How come no one finds it suspicious that a group of "impoverished" women and children understand international law to the point that they can mount a class action suit against the United States government?
How can they afford it?
Rather than report on the lawsuit, Reuters should be investigating who's actually behind it.
How come no one finds it suspicious that a group of "impoverished" women and children understand international law to...
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NGO's are dirty bastards, for sure.
City pigs are allied with cartels. Thats why they do not honor ice detainers and release convicted murderers rapists and assaulters into your already minority white communities so we can all be killed more for hating spic cartels and open borders. Police in America are destroying their own thin blue line via Sanctuary cities like the filthy spics that they are lol. And if you say come and take it your now making a terroristic threat lmao. Fuck these spic pigs. Come and take it.
I miss Gritty memes
They have kiked up Jewish lawyers doing the footwork for them.
Imagine being this entitled. Women are a mistake.
>international law
Obama would have braaaaaaapppped them
No shortage of NGO's to fund the suit and no shortage of Jew lawyers all ready to "pro bono" the case for them...
Publicly, of course.
Privately, I'm sure the NGO's and the (((Lawyers))) have a 'working relationship' and compensation is given, one way or the other...
It's so obvious there are some activist lawyers or NGO's coaching the people. Immigration activists are fucking scum
How are sub saharan African migrants showing up on the Texas border? Who the fuck is facilitating all of this?!?
I hear they fly into South America, then make their way North because they know the border is weak and they won't be deported.
Good thing SCOTUS has empowered Trump.
They do.
Ask the BP - we've been finding all sorts of shit on our southern border/desert.
Shit written in Chinese... radical islamic shit... more.
When things get Spicy in the US, I'm thinking a lot of people are going to be very surprised...
The "how the hell did THEY get here?!" kind of surprise...
These migrants - we like to call them ILLEGAL INVADERS - are pawns of both sides. The one thing both sides have in common is they give exactly zero shits about them.
Here in my dogpark of a city, the NGOs get funding and donations that pay bloated salaries to a handful of mutts who do nothing real. They pretend to care and employ an army of inner-city wannabes with affirmative action degrees to muddy the waters and do everything they can to pry the door open further. Its so bad the employees run their own scams on the NGO and get paid to sit at home.
This goes on everywhere and its all about money, filthy money.
What court does this go to?
>Aren't lawsuits from obviously 'weaponized' illegals suspicious?
No. Why our government isn't burning down the forest to eradicate the vermin responsible is what's 'suspicious'.
Jews my red headed friend.
The zombie apocalypse is evolving.
Execute the lawyers enabling this degeneracy.
The force is strong with you (OP)
I find the migrant women to be especially dangerous. Christcucks and beta males will fold to them no questions asked.
>sue us government
U.S. government has laws stating it can't be sued by outside personal.
Fake news.