yahweh Saves"

Yahweh is God, Yeshua is Yahweh in human form, the salvation.