If a person who doesn't speak your language can steal your job, it's only your fault. They work for less? You can also do that.
If a person who doesn't speak your language can steal your job, it's only your fault. They work for less...
Wrong, humans have standards. If somebody is ready to work 19 hours a day for 3$ an hour doesn't mean I have to as well.
That's your choice. And you must face the consequences.
No, I can just not let in people that don't share the mentality of the population.
you guys have any spaghetti?
>If a person who doesn't speak your language can steal your job, it's only your fault. They work for less? You can also do that.
If rich people can pass laws flooding the country with cheap labor, we can pass laws taxing the shit out of said rich people and transfering their money to us.
>we the poor people
>can pass laws
good luck with that
A lot of ukrainans go to Italy for work. You must be really cucked to allow that. kill them all immidiately.
nice bot posts jidf
remember to change your vpn before replying
No. I am cancer and I will talk to copypasta and ther's nothing you can do to stop me.
Are you faggot or just a retard. I'm from Italy. We don't need to use a VPN. Our ISP's don't give a fuck about what we do online. If I need anonymity I'll just use tor.
You are the problem. People like you don't aim at becoming rich. You just want other people's money. Steal jobs not money.
Again. Your problem.
Kek I was thinking the same thing user
Keep telling yourself that like.some kind of mantra.
A free market only works inside of strong borders. When have a globalized free market, people will suffer. People in rich countries will have their wages drastically suppressed whole poor countries will be exploited for resources, even cheaper labor, and garbage disposal.
The only people that truly benefit are the oligarchs.
Look at the last 50 years of history as reference.
I would expect no less from a pasta nigger.
another dago wop who thinks his karma isn't
on its way home.
Yes, let make the whole world wage slaves desperately undercutting each other for the scant peanuts our masters feel incline to throw to us.
I don't need to. I have a well paying job cause I worked and studied hard to get it.
What the fuck you talking about?
>it's okay to lower the standards of living of the average person by overloading the supply of workers
If a corrupt financier is only willing to pay wages that will only be accepted by bumbling fucktards who don't meet health and safety standards of any kind, it's your fault goyim
All I'm saying is if you don't want immigrants to steal your jobs aim at something that they won't be fit for. All I see is immigrants cleaning toilets or working at factories. The exception is pajeets.
If you can't do anything other than labor work, it's all on you. You should've chosen a different path.
And that is why free market faggots need to die
>just make yourself equal to an indial peasant lol
Can only work for so little before it's below the legally set minimum. Companies need to be forced to not go below that. Politicians need to be forced to stop fucking letting huge crowds of illegals in to work for said illegal wages while also trying to push for HIGHER minimum wages to exacerbate the issues.
Start executing companies & sending fuckers to jail & see how fast they comply. Never happen though, because this country is fucking totally owned.
If anything this is proof that unfettered capitalism is a race to the bottom. National Socialism is the only way forward.
Get the fuck out of my country roaches
Oh. My. God. How fucking retarded are you? I'm saying don't waste your fucking life. Study. Do something to make your life better. It's not immigrants fault that your dropped out of school or you chose a shit major. A major that isn't even required to get a job because immigrants can do that job.
Please stop using these non sense terminology. All I'm saying is you are the reason why a imminigger is doing your job.
Der ewige bümer
Not. Your. Country. People like you don't own anything so you think that you at least have your country, which in reality couldn't give less fucks about you.
>you are the reason why a imminigger is doing your job
Because we haven't yet brutally slaughtered & replaced those high up in this system who are responsible? Yeah.
Otherwise, lol, no.
Please stop using that nonsense meatball VPN.
In a generation or two, the immigrants will desire just as much as a bitchy white middle classer.
Ok. Now I understand that the illegal that took your job had a better vocabulary than you.
A single thread in a tapestry, though it's color brightly shines, can never see it's purpose, in the pattern of the grand design
And the stone that sits on the very top, of the mountains mighty face, does it think its more important than the stones that form the base?
I'm an engineer, my old boss tried to replace my department with curries, then our products (truck brakes) had to be recalled for safety issues, then the cunt tried to rehire us. No non-whites will ever meet safety requirements of any kind, I wasn't just talking about building sites
So how can you see what your life is worth, by wealth or strength or size? You can never see through the eyes of man.
See. This is what I'm saying. Any whitie to does labor work can be replaced. Just study and your job will be irreplaceable.
Manual labor jobs don’t take that much communication
Why do young white men who don’t want to work in big brained office jobs get to be sold out and turned to slaves?
>terrone thread
Why pay them at all if they work so cheap? Just keep in in houses on your property and whip them when they go slow.
Well I have money, a job and a family. What do you consider a happy life?
>Why do young white men who don’t want to work in big brained office jobs get to be sold out and turned to slaves?
Because they didn't want to study when they could and they certainly don't have the mental capacity to do it now.
Getting to not be Italian, the clowns of the human species.
"be a slave, or own them"
-Mario Mario, 2019
I don't give a fuck what you do with them. If you actually understood what this thread is about you'll know what I'm talking about. I'm saying let them break their backs with shit jobs. Just don't be retard and get a big brain job.
>own slaves!
Mama Mia that's a spicy shitpost!
How's that alimony shit going on Greg? Still have some money left for some beers?
And why are you shitting on the working class for not all being big brained cubicle worker cucks? Why should they be sold out? Because it makes a few people richer?
>Just study and your job will be irreplaceable
Like all 10s of thousands of asians who study for law/medical at Harvard because there are actually too many of them in China and get shit pay.
Yeah, we have to account for merits of people all around the world instead of looking out for fellow Americans. You pinkos get cleverer by the day I swear.
One not spent in destitution and slavery of the fiat monetary system and military industrial complex.
Yes. Don't be slave. Own those fuckers. Work hard, start your own business and employ those faggots. You people are looking at this from the outside, as poor people. Just imagine owing a business, you will only "employ" those fuckers.
Jokes on you, I get work by being so fluent in two languages I can be an interpreter/translator, and I live in such a low demand area that I effectively monopolize the supply.
It's not slavery if you're paying them.
No. Because it makes them happier and richer.
Maybe in gold, but it's definitely slavery when the slave master can print it from nothing and bomb anyone who doesn't use their money
How many fucking times do I have to repeat the same shit? If anyone can get your job it just means that you're a retard. Don't be like lefties and just wish for a job to be handed over just because your an American. You see you stupid that sounds?
>Work hard, start your own business and employ those faggots
There isn’t enough demand for enough businesses to exist for each white person to have a business of shitskin slaves
You act like these slaves could afford the luxuries such as the services they provide doing their jobs. Wrong. Whites are the backbone of consumerism, the only reason nonwhites can afford anything like what we can is because of welfare, which is just money stolen from us. Were being forced to pay these slaves out of our own god damn pockets to subsidize businesses owned by others, just to devalue our own labor
they don't "steal' jobs without speaking the language of the country they reside in. they are simply easier to manage. They don't know about worker's laws, they don't know how much usually gets paid for the job or the worth of the paper they get.In short, they never get uppity because of any regulations, they don't know about. I bet I could get a syrian fellow sniffing in asbestos dust for 50 money units.
This entire act is nothing but a scam and anyone who can’t see it is a brainlet
We are paying welfare to these people to subsidize the slave wages these kike corporations pay them
>They work for less? You can also do that
But their family back home can buy food far cheaper.
But why should anyone care?
Wagecucks are subhuman. That is why robots will replace them, and eventually exterminate them.
It is a job market. Like all markets, your labor is decided by what the American People as a whole are willing to pay for that service, and what you are willing to do the service for. When you throw in an illegal worker, that is willing to do the job for less, you lower the wages of that job. So you have a libtards wanting to bring in the reason why the wages are low, while screaming we need to raise minimum wage.
>work shitty job
>struggle to find British workers so employ lots of East Europeans and South Americans
>mfw the so-called "hard working foreigner" meme is a total myth.
>find them to be lazy, unwilling to make any effort, extremely selfish and incapable of dealing with stress without blowing up
I get the impression they believed they'd be living on Easy Street over here but all I ever hear is
>diz job tuu hard
Very disappointing performance from the Rest Of The World.
>if you aren’t willing to burn 8000 calories a day eating rice, beans and shitty food for a slave wage, then it’s because you’re dumb
I see you have never worked with illegals
You don't get it. These fuckers don't want to own a big house or a nice car in your country. They are sending that money to build houses in their own country. I know a few immigrants who have started businesses in their countries by getting paid shit.
True. Just race to the bottom, bros. Things will turn out fine.
Don't get married.
They can be different in different industries
In more big corporate settings you have affirmative action but for smaller businesses or hard labor they can work way harder sometimes. But they’re burning a lot of calories for very little pay, can’t afford quality food
No it is simply racism AKA diversity at work
You don't live here. You don't know.
Once an illegal gets into a place, those jobs become for them. Because they don't want anyone having leverage over them, which legal people would.
This is actually an ancient concept. There is power in shared criminality.
Yeah that too which especially is why your little plan doesn’t work
Are you really this dumb man come on
Of course not. And I never will cause I'm not a brainlet.
>who have started businesses
what businesses? mobile phone shops and food corners? They don't make huge leaps in fuckbumistan with the money they get here.
I did when I was a kid because my dad owned a business that employed them
Nice attempt at winning the convo just by trying to say I was some dumb wage slave though
Why is that a problem? Nobody's gonna take my money. Why should I care of what happens to them or my country. Non of them cares about me.
Without mass immigration our standards of living could remain at First World levels.
Telling industrialized countries that it's their fault for wanting better lives, doesn't fix any problem. It just means employers can hire inbred goatfuckers who don't mind living in squaller.
Then you turn around and blame the citizens of that nations for disliking it?
You’re not making any sense anymore faggot
You started the thread asking about why anyone is against immigration and now you just say “oh well idc because I have money lol”
What a waste of time
Well in an increasingly global economy more and more people will be qualified for ANY job and will be willing to jump ship to Land O' The Free.
What I'm saying is unbridled capitalism will drive bosses/slave owners/whatever you call them to the lowest margins, which takes into NO account people's livelihoods even though we can clearly do that in this day and age (Scandinavian model). Just stop importing people and focus on the ones we have here for now.
No. Cement factories and other shit. When I said business I meant the real shit.
Yes because third world countries are shit and lacking in business and technology
What relevance is this?
And? What is your point?
>They work for less? You can also do that.
My union won't let me.
>first world people should adopt third world living standards so Jews can get rich
sounds awesome! maybe Mr. Silverberg will be able to upgrade his yacht this year, of only I work for less money!
I refuted you and your shitty thread and then you insult me and I call you out on that and you ask what’s the point?
Fuck you’re stupid lol
Were you born by mixing the sperm with a vodka and putting the bottle in your mum's cunt? I started the thread by saying if immigrants can steal your job then you're retard. And I'm still saying that.
that's why we have to stop the beaner invasion.
if we all know people will hire the cheapest labor they can, then we need to increase the price of the cheapest labor. If it's in a foreign country, we need tariffs. If it's domestically, we need to shut the border.
If I vote for hitler to genocide the non-humans that's okay because like what ever.
while this is true, it's NOT the actual argument for being against shitskins flooding every country
I don't know. I was just responding to a faggot and I'm too lazy to go back look at what I was responding to. What the are you saying? You're justing typing shit without any clear point.
Are all pastaniggers this retarded?
Well, how about your kids, the resolution of the fiat frenzy is ww3, coming any day now.
Doing work is such a pain anyway, why the fuck should anyone want to pick onions? Ridiculous
>Jobs still needed for survival in 2019
It's a crime against humanity that Universal Basic Income hasn't been implemented everywhere.
>Why is that a problem? Nobody's gonna take my money. Why should I care of what happens to them or my country. Non of them cares about me.
Thanks for reminding me Italians are only slightly more selfish than Jews. Should have saged the Italian shitpost...