Anyone else notice google dropping 'pol' from search results...

anyone else notice google dropping 'pol' from search results? used to always type 'pol' and then click the first link to get here, now I need to add 'Jow Forums'

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Yep, noticed the same thing

Yep. I was wondering the same. On the bottom of the page it seems to be some copyright thing. Probably one of convenience, honestly.

Same here.

Just saw that

Hold up. You google a website, and then click the first result? Instead of typing in the site's url into the omnibar?

This is groundbreaking. How did you manage to become this stupid and still retain the ability to type and use the computer?!?

You have no idea how some people function sir

I really don't. I have no possible explanation for this kind of behavior. Is it really just run of the mill stupidity?

OP is a boomer

It took less time than typing in the whole thing you imbecile, Jow Forums used to be among the top 5 results

something is up

Zoomers most likely. They haven't needed to use a search engine like they were in late 90s early 2000's when it was 30000+ pages of absolute shit if you didn't use the domain name to narrow down specific search results.

Why the fuck are you using google
On another note im noticing google has a lot of sway over who can post here too.
My home account that is not on a vpn is always getting stuck in endless captcha loops (or going through at least 15-30 pages)
Funnily doesnt happen if i use chrome tho
I’d say google is keeping tabs on us the cunts

Google is now Bing tier.

Attached: ParadigmJew.jpg (900x691, 313K)

I haven't tried all of them but, it seems like they dropped Jow Forums specific boards from search engines entirely and only 4channel goes to the appropriate boards. Gookmoot fuckery more than likely.

Gookmoot has no control over their pagersnk algorithm.
Only people who can override is google themselves.

Yeah you’ve got to use if you’re searching anything controversial like “electric universe” comet or even not so controversial like “mirror neutrons” or some shit. Google is straight up 1984 and a pain. Bing isn’t as bad as google but their AI is dumb as shit.

Anyway, banning never works on the internet. Clownworld.

I am using duckduckgo though. It's happening with Bing as well.

Gotta sweet shut it down

I tried it now, still works for me.

Duck duck go doesn't do this at all I don't think. I switched long ago because Google was censoring results about drug's that I wanted and was instead showing a bunch of faggot ass addiction centers and warning me about using drug's Google are a bunch of normalfag jackboot licking retards.

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It’s mobile users. You have switch between letters and characters on a phone keyboard so it’s 1/4 the effort to type 3 letters and make two clicks than to type out Jow