My feminist ex gf has corrupted my son

So after spending the summer together with his mum, he now come back asking if I could make a meat free dinner and I'm like wtf why, and he's like "mum was showing me a couple of zeitgeist animal documentaries, I can see her point of view along with other vegetarian and vegans, I don't want to eat meat anymore" I got so fucking pissed off steam was coming out my ears I think, I told him either eat what I've prepared or go fucking scrounge in the woods for a meal, and he went to his room in a huff....thing is my ex gf has been filling his head with all sorts of left wind feminist bullshit, what's next he's going to fucking start transitioning to another gender? He's my only son damn it, what can I say to my ex gf to back off?

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Way to dismantle your son's indoctrination with an emotional outburst. That will sure teach him you were right.

bullets speak loud and clear but thats up to you. i would if i had some.

And OP is gay

I made a snide comment to my 12 yo daughter about tranny shit this morning and she said "honk honk". You're just a shit parent.

You got divorced, OP? Roast the beef, smell the quiff. Beat your kid with a belt in the basement until he breaks.

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honk honk, kek

Based Aussie. How will you stop her from becoming a roastie. Serious Q not sarcasm.

Spend more time with him and take him hunting retard.
Make more money.
She's dominating him because of your shitty poor degenerate vidyas and porn and pothead lifestyle.
If you don't lead, the women take over.
That's probably why you're not married and having bastards in the first place.

This is only the beginning. He will soon start to eat meat again if you know what I mean.

If your son only rebels about eating meat, and not anything else, then you can breathe a huge sigh of relief, user

Reminder: Uncle Adolf was a vegetarian.

>that flag
>the lack of common sense so he turns to strangers
I mean what do you me to raise your kid?
If you are so stupid you dont know how to fix this on your own...user..I dont know what to say except I hope its a LARP

LOL..nice story. Just keep it simple for a boy - you either have vagina and behave like one or you don't, eat meat like a man OR you take it in the rear like a fag. LMAO

>ex gf
>your son
There's your problem user. Degeneracy breeds degeneracy.

Y'know you could start beating him, that usually helps

>getting angry at daughter
>getting angry at females
You are so weak and then you ask why your daughter is messed up?
Grow a pair

>I told him either eat what I've prepared or go fucking scrounge in the woods for a meal
Yeah, that's not going to accomplish anything.. other than him being more resolved not to eat meat. If blue pills brought him to this point, then try to feed him red pills. Be patient, and make it clear to him that even tho you disagree with him, you'll respect his wish not to eat meat. inb4 cuck, no this is literally the only way to go about it without making it worse.

Time to shoot your old lady. Man up.

Sounds like a good idea to take him out hunting sometime.

>Reminder: Uncle Adolf was a vegetarian.
Not out of pacifist horseshit but because it was a recommendation from his quack doctor.

Your ex-girlfriend is your son's mom?
You shoulda kept your fly zipped, moron.

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>having kids with a girlfriend
>not marrying the mother of your children
>dating a woman who wouldn't demand marriage
>being surprised that she's a retarded feminist
>posting a picture of a righteous Christian man

You start transitioning him. When she protests take it to the courts. Once you have full custody reverse course and raise the lad right.

Beat it queers, men are trying to have a serious discussion here.

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Just keep cooking meat for yourself. There is no way a child is going to resist the smell of bacon for long.

Teach him all about how not eating meat turns you into a giant pussy. Also stop eating eating factory farmed industrial packaged meat. That shit is disgusting and those corporations don't deserve your money. Get your meat from local sustainable farmers.

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>ex gf has corrupted my son
burn, fornicator.

sounds pretty based to me. meat is bad for humans are we are not omnivores.

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I'm going to give you the best advice but you may not like it. Here goes. Plant-based food is good. Give it a try. If you're accommodating here and admit that plants aren't Satan (so to speak) then you'll have more clout to counter truly harmful ideas.

Pic related.

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>"jews are bad"
>is christian and aspires to be jewish
Rotten from the beggining

You spend time with your daughter and treate her mostly like a man, except on some things where you point out the value and bliss from servitude to the right man, and the importance of making a strong pair bond with one worthy male.

You have to treat her as a young wife (and stop with the pedo crap, no sexual stuff), get her working about supporting the home, and point out all the unhappy post-wall roasties alone with their glasses of Chardonnay and cats.

Remind her that a child will bring her the most joy she'll ever experience, and make sure she knows you'll help her with that child if she makes a good choice with the father.

Shit like this man..

First of all, you should have known this is coming.

I date younger women, and almost all of them are vegan/veg, or have been at some point.

The social conditioning is strong.

How do you fight this? You start your conditioning before social conditioning grabs hold.

You have to inject as much redpill info into them at an early age so they can see the bullshit of things. Make sure they know where meat comes from, and how it's good for you. Point out cultures like the Inuit who only eat meat, and can survive very harsh environments because of it.

Almost every vegan I'm with says some bullshit that you need carbs to function, because they are unaware that protein can be converted to carbs.

The brain runs better off a keto diet.. and keto is a recognized treatment for schizophrenia

Start young, be strong, learn all the stupid liberal points and start countering.

Meat. Gender. Work. Gender Roles. Having Children.

From day one, educate. educate. educate.

Feed him the blandest veggies you can buy, and nithing else. Unflavored oats, mushed carrots, etc.

That wont' work dumbass when his mom is cooking properly for him. He'll just dislike going to dad's house.

Words of wisdom from a fucking Leaf.
Never thought I'd see the day.

Teaching your kid how to make healthy meatless meals is a good thing. Not every meal needs to be one, but someday your kid is going to wish he was eating enough fiber.


If OP is even still here that documentary says eggs give you cancer and its absolutely retarded. That being said factory farmed meat is disgusting and id rather not eat meat than be part of that.

You should have laughed at him, told him that was faggot talk and he'll never be respected by other men or get pussy talking like that, then handed him a steak.