Big splash in Financial Times today attacking "Capitalism", they're afraid

biggest globalist shilling machine out there attacks globalist ideology (uses phrase "rentier capitalism) to try and save its own skin. what a time to be alive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>free market capitalism
>centrally planned money supply

What works for high IQ China won't work for Africa or Afrimerica. No -ism exists to save Afrimerica.

This has been the push for a long time. It's why "stakeholders" has become a buzzword.

The purpose of a company is to maximize profit for its' shareholders (owners). That's it. But every business school for the last 10+ years has been talking about "stakeholder" interests.

Yes, because when you're making business decisions you need to think about the effect on your employees and vendors and local government people. Unprofitable division? You can't close it, think of the employees! Bad vendor? You can't leave them, they're a minority-owned business!

none of these scenes will ever work. you can't make the free market care and regulations are anathema to the free market.
our system is fatally flawed and our enemies know it. happenings are coming soon.

Unrestrained capitalism is the root of all of our evils. Well, that and the Jews. Business must line up with the national interest, and not be in opposition to the people.

Pic related.

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All businesses do, its called public good.
The problem is no one is held accountable.
Business licenses need to be pulled and they never are.

>Business must line up with the national interest
I hope you're not advocating for Bolshevism--
>and not be in opposition to the people.
Aha, equating national decision-making apparatus with the will of the people is a great foundation for totalitarian bureaucratic socialism aka stalinism.

What you call "holding business accountable" sounds like "dishonestly throwing friends and relatives to the wolves/mob" to the ones in power. As one hand washes the other, the upper echelons of business and government are like endless circlejerks of hands rubbing each other raw. Nothing will change for the better until the people acutely realize that their supposed delegates in the government are not working in their interests, and that requires a foundation to organize on - some massive and clear-cut case of corruption permeating all levels of the global political and economy, something that even someone too retarded to understand Panama Papers or too forgiving would have no choice but to criticize.
Of course, there's a possibility of this instability aiding external enemies, or that the upper class would panic and plow our world into a proverbial Pennsylvanian field while screaming snackbar just to make sure the plebs don't win.

Read the article. Kind of a whitepill that serious, big-time financial analysts are rallying against monopolies, tax loopholes and "too-big-to-fail" government bailouts. Dunno if they'll do shit about it, but at least it's good to see them condemning these things.

Throw (((them))) from Helicopters

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People are waking up to how the game is rigged. No ones getting distracted by the “it’s not REAL capitalism” meme anymore.

Unironically yes, but since business ethics has been removed from most American schools (hmmm) I’m not surprised you parrot this turbo kike attitude. Why don’t we just outsource every job in America, since Asians can do it cheaper?

>equating national decision-making apparatus with the will of the people is a great foundation for totalitarian bureaucratic socialism aka stalinism
Too bad the only available alternative is to get raped by Amazon and McDonald's.

Wtf I love corporations outsourcing and importing millions of shitskins now

Android app? Give me a link.

Those who run businesses make it so they are not accountable.
A democratic government is not strong exist to resist the money and influence of wealthy capitalists. It is that simple.

If capitalism naturally arises in nearly every system and those currently in control of capitalism are evil people, then why not hit the reset?

These corrupt wealthy people are actual real life people with names.
If you don't want to overthrow capitalism to remove the parasites then I guess you want the other, more direct option?

Capitalism works fine when fiscal and monetary policy dont fuck with it.

Its been proven time and time again.
But fiscal policy is over run with leftists welfare addicts
And monetary policy is owned by jews.

Looks like a boy to be honest

If there's no free market in capital there's no free market capitalism.

I read it.

The writer is right. Capitalism isn't the problem. Banks magically being more profitable than every other industry is the problem.