You pretend to worship this shit because youre a varglet who believes its a 'based' movement but its literally the most left-wing feminist cuckoldry a man can follow, equivilant to the 1960s hippe movement in the US.
You should come visit åsatru here in Norway sometime, it would probably be a major blackpill for you. theyre more cucked than the average swedish feminist.
Continue worship this utter larpshit if you want, just dont spread fake news about how based it is. norse neopaganism is the most cucked shit that have ever existed in this fucking country, and that says alot.
Mutts on this board who shills paganism
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> Implying.(((Rabbi Ben Yeshua)))-ism hasnt been deep throating degeneracy for the past half century, leading the white march downwards.
Varg fucks trees in the forest
Become Orthodox, faggot . I hate you fucking jidftards, most of you are rabbi sucking haredis too.
the difference is that the christianity has strict scripture against degeneracy and feminism.
Paganism dont, which is why paganism is being embraced by feminists and cucklords by the masses whilst Christianity is being hated on because of its "evil scripture".
>implying that christianity is jewish when jews literally got Him killed and have spent the last 2000 years absolutely seething about christianity
fuck off, chaim
Paganism leads to degeneracy. This is why Christianity is so against it
paganism IS degeneracy
yes, it does. but then you have those cryptokikes such as varg who desperately tries to shill it as some larpy ethnonationalist movement, and obviously you will have some mutts who are gonna fall for it, as always
yes. true. I was talking about the more degenerate shit like sacrificing, pedos, trannie ect
Pagans drowned gays in bogs. Christians also hunted them for the degenerates they are. What I'm saying is, BOTH are being subverted, so don't throw stones in glass houses.
You're the kind of hypocritical cunt who says liberal multiculturalist Christians are not real Christians.
The difference is tbat all Christcuck texts are jewish, and jew-lead christcucks are the reason little to no surviving scripture.
Why do you feverntly insist on worshiping a jewin stead of trying to restore and rediscover the faith of your forefathers?
>Jews killed someone
>That someone can't be Jewish, Jews killed him!
The state of the christcuck mind.
don't you mean sacrficing pedos, trannies etc? YOur grammar was off.
Nothing sadder than a Norwegian LARPing as a desert rat.
Explain this
Jesus Christ was a blood thirsty demon, a tyrant, and I will never worship a mass murderer of the innocent.
Yeah user because all the marxists, gays, feminists, and Hollywood Jews and actors are all going to church every Sunday.
Ofc it is. The whole pagan shit is full with leftist atheists who LARP, and metal satanists.
No, theyre going to temple on Saturn's Day. YOU are the one who goes and gobbles up their Desert Jew 2 fanfiction every Sunday
>if you don't LARP as the chosen spiritual Israelites of rabbi yeshua bar yosef's reformed second temple judaism, then your spirituality is all for pretend!
t. rabbi-worshiping spiritual semite
>Pagans drowned gays
this is based on a single germanic tribe.
Theres no evidence for any such thing in Scandinavia.
watch from 37:35
Sacrificing, Pedophilia, Transgenders, and other degenerate shit
moron, the faith of my forfathers is Christianity. The west as we know it is Christian