shitavious mcniggerson
ironically he's only 10 iq points lower than a regular nigger
Is that the ultimate form of the amrimutt?
People these days are out of their fucking minds.
>And thats a good thing
In his mind he is rolling himself through the highway in hopes of release.
Come on now you stupid niggers don't make fun of the disabled. Were better than that. It's only due to luck that you don't suffer from a disorder like that yourselves.
That looks like something passed down not sheer luck.
Im not sure about this exact disorder but I know that some of them are caused by mutations that have nothing to do with heredity.
shit. i thought you cropped half of his head off. then i played the video... fuck! his mom should donate part of her huge forehead to him.
Why're are you laughing at our transatlantic friends?
She actually adopted him. This didn't have to happen. Why couldn't she just get a pitbull. I mean this thing is an abomination. The only thing worse is listening to her justify this.
>wants people to address him directly
but he doesn’t say anything and just sits there with this expression on his face
They're both talking to themselves when they speak to him.
He doesn't even blink.
The more this "interview" continues the more bizarre it gets. His only purpose is to be harvested for organs
Don’t hate on Beetlejuice, he’s a cool retard, unlike the ones on featured on YouTube.
Nice post, I was watching SBSK earlier and must've skipped this one.
>25 years later
>”Don’t worry, be happy.”
I wanted to comment this but they cant handle the bantz
You think those kids families aren't watching those videos?
When u hit the blunt too hard
Wtf comments disabled, just like him lmao
he is not even retarded or disabled, he is dead
he just has a functional body
wtf you talking about dago wop, that nigger could
be your fucking ancestors descendant.
God damn it
Prepare for the water works when you see this:
>eats meat and laughs at shit like this
>hate paedos
pick one
She’s a good lady to be taking care of him like that. It’s for a stronger person than I am to be able to do so.
Nursing is an honourable profession and I have so much respect for people who do their job as a nurse well. When my dad was sick the nurses made a huge difference.
Is the baby even alive?
Can't tell who has a worse hairline, the mother or the vegetable.
>that nigger could be your fucking ancestors
>US flag
Yeah, society should offer more support and acknowledgment to carers. We need more of them
Can someone make him into a pepe?
Nigger or not, that poor kid is needlessly kept alive.
Okay he literally is frozen aside from a miniscule head movement throughout the entire video. He looks like a mannequin. How can they possible know he is comprehending anything?
How did they even come to the conclusion that he needed glasses? This thing clearly can't read an optometric chart. Did they put glasses on this thing to make it look more intelligent?
This nigger is a kike with stolen aryan eye and hair genes, right?
>Let's see ... cause I'm in a wheelchair.
Why does the host speak to him like he's a retard when he's clearly intelligent?
This nigger must've had some really bad karma in it's previous life. It's being forced to stay alive and sitting there like a piece of meat while listening to a fat nigress and happy white guy talk to it like it's a pet fish.
As much as I hate niggers and love to see them lynch each other with stones and fire, this case is too cruel. Just put the nog out of it's misery already.
>Using your functionally braindead child to farm likes on the internet.
Just when I think humanity can't disgust me any further.
Holy shit Christians BTFO
hjahahaha niggers
Keeping this nigger alive is a tragedy. He should be euthanized.
Tim is upset he didn't get the first crack at an interview.
Probably safety glasses so he doesn't stab himself in the eye with weird disproportionate fingers
He still has the notorious kike nose
Nothing to laugh for. This woman adopted him she is an Angel and he is a Star.
U sick fuck
>speaking to the vegetable like its actually a person
It barely has a brain. Its a sack of meat. Harvest the organs and move on.
Anyone laughing at this deserves to have it happen to his loved ones or even himself. You can even get it as an adult. Various strokes and other issues can cause it. Sincerely wishing it upon OP and his family.
>when you nut but she keep sucking
We aren't disturbed that these things exist. We're disturbed that they are kept alive, forever lowering the standard for what is "human". Our ancestors would've put these monsters down because they revered humanity and its image, and they knew that our monster relatives are an afront to that image and ultimately the way we view and treat each other. Simply put, PC culture demands that I respect this monster as much as anyone else (actually more, because being weak is a virtue now), and that completely debases the respect that I have for people with actual skills and accomplishments under their belt.
But the "monster" didn't choose to be that way you fucking moron, hence it's stupid to conflate it with people who have "skills and accomplishments". I really hope you get the worst stroke possible forcing you to live like this.
Are you trying to say that a life as a microcephalic vegetable would be a horrible existence?
Microcephaly is the condition cased by the Zika virus.
My sister was in a coma, from a car accident, completely unresponsive. When she came out, she remembered everything that was happening around her, conversations, what people were eating, ect
not an impressive argument -
you can't hold two thoughts in your mind at once, admiring the strong and competent ,and having even a drop of empathy for the miscreant.
> 2 points is too much for your single pointed brain
KEK, my mom was a school teacher and she has stories of special needs kids saying they want to die, there was one that would ask other kids to kill him and shit like that, the school asked the parents why he said such things and the parents said they didn't know, that he had always said stuff like that.
>the "monster" didn't choose...
Most retarded regurgitated "argument" for all of these society destroying issue.
Kill yourself, you useless, degenerate cunt. You're far too stupid and emotional to make choices for the human race.
This abomination isn't human.
Kill it with fire.
Jump in after, bitch.
You're just as useless.
This is so sad
Why the fuck would you keep him alive? It's so fucking cruel, just put him out of his misery holy shit.
One of us one of us ONE OF US
Not only that but they are using him to farm likes on the fucking internet.
I bet she gets a 'caretaker' salary from the government, on top of his 100% disability social security, plus WIC and food stamps and section 8 housing. I bet she's making the equivalent of $150k per year when you factor in all the costs.
Then add in medical costs, and she's draining the taxpayer of like $300k+ per year easy.
>nutted but she still suckin'
No one is forcing YOU to take care of it, moron. It's a personal choice.
We are forced to pay for it though
What the fuck is wrong with americans?
I would also argue that many murderers and rapists didn't choose to be that way either... but that fact has no bearing on the solution. If you want to make life easier for the weak, you are going to make it harder for the strong. This is inevitable. I value strength, beauty, and intelligence. You can fight to make the world more tolerant of weakness, ugliness, and stupidity, but if you think that will make the world a better place, then you're not only stupid but dangerous to everyone else. Evolution is the law of the land on this planet and in fact in this universe. People with beliefs like yours are simply defective units who eventually need to be liquidated for the sake of humanity's future.
Is this what every scsoy hopes to be?
The kid looks like Stanley from the office
You also give 7000 dollars to Israel per minute, a country that controls the entire world's foreign policy for their own benefit while making many people suffer. But no, disabled children like these are our enemy and we need to make fun of them at the top of their suffering. Just kys you pos.
Honestly an upgrade.
>what is welfare?
Holy fuck kek
and I dont even like niggers, not one bit...
Disabled Kids should be aborted. It's more humane than letting them suffer.
so compassionate of you
Lmao at least he won’t grow up to be a criminal
I don't agree with giving money to Israel either. I would rather pay for vegetables than support Israel, but I don't get to make those decisions
Meh. Gretel thunderhead looks just as retarded.
I never said it should be alive at all cost. I am merely saying that making fun of such horrible diseases / conditions is terribly cruel, and everyone participating should be made to suffer just like that child.
This is a human body with a functioning cerebellum and almost no cerebrum.
There's nothing there.
Okay so I came back into this thread and actually watched the video - what the fuck is with this guy and why is he asking the literal braindead chimp questions and talking to it using full sentences with proper syntax?
>haha not using your body language to communicate your displeasure at what your mother did to you was awesome champ!
No, just... just what the fuck?
It doesn't move. It has no brain. The eyes don't go to anything.
>"I would like to have sex with you, if you do not consent, use your body language to communicate your displeasure"