Is this the result of a hyper consumerist liberal society where “muh freedoms” are always put front and center?
Say what you want about some authoritarian regimes, but non of them had this sorta shit happening.
Is this the result of a hyper consumerist liberal society where “muh freedoms” are always put front and center?
Say what you want about some authoritarian regimes, but non of them had this sorta shit happening.
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America is a degenerate society,
completely devoid of culture or moral values.
Hollywood and money are the gods of Babylon.
daddy issues
>Is this the result of a hyper consumerist liberal society where “muh freedoms” are always put front and center?
1st it's stress. Not having time to think makes you download ideas from others. So these people download idiotic ideas from mass media.
Foundation is people being forced to work full time or take more classes than we really should be taking in school.
Public school prevents kids from realizing what magic can result from thinking and resting. Then peer pressure and stress force them to adopt idiotic ideas about what is best in life.
It's undoubtedly an intended effect because it helps prevent people from having the motive and abililty to challenge the upper class.
The upper class controls mass media and they are the ones creating the messages these stressed out people consume.
Pretty much. Everything that Europeans hate about America - greed, degeneracy, gluttony - most Americans hate as well.
You’re not wrong, I’ve always said America was developinging it’s own culture but it was strangled in the grace in the 1920s. The final nail in the coffin for America was the 1965 immigration act, now “American culture” is nothing but corporate chains, ooga booga music, and sportsball - the only funnel for nationalistic tendencies a white American might have.
And you're mad about this why? Women like her remove themselves from the gene-pool on their own volition, so how is that bad?
Some tattoo artists and instagram advertisers got to make some money in the process as well.
Be thankful; some nigger got his dick wet thanks to her schizophrenia instead of raping an innocent girl.
Fucking look at her.
Samefagging this hard, nice spoofing ip
When blacks were second class citizens, America had their golden age, now it's really becoming a shithole.
>some women
user they're all worthless without guidance.
the only 'some' is the ones who were let off the leash.
'fucked up' is woman's natural state.
Peak boomer mentality. OMG FUCKING TATTOOS!
Why did she tattoe a Ouija Board thing on her belly wtf
Christianity was the only thing keeping women in check.
Once jews and their atheist/newage/pagan puppets forced it out there was nothing stopping women from doing anything to stay in the social group.
They would do anything to be part of the big multi corp, globo homo, world citizen group because kikes control the celebrities that women look up to pushing it.
Of course without God and chastity to look up to as role models, with that removed, they chose celebrities and hollywood next.
This is the kikes dream.
People without morality. Without hope. Without things to aspire to.
Have you ever wondered why kikes love the idea of evolution?
Because it means we're all apes. We're all just animals. So act like animals. Fuck and shit everywhere. Act like creatures who just want to get off.
It is only when we believed we were divine, in the presence of divinity that we achieved anything of note.
I mean yeah its cringey but is this honestly what you care about? The hill you wanna die on?
Fucking incels blaming problems on women when men are just as fucked
>your freedom ends where my feelings of degeneracy begin!
Give me your foreskin goyim
The dying USA is becoming antisemite.
I have lots of tattoos, that being said, females covered in them, look like shit.
so women were degenerate before christianity?
how do you explain tacitus writing that germanics used to practice strict monogamy?
Fuck off swiss cuck rabbi. You think I don't recognise you kike?
>some women
When did we start talking like this?
Who the fuck puts the before picture on the right and the after picture on the left?!
Is this some sort of public school logic?!
I cant get over what an ugly mismatch of tattoos that bitch has.
What's with all the dots??
It's like a kid sticker book or some shit.
Tattoos are also EXPENSIVE. Any bitch covered in tattoos has done SOMETHING to get that covered.....
Who cares, tatted up sluts are easier to use for cooming purposes.
When you see a woman with that many tattoos and most look fresh, they really wanted to fuck the tattoo artist.
Many such cases.
No they don’t, some guys like tats and do not see it as a reflection of her character, which is foolish. Usually men who think with their little head
t. degeneracy global HQ
>Is this the result of a hyper consumerist liberal society where “muh freedoms” are always put front and center?
Partly yes.
But I do feel there's a disconnect with broader society. It's less about "muh freedom" and more about standing out. Once people don't feel like being an essential part in greater society, they fear just being a random being among the masses - insignificant and worthless. They want to feel special instead of acknowledging that unless they have a very useful talent, they are expendable like the vast majority of people. No one knows or cares they exist, nobody is going to remember them after they have died, ... They want attention, good or bad, just to have others acknowledge they are there.
Look at the one on the left with the "goddess" tattoo. She isn't describing herself, she just listed how she wants the world to see her.
There's no patriarchy. That's why. We need to resurrect it.
Females exist to please the cock, raise and make kids, keep house, and keep men entertained. We need to take back power.
I value freedom
I don't scribble all over my body like a tard
It’s cause Christianity justified patriarchy which is societal stable and evolutionarily adaptive. You need something above a consequentialist argument for patriarchal conditions because people are retards that don’t listen to reason or logical arguments that includes most blue pilled men
However you do live in your parents attic
>America is a degenerate society,
NO! Democrat run large cities are degenerate.
Republican small towns are still decent.
How about you educated yourself.
How do you think religions come about?
They developed through the belief that nature was controlled by a higher force and humans would pay sacrifice, build temples or pray to this higher force so that they are blessed and not destroyed by nature.
This means that rituals and customs that developed from these religion are unique to their soil, for example the Greeks had a ritual where they would bless the sea, that wouldn't be possible if you would live somewhere in the middle of Europe without sea access.
Christianity is a fairly new religion that took multiple elements from Egyptian, Zoroastrian and Jewish religion.
All those religions developed at some point for the same reason I mentioned above.
This means that the spirit of Christianity is native to the middle East and not to Europe.
You dare to call me a kike, while you practice a religion that developed in kike soil?
National Socialists and all other real traditionalist forces believed in "Blood and Soil".
Christianity is not bound by Blood and Soil to the European land and its people.
so waht shes fucked in the head what the fuck are you gonna do about it
do you wanna lose your freedom for some mentally ill women, cuck?
1965 immigration act is responsible for all the shitty reggaton on the charts now but how is it responsible for nigger music all them niggers have been there since long before 1964
>Looks at degenerate coastal "elite" cities and urbanites.
>Assumes this is the entire US.
Don't assume what happens on either coast - Jew infested Noo Yawk Shitty or Jew infested Hollywood - goes for the rest of the country.
There's a reason why the coastal elites hate us in Uncool Flyover Country.
And we return the favor.
Not everything is shit here in the US.
There are still places that are good and wholesome... still places that have a culture we cleave to.
And we are mocked and ridiculed for it by those coastal elites and sniffing elitist urbanites...
It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!
- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills
- Webm when audio on every board
- No lefties
>people are doing things i don't want them to do
>how do i stop it Jow Forums?
When your from a baby country it’s hard to understand how different the people can be in a chad sized country like America
I think it's rampant narcissism (LOOKIT MEEE!) mixed with a self-destructive streak and self-control issues.
How can you love yourself with these disgusting filthy pig hands... disgusting
Americans are often accused of being provincial - and there's some truth in that...
But then we get Euros making blanket statements like this about the US...
They really don't understand how truly gigantic the US is - you can drive in one direction for *days* and still not reach the other side of the country...
I could go clean across Belgium on one bus pass... leave after breakfast and get to the other side before dinner.
Jesus Christ.
I wish my drug addict parents had an attic
>being this triggered over europeans having a good culture long before kike desert cult 2.0 came along
you are the kike, even if you don't realise it
>Planned Parenthood here I come!
I once told Jordan Peterson to "show some emotion in your eyes, you SSRI junkie" during a livestream.
mfw he started smiling afterwards.
Well ooga booga would be more the result of Jewish control of mass media which started with their settlement of LA and foundation of Hollywood. That all started in the 1920s but under civil rights blacks where pushed to the forefront of the public spotlight in movie themes etc. softening the public sentiment towards black culture and pushing it harder on every generation.
>Good culture
>Mud huts, child rape and homosexual semen eating to replenish spiritual energy
King James Bible Christianity is the state in which a European reaches nirvana.
bros, when will we see america and anglos burn to the ground and go extinct ? pls bros...
The majority of the population is urban. 71-81% according to the census.
"Femme Fatale"
Yup, it's pure narcissism, which is the best way to control women.
First don't shill the gatekeeping JBP.
Second you are wrong. There is no self removal from the gene-pool of those degenerates in western welfare society. No they procreate their stupidity even more so in the welfare system.
They don’t remove themselves from the gene pool, where the fuck do you get that from?
If you weren't such a weak willed faggot that girl would be clean skinned and rearing your children.
Spend less time complaining on the internet and be the change you want to see.
Well for one their women
Women have no beliefs they just do whats popular
Its not all women but its most
Greeks are just jews without money.
For the most part i agree with you but thier is hope in small towns across the mid and north west. God help us all
I am 100 IQ, Marine. I am 6'3, 225lbs, with an 8 inch cock and tatted up.
Low IQ men (such as myself) are warriors. You're a thinker. That's great.
But I, in the European Tradition of Warriors, have branded myself as such.
You, being a 130 IQ manlet, don't want to mark yourself as a warrior because you're not.
That's perfectly acceptable and understandable. You can beat me in a game of chess. But I'll beat you into a blood puddle.
If you're not a warrior, don't get tattoos. But don't judge your physically superior brethen, who you'll look to someday for protection. We might look the other way when you're being accosted by the brown hordes.
Isn't most of "flyover country" full of suburbanite consumer drones though?
Individualism was a mistake
You have a fair point, but pay attention who you follow and occasionally question you leaders less you become a slave to a tyrant.
Females especially love tatting themselves up with artwork that displays their bipolar nature.
>Your body is a gift
>Cover it with ugly tacky tattoos
Its not boomer think its just that tatoos are not aesthetic and make you look like gutter trash.
As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end
>*sips vodka redbull*
>*leans over the bar*
>*adjusts fluorescent green RayBan knockoffs delicately on his Baltimore Ravens flatbill hat*
>"yeah man see this fuckin tribal tattoo? It means I was a WARRIOR bro. A FUCKIN WARRIOR"
>"I was in the back at Bagram Air Base getting some more Diet Coke for my EL-TEE and i heard a bomb go off"
>"yeah man I fuckin miss combat"
>*snaps at bartender to get him another vodka redbull*
Arrogance. They actually think themselves without flaws, completely perfect in any way. They will pay in time for their hubris.
I hope you are joking.
>Women like her remove themselves from the gene-pool
lol what are you talking about she probably has 5 kids with 5 different men
Dont be to harsh user, the man realizes he is a solider ant nothing wrong with that. We all have a place in national socialist government.
Her genes are fine, it’s her upbringing that was fucked. The only attention daddy gave her was drunk in the middle of the night.
Women don’t have agency in the same way men do.
Oliver sykes ?_?
HAHAHa, anglo pseudo-jew blown the fuck out, take a hike christcuck
You disgusting abysmal entity for the abyss! Away with you you progressive festering malicious evil thing You!!
Can any anons help me out, I've been thinking about fucking my mother in law for over two years now. I've decided I'm going to move forward with making it happen, however it's yet to be decided how to make this happen. Should I be a gentleman and work towards it with a slow boil and charm her, she's already interested and compliments my body regularly. Or do I barge into her room, our guest room, and force myself on her? I could put her wrists in a double column tie and gag her so I can try to reason with her and let her see why it's a good idea. user's please help, I might catch a charge but I'm willing to bet she'd be all for it.
Devils EveryWhere!
Rare flag.
What do you think is the total death toll. Initial estimates still look really low.
People are confusing the pain of body modification with the pain of personal growth.
Somewhere in the between
I'm surprised no one is reacting on this post.
I know a lot of women who got tattoos and piercings because they wanted to fit in with the rest of society and want to be accepted.
This is what women fear most - feeling isolated, not fitting into society (even if the society is degenerate) and not having enough attention.
Boomers love tattoos. They're mainstream, and you're a roastie
Yeah we know, but it is not all of us. Most Americans do not take Hollywood seriously and think it should be done away with.
Those broads were obviously molested.
the manlet with 130 IQ is the ones sending to die for international kikery. You're just a meat pawn for his goals. Ever thought in that way Mr.Marine tough guy?
And they will starve to death in the upcoming global depression
Also there won't be any change in women's behavior if degenerate hollywood and degenerate social media will be allowed to glorify this as normal.
I think that social media (and the 'likes' and 'upvotes') is the worst thing that happened to humanity - it's addictive and makes people do degenerate stuff.
Feminism virus.
>oops I ruined my body
>may as well go all in
>femme fatale
>Look at me!
>Stop staring!
Something says she treats herself a bit more often than she admits to.
Tattoos have always been a feature in many cultures.
European as well as black culture.
kys puritan