How do I start feeling patriotic towards my own country, Jow Forums?

How do I start feeling patriotic towards my own country, Jow Forums?
I really love my country and I hope it gets better with the current government. But, amidst all the corruption and bad, modern culture (plus the fact that 45% of the population is negroes), I can't help but feel some disgust.
My ideology is nationalistic, but I can't even start feeling patriotic. How do I do it?

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Your country is your race, and your race is niggers. How could you have anything but disgust for your country?

Don't fight for the worthless people currently living in Brazil but fight for a vision for a better brazil, the old brazil.

So what’s the purpose of the wires? Is it an attempt to heat the water?

there's heating element in the shower cap itself

very chintzy and can possibly electrocute yourself using that.

you best hope to hell your 3rd world earthing wire doesnt fuck out or its elzapo

You imported slaves so it's your own fault. You don't get to be a bitch about it now.

Put the wires in your mouth and take a nice hot monkey shower

Thanks, man.

hue, can you explain the following to me:
- why are Brazilian sport fans cunty monkey retards?
- why do so many Brazilians MMA fighters take PEDs?

I fight for what we were. And will be again.

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They have those showers in Colombia too

Fight for what you believe the country should be. Don't let others get you down. Form a group arround yourself. Work out, find old patriotic music to work out to. Sing those songs loudly and proudly while lifting. Make your group grow, keep the core small. Then go into politics and thats when the real fight begins. Get the backing of a larger party, be honest.

The work makes a man.

have you seen any live murder where heart is removed from victim?

also this...

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Wtf is this setup? How do you not understand the concept of a standard boiler?

shut up. there is no electricity in colombia.

Very common in south american shitholes
See this

Attached: the jew fears the indoor chicken farmer.png (2106x1347, 3.73M)

I came here for this thank you

Blacks are part of this country and this culture. You don't have to hate them, only degenerate lefties that subverts our chance to growth.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" is the best advice i can give you. Try to make your country a better place.



Embrace the fact that you only have your tribe, and nothing else. Only they think like you, look like you, talk like you, and only among them you wont be a stranger, but a neighbour, no matter how degraded or lowly they might be.
Take my own tribe, the northren-most oblast of the butthurt belt. To be part of it means that inevitably, at one point in the future, this region will be turned into a warzone between the east and the west, and inevitably all we have built in these scant years of peace will be wiped away in hellfire and redistributed among the raiders that come here. Every man in this country has to think about what it might feel like to fight an enemy that has probably more cooks in their army than you have people in total, and every man has discussed a wonderful topic of "Will you fight when the war comes?" Not "If", but "when". And most answers you hear are on the tune of "I hope i am working as shitty scab labour far away at that moment, but probably".
And then remember, that there is nobody else in the world that is your kin, but the other doomed men beside you. You can run, but you will be a stranger everywhere else while your own inheritance is forfeit. And wherever you will run to, you will always be just a lowly slave for the end of your life, while here you at least have a chance to ascend through the hierarchy of your tribe.

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You could take matters into your own hands by disappearing the degenerates in the favelas ect. Deffinetly not suggesting a genocide or anything.

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>patriotic to a nigger nation
Dumb, you should only love your people (not niggers) if you are lucky your nation is an extention of your people (homogeneous nation) if not your only loyalty and love is with your people. Your goal to fix it is have a non nigger homogeneous nation.

>we used to be imperial
this is now a countryball thread

Attached: hueball.png (960x641, 262K)

Only happens in jail, most people are just shot.
We only have like 3 months of winter and most people that use this setup don't have money to afford the gas or the oil to turn on the boiler let alone the boiler itself.

1 nothing wrong with me..
2 nothing wrong with me..

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Just be urself user.

I feel like the weather and football are the positives to living in Brazil. Eventually Brazil will be a superpower.

niggers, please

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The 8/pol/ replacement is live: (there is no captcha, no pass, fresh new chan, no censorship of free speech, no lefties or shills, Android app support, fully open source and privacy respecting)

I don't like this picture
It cuts too deep

>residual breaker
that's pretty safe

The format of these bullshit plug-and-play slide threads is all exactly the same.

Stop falling for this shit! Stop replying to this manipulative nonsense, and shitting up this already unusable board!


Take your mind back. Take your internet back. Take your Heritage and Culture back.

Attached: We'reBack.jpg (553x900, 260K)

Hitler was right, Brazil is a lost cause

you don't
patriotism is the modern peasant's cope against lacking a real tribe

Is this how Sopa de Macaco people live?

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You have to create a new ideology in your country. Essentially a rebirth where you can pick new ideological foundations. To do that, you need to become a local leader and inspire others to feel like you feel. Once enough people share the desire to start over and "do better", you'll hit the tipping point and you can make things better.

ruski got the best deal of that

Ride this coaster

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community is greater than nation
you're a cuck if you think otherwise

It must be a relief to not be American. Whenever some dumb shit happens in the world, no one looks to Brazil for answers. I wish I wasn’t American just so I could watch the world burn and not be told (every day) that it’s my fault.

> How do I start feeling patriotic towards my own country?
> I really love my country,...

There you go, you're welcome user.

>How do I brainwash myself into being a tool?

dont listen to the racist democrats. your country is a great country, the way you can feel patriotic is have kids and a family and then begin to murder every tyrant that ever sought to steal away their future. go silently in the night.

godspeed and good luck to you user.

this is what democrats actually believe

when the wire touches the wall, do you get a surprise amigo?

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First thing I thought of when I saw this thread.