Why are Swedes so superior to other Europeans?
Why are Swedes so superior to other Europeans?
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That chart is dominated by Union Jacks
19 discoveries made by the UK and 18 by Sweden. Now compare our population size
>Swedes discovered Oxygen
Thanks Sweden, now I can breath
Really ancient Greeks or someone else in antiquity didn't know about it?
Polish IQ. Things can exist especially if humans can't see it without us "discovering". Bacteria existed for ages, yet it was only recently discovered
dont say anything to controversial now Sven, your government might have to re-educate you
Ireland is more recognizable than Sweden, you aren’t superior to anyone.
its true that some of the swedish women are top-tier, but like, the swedes are also kindof french and gay
now take into account the fact that biology is for girls, physics is for boys and chemistry is for trans fags. Also count the united states flag as an anglo one aswell.
Reeee make radium and polonium all polish
We Wuz Greta n'sheeeit
>Basic elements that would have been discovered otherwise.
Yeah good job Sven. Now fix your country.
Because swedes mastered the art of alchemically breaking down nigger semen into it's basic elements inside their own assholes
Austrians are German by default.
Europe BTFO, again.
Heil Hitler!
>uses French as an insult
t. oilnigger
Only britbongs government does that so far. At least make you're bants factually correct.
The french has been a good ally to us thorough out the centuries so can't deny their influence.
hehehe, i love you my dudes, france and sweden is cool i'm just teasing ya
Love you to bud
Racially they are advanced spiritual autists with probable special powers. Unfortunately, they now appear to have gone mad and are welcoming monsters into their base for no apparent reason or reward. They are very stuck on this idea. Their high spirit autism prevents reflection and plan restructuring around their former error. Women went from being an almost unattainably beautiful ideal to uncorrectable, unbearable, insufferable misandric civilization wrecking cunts.
Lol US discovers most of the radioactive elements.
27% of Swedes / Swedish people don't have a fridge.
They haven't learned how to live properly in the modern world.
Six of Swedens discoveries come from german Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
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