>Due to the many explosions that occurred during the year, not infrequently in Malmö, the Malmö Police are now urging people to be vigilant when moving outdoors during evenings and nights. You can hit a bomb.
This is Sweden now, feeling old yet?
>Due to the many explosions that occurred during the year, not infrequently in Malmö, the Malmö Police are now urging people to be vigilant when moving outdoors during evenings and nights. You can hit a bomb.
This is Sweden now, feeling old yet?
Can you translate the comments?
>Robert Carlsson:
>In the past, one could once in a while read that the police warned of a serial rapist.
Now they warn against bombs and leagues that rob the elderly.
And the "social elite" continue to say that "it has never been safer than now". :-(
>Should you be afraid of bombs during peacetime? Then the insecurity in Löfvens Sweden has gone a long way!
>Inte ens i USA har polisen någon större erfarenhet av bomber. Bomb och handgranatsanvändning verkar vara ett direkt resultat av massimmigarationen med slapp kontroll från krigshärjade Afganistan, Irak, Syrien och det av NATO totalförstörda Libyen. >Ansvaret vilar mycket tungt på de som idag fortsätter samma politik. Med hopp om ännu fler röster från stööre och fler utanförskapsområden?
woops forgot to translate
>Even in the United States, the police have no major experience with bombs. Bomb and hand grenade use appear to be a direct result of the mass immigration with flaccid control from war-ravaged Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and NATO's totally destroyed Libya. The responsibility rests very heavily on those who continue the same policy today. With the hope of even more voices from the main and more exclusion areas?
Based muslims. Diversity is our greatest strength.
thanks for the translations, Joergen.
I wonder how long the shit show will continue until the Europeans start fighting back.
So, this is the section of the link that identifies the individual account that this was shared from on Facebook?
I give it perhaps 5 years, 10 and most. Because everywhere I look now, for example jewbook comments. The ammount of redpilled replies and logic arguments have increased by 50x in about 5 years, people are getting really angry and the only thing left to hide this fact is the media, when the media loses their jew power things will start to escelate I think.
No, I copied the link from a facebook post. I didn't share it using my facebook.
>flaccid control
I've foundout it's to track external links shared on facebook. It's to get round the upcoming ban on third party cookies that browsers will be introducing.
sweden YES
Well I tried it out and it dosn't show me at all? That's a big yikes if true tho... Can't delete the thread
I almost went there to visit on holiday. Went to Stockholm instead. Another mistake. I thought Sweden was a top tier country. I guess it was all a meme.
And to be fair this thread is Facebook tier friendly and I really don't care if people knew that i'm browsing Jow Forums.
Fuccking Kek
>Do you see something strange, a bag or a package or… A bomb can look anyway
Imagine not living a first world country.
The police will constantly do things to make the public feel unsafe and increase community fear. They start off by not turning up to break up brawls, then they move on to spreading footage of themselves being overpowered and injured by criminals. They couple this with never actually arresting any gang members. Issuing warnings for the community to take care of their own safety is the opposite of what police should do
As far as I can tell, the means to translate the id back into a user account would only be available to fb staff and law enforcement agencies.
Ohhhh, okey. That's not a biggie then
Finally you faggots are waking up. Hopefully other European countries will catch up on this.
This, that's exactly whats happening in Sweden. They don't arrest them and let them go for reasons like "he didn't have ID with him" etc, even ISIS soilders are allowed to roam the streets here.
>Don't worry, nothing has changes, it's just that you have much more information now
>Go to sleep, there's always been rape and violence
>"Walking your dog at night without getting assaulted" and "not locking your doors because you trusted your neighbours" are far right propaganda myths
>Diversity is our strenght
And suddenly, for no reason...
Based muslims taking feminist's rights away
Yeah I wish I were, it's all thanks to you tho Germany. Without your EU politics we wouldn't have immigration in the first place.