Why do you hate the jews, Jow Forums?
Why do you hate the jews, Jow Forums?
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They touched my video games. It was nothing personal.
I don't.
Every shit skin race we dissipate makes living space for white kids to raise.
Why do you not hate the jews ?
jews belong in hell
There's a high percentage of people who frequent this board with low I.Q so they are easily led astray by people with sinister plans
Because its parasitical race
Every fucking time something is off some guy with a big nose is behind it.
Every fucking time.
They are causing a European genocide using demographic replacement in every country in the world.
That's what happened to muh. Now I can't leave, even though I sincerely want to with all my heart.
I didn't ask for this. I just wanted to play video games too. Now my girl comes out of the room at 2 am wondering why I didn't come to bed yet, to see me watching Hitler speeches with a bottle of whiskey
> with low I.Q so they are easily led astray by people with sinister plans
That's a truer statement than you know.
Because they hate me.
Because they are jews
It's not hard to find a reason.
> even though I sincerely want to with all my heart.
No, you don't. If you did you would leave. Face it leaf, you love being a hateful Jew hater and hanging out with us other hateful Jew haters.
The most incel ethnos.
When I hear that "you will serve us" bullshit, I can only imagine some neckbeard in Tel Aviv furiously typing about Palestine not existing on Twitter while Ahmed and Ngubu flip his car in the weekly chimpout.
Unfortunately, some jewcels have inherited too much money to bear and now we have to deal with all this bullshit.
The jews behavior is evil and abhorent. Change that and we wont hate, but Jews cant stop.
Because they bankrolled Hitler and the Nazis
jews are the creation of the Demiurge.
A perfect race of slaves to him.
They were created to be the guardians of this fake world
so the entire world is slave to the jews and all is well in this satirical disgusting "creation"
>any effort to show the harm of circumcision is inherently antisemitic
Necrotized infant penis is but the tip of the jewberg. There are many rational reasons to hate Jews.
Demonic parasites