Feral cat cull

I think the feral cat problem is out of hand in Australia with feral cats of 15kg(33lbs) becoming commonplace ,can anyone think of a solution short of hunting them out with rifle team.

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Do not reply to this man he works for AFP

Just import another animal that eats them. Worked well before.


Let em keep growing and they'll take care of that emu problem for ya, cunt.

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We are trying but just like the cane toad the predator we imported prefers a different environment in this case the metro areas of the capital cities.

i love cats,don't kill them please

Don't you have eagles? Yeah cats suck

People are feeding them, I can almost totally assure you.
And when I say "people," I hope you realize I actually mean "millions of infertile, childless women"

Faggots eat cats?

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i suggest importing hungry chinese people

Nothing short of extermination will actually fix the problem. Bleeding hearts who want them spayed and neutered are not stopping them from eating native wildlife. There needs to be a concerted effort to physically hunt feral cats down and cull their numbers.

Asians ...


Maybe you could sell them some and claim it is the Tassie Tiger and that it will make their penis' visibly larger,

OP 'allegedly' works for the AFP

no, see you imported the well off chinese who prefers to prey on you properties, a fat chinaman will not go after cats you should have gotten hungry chinese

you heartless bastard

Nah I'm good

how can one tell a locust is full? all you can observe is the barren drain earth in their wake.

Cheers mates ill remind the lads that everything you post is really satire and to stop making a profile.

pewww peewww imma get some more tonight mate.

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Don't you guys have a huge, huge mouse problem in the outback though? Just ship them out to rural stations and you increase your grain production while avoiding a significant boom in snake populations.

Cane toads killed all the snakes.

you aussies are lower than animals
chinese will eat you

We shoot feral dogs too. Going to start crying faggot? Now clean my toilet.

didnt you polish subhumans doing this to human beings less then a century ago?

cats have nice fur, create a marked and they will dissapear in months

They're cute. Send me one

aren't you doing that already, with chinese? They eat cats?

put a big trail of food leading up to the top of ayers rock mate
cats love high places and boongs hate things climbing their rock, hopefully the resulting war will eliminate both

Sorry mate i can't send uncle merv he has a respectable criminal record so they won't give him a passport.

Do you really want a second chapter in that emu war ?

Surrender before they team up with emus. Remember what happened previously.

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im not crying. im just stating your inferiority
we fight germans russians or turks, you fight cats and emus, but lose to emus
chinese will eat your sorry inferior ass

Lose to germans, get occupied by russians, raped by turks, clean toilets for everyone else. Quite the history of being europe's doormat they walk across on their way somewhere more important. The emus have now been assimilated, they fight for us now.


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>Australia officially becomes a chink colony
>they start slaughtering cats

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try harder white nigga

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>small dicked ausfags get creampied by emus so they take their rage out on cats

we won majority wars against germans, we occupied moscow for a year with our king being crowned tsar and ended ottoman empire with biggest cavalry charge in human history
you lost war with fucking emu birds
they cant even fly ffs

I wondered why the local Chinese food shop got cheeper

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good, kill more of these overrated pet scum

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Based and anglo pilled

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Good place to put them, right near Broome, so they can get on with the cleaning.

feral cats are not household kittycats

just like a muslim
cant compete against humans or birds, lashes out on cats and dogs

Yeah top stuff bloke. Let me know when the boys are coming around so I can disable my security stuff.

>the cats are fighting back and eating the Chinese

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the fine sheilas are both good fly if your a real sweetheart with a taste for dark meat

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Same DNA.

>can anyone think of a solution short of hunting them
Domestic cats are biological weapons and the single most destructive thing ever introduced on fragile ecosystems.

the best part is im making dosh for my local community and helping out to make earth a better place .

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>australia slaughters wild cats

They're mostly hybridized mutts. The cat you got from the pet store is not the same as a second/third/tenth generation feral cat.
Cats can go through 5 generations in 10 years. They're like big rats.

i figured some of the ngoonga over that way are pretty cluey by bushman standards and the polish are fucking retarded by white standards so they might find common ground and get along pretty well.

Oh shit there are bounties out for these things?
I'm tired of shooting vervet monkeys
spot me a seat, I'll bring the beer

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>the best part is im making dosh
oh that's why you hate them
>t.pic rel

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You caused WW2. Lost russia to a bunch of jews. Ottoman empire is like beating up a retard and the mongols had more horses. You do clean a good toilet but the Ukies are better prostitutes.

God, you're stupid.

Not a bounty per se but the state conservation and environment departments contract locals from small communities to keep them to a minimum.

They DNA tested feral cats all over the country. They all came from a small founder group. Which native species of canine are they hybrids with? The Blue Mountain panther?

>krautoids kill cats due to being retarded
>rats spread unchecked
>rats that have fleas on them
>fleas that have the Black Death on them
>Europe fucking dies
>Poles kept cats
>Poland barely affected

And create a race of really lazy cleaners.

i don't hate them i have 2 cats a a dog as pets (all which i found in my hunting got lucky i was having a bad day and they did something adorable) , and that quote is out of context don't try jew me white nigger .

Kek haven't see one of them used as a bong like that fucking shark

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Irrelevant. Cats are destroying Australia's ecosystem.

Only a pole would be stupid enough to try and keep a feral cat as a pet. Get a proper pet like a funnelweb.

mexicans 2'0 whiter yet blacker

australia had an ecosystem? it's literally a giant desert surrounded by an ocean

15 kg? how did they get so big, what cat breed did they release in wild?

faggot your whole country is barely bigger then our smallest mainland state.

>Ottoman empire is like beating up a retard

lmfao but you lost to them so badly that you turned it into a national holiday (ANZAC Day). And that was when the Ottoman Empire was in its death throes.

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hit a nerve did I?
>sand bongoloid

Bring in a new species to hunt them. That's always worked out great for you guys.
Also, how the fuck are there cats? Everything on that island of yours wants to kill you...

We didn't lose. Can't even go camping for a bit and then take a boat out for a fish without some turk claiming he's got one over on you.

>Australia has a total of 1340000km2 of forest,
Poland total area-312,679 km2
more laughing at your substandard grasp of geography

>We didn't lose

>Result: Ottoman victory

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>and the single most destructive thing ever introduced on fragile ecosystems.
So you've never heard of women?

Great source faggot. How tell me about how 9/11 was done by muslims with boxcutters.

>i'll give him examples of historical illiteracy, that'll show him
>most pictures of multiple cats he killed
>cant post the one of his cat pets he keeps alive
>uses those claims as argument anyway
>i'm totally not a jewish rat goyim

I don't think Poles rape their own daughters...

You do know how much harm cats cause? If you want those wild cats to live you are the one thats a heartless bastard.

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Dude, you have dozens of monuments all over your country cucking out to Ataturk because the Ottomans pushed your shit in so hard. lmfao

You took the KARA BOGA BBC up your ass so hard that you loved it. Just accept it, user.

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Lol. We have retards in Melbourne rescuing injured foxes.

>most pictures of multiple cats he killed
and there are 25mln australians with 40% of them being foreigners

You have a menorah on the lawn of the white house.

Implying the "emu war" wasnt two bruces getting shitfaced instead of doing their job.

they cant even fly

I dunno guys...
We tried extermination with this one species known as the North American Feather Ape once.
It just got replaced by something worse.

I need hunting photos on my PC for work ,pics of my cats are on my phone

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Sucks but if they're a problem fuck it, blast 'em.

gorgeous fullah aint he i like how he gets bunny blood allover his white chin makes him look adorably savage.

God you're an annoying fuck. You're too effeminate to understand that feral animals aren't pets and don't act like it. Treat them like animals, you dumb bitch.

Ship over all the pitbulls from America

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Please just kill them, every outdoor cat is fair game. This is coming from someone who cares deeply about the environment and also loves animals. Cats are too much of an efficient predator, they are responsible for so many rodent, bird, and reptile declines and extinctions. If you own a cat, keep them indoors. They'll be perfectly happy in an indoor environment and are less likely to get hurt or catch parasites and diseases. If you want to give your cat an outdoor experience, there are plenty of tug proof cat harnesses on the market right now.