this was posted before pizza gate broke. more images in comments.
This was posted before pizza gate broke. more images in comments
who are they ?
paris's twitter account is a sewage pipe and what comes out the other end is the result.
its because her dad etc : and joseph is hooked up to a shit ton of big companies.
user? It's a pizzeria? A real one? That serves pizza?
How is it possible that a person could be as hopelessly delusional as yourself? Are you mentally ill?
OK but do these people have any relation to child rapists or are they shilling for a pizza joint?
Gee I dunno user what's the most logical conclusion? The child rape, of course, and if you can't find evidence, well, that just means they hid it really good and DEFINITELY are guilty.
>these people
Paris Jackson is Michael Jackson's daughter.
No, but you definitely have a problem if this is your reaction.
>Implying James Alefantis Rothschild isn't an avowed Satanist and pedophile ring leader like Jeffrey Epstein
Therefore every pizzeria owner is? Therefore every single person that has ever taken a picture with a slice of pizza is?
Oh, user... your mind is so unwell. It's almost not funny.
oh shit... i ordered pizza the other night. what have i done?
>Therefore every pizzeria owner is? Therefore every single person that has ever taken a picture with a slice of pizza is?
No. thats not what i said.
>your mind is so unwell.
and you're probably too young to be here. go back to twitter.
pretty strong reactions.
>No. thats not what i said.
Holy shit were those words under your post reply? No? That's because I was replying to another poster, not you. What the fuck?
>and you're probably too young to be here. go back to twitter.
I'm young because my immediate reaction to a picture of a person standing in front of a painting of pizza isn't "oh fuck those guys are pedo rapists"?? Are you retarded?
anyway i'm out. enjoy sperging out and reeeing harder than a twelvie with no likes over something you clearly missed the point on. also read the names, if that helps.
>I'm young because my immediate reaction to a picture of a person standing in front of a painting of pizza
why arent you calling her Paris Jackson since she's Michael's daughter and thinking i'm fool enough to not know what you're trying to do?
keep reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing this hard it's so obvious.
oh shit, someone liked pizza?! FUKING PEDOPHILES!
>imagine that. some bitch cares soo hard about this she's losing her fucking mind
>whats your next response psycho
no, this was posted in the initial dump of data that went into the pizza gate theory, like i fucking said.
you dont have to be so edgy. are you all okay?
Take your meds
like i said i'm out, y'all fuckin unstable.
pls don't come back
OP front company's still sell to the public that's the point of them.
>this was posted in the initial dump of data that went into the pizza gate theory, like i fucking said.
>Take your meds
>pretty strong reactions.
its like wow man how hard you fuckers care and i wonder why
good shot thanks. looks like paris is on Jow Forums trying to deflect. i wonder if she's as hard for attention here as she is on twitter and instagram.
people wonder how these data dumps happen and dont realise the enormous fucking amount of data behind her family, probably because twelvies arent allowed on Jow Forums but they come here anyway to show us what retarded 5 year olds sound like.
>looks like paris is on Jow Forums trying to deflect
Dude you need psychiatric help for real. It's not funny anymore, you seem genuinely unironically serious.
So is bloody angle wings pedo-code for you can kill the kidnapped baby after you fuck it?
Glow nigger that’s trying to make us seem like paranoid retards, go on, post in your shitty blog about how crazy we are
a poo like joo would not even be able to lift that gun let alone fire it without splintering your body.
bump explain and i’ll bump more
>asking easily answered questions instead of searching for yourself