Minnesota beating dindus were caught and charged


Half of the suspects charged in the robberies. Top row (lt to rt: Alexis Dillard-Grayer, Adrian Cooper, Ade Davis. Middle row (lt to rt: Cornell Parker, Boris Lusmbo, Antonio Morrow. Bottom row (lt to rt): Vincent Nelson, Kareem Shavers, Jamar Robinson (credit: Hennepin Co. Jail)

These people were not immigrants.

Attached: Minneapolis-Cellphone-Robberies-Suspects-2.jpg (640x377, 84K)

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I like how the news article tries to make you feel sorry for these niggers.

linguistic actrobatics

Dey dindu du nuffin

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Correction, Lusumbo is a Central Africa immigrant.

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>wont be prosecuted

Help me find these guys on FB so I can chat with them.

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I see doctors, lawyers and engineers.

I wonder ((((why)))))

This Jamar Robinson?

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just more money from the system alone for this type of stuff.

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We'll put it in the debit column on our reparations spreadsheet.

>After the recent arrests, police said robberies dropped to just three in one week earlier this month. Regardless, Bhakta plans to keep his guard up.
Goddamn thieving monkeys.


Bleaching niggers doesnt help. Race mixing is a sin. These subhumans are living proof.

obama's sons at work

Looks like him. Fat, chin beard, hearline into tiny forhead

I didn't know Minnesota is an african city. It's literally all niggers and the few remaining whites get assaulted by racist niggers.
Fucking clown world.

Hans tell us how you are succeeding in life

I am doing good

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>“Many of these juveniles that are affected by this are part of just coming out of incarceration and they don’t have any hope at home, there’s nothing there, and so they come downtown where there’s a little bit of everything and they’re waiting on somebody to prey on,” said V.J. Smith, founder of MAD DADS Minneapolis.
He seems more concerned about the well being of the attackers, and has nothing to say about the victims who were beaten and robbed.

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letting niggers into the blue wall states was genius politically. they are getting a mass redpill on race realsim and will never vote democrat again

yeah. every other race puts itself first. it's only whites that don't do that.

This fucking dindu apologist

Its like theres this entire cottage industry around this shit - stop the violence, mad dads, etc

None of it seems to work

Burn it all down

>Imagine having conceal carry permit reciprocity with Minnesota.
>Take a Friday night flight/drive to there for a little weekend visit.
>Only roam the streets alone at night during attempting to get robbed.
>Kill the 16 year old thugs in self defense.
>Return home Sunday from your mission work.
>Tell everyone at work of your awesome weekend.

Prolly much like coyote killing. One less predator and no bag limits.

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and if you are accused of going out trying to start trouble you just admonish them for victim blaming

Why do they all look the same with different hair ffs nigbots

I wish Ed Buck would move here...

racemixers are usually genetic garbage
women only go with men that are on equal or higher social status.
imagine the low iq goblins tier white women that generally racemix. They are possibly making niggers even worse.

The trouble finds hunter/fisherman.
The bait could literally be 4channing while seated on a bench.
>I want to be a victim too!

A new kind of tourism!

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They need the death penalty. Anything else is not justice.

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You have to understand user, those poor juveniles have nothing else. They are the real victims here.

We should make them fight to the death for our entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less. Such is the whole of their worth.

They'll hardly even be charged and the media will bury this in two weeks or less.

Literal animals, dirty fucking niggers



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maybe the ones who have some self-awareness. the rest just move to a white area and continue voting straight blue.

Plus 3 more shot and killed in Georgia, so all in all a good week.

Those fucking faces.
Dead-eyed savages.

Minnesota is not a city. It is almost all white with the heart of the bigger towns chock full of niggers as that is where the welfare services and gibs are easiest to get at.
Every American city has a nigger wellfare core. They do not work, just live on welfare, theft and drug dealing.

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