>be African
>be black
>go to Malaysia
>bring Africa to Malaysia
>kill black African
>run away
>based Malay shouts ‘wakanda wakanda’ while collecting video evidence from eagle eye viewpoint
Be African
Other urls found in this thread:
It looks like a vagina on his cheek
Yeah, it actually does look a little bit like a vaginaface!
wakandead forever lmao
Based and redpilled
How do you even piss off Malaysians? I was worshiped there.
But why are niggers in in Malaysia? It's not like they get gibs there right? Do they make enough in Nigeria to go on vacation in Malaysia?
It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!
- Fresh new Jow Forums board
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- Android App
>16 chan
>32 chan
>64 Chan
how about no
>Be a nigger
>Get stabbed
Everything seems normal here
they make enough niggers in nigeria to flood everyother country
>Arsenal fan
Nothing of value lost
more like viKANGS amirite??????
unironically better than all of the tranny wounds i've seen posted on here
fucking lost
Why would a nigger want to go to Malaysia though?
ftfy guise
I saw British and Russian tourists buying drugs from African dealers in Goa, India.
Niggers are everywhere.
everything is better than their own country is the thought process i guess
I was thinking the same thing.
yahudi anjing, di bunuh sajah...
>It's not like they get gibs
These future rocket scientists are probably in the prestigious African trade of exotic pharmaceuticals
I mean except for like Brazil they arnt wrong
they're mainly muslims who get into malaysia on student visas and then don't go home
they're gradually turning some areas into no go zones. they take over pool halls, bars etc
they fuck the local chinese and indians, make anchor babies and so on, and another country ruined forever
So, will the entire world be blacked at some point? Why isn't there a single government that bans entry for niggers?
Is the Malaysian government really this cucked? You'd think they would throw these niggers out or just kill them entirely
good to see niggers good times on the backs of
the rest of us are coming to an end.
>those tribal bantz in the comments
this is why musk blew up niggerSat-1
A tranny neo-vagina maybe
Lol. Niggers everywhere are adopting black American mannerisms. Soon the whole world will know America's pain.
they are desperate to keep the country as muslim majority
they import more muslims from bangladesh, indonesia etc all the time
they don't want the chinese to completely take over even though the chinese hold the real power in the country. they own the majority of businesses, industry etc
the malays are lazy fuckers who just want their government handouts. jizya by another name
based and ricepilled
it makes me wonder just how the fuck they're able to get on the internet. if someone told me they had a white man hostage that they force to get online and type their ramblings, I would absolutely believe it.
The cucked west will freak out.
Malaysia belongs to the Malays.
commie chinks and pajeets have no place here.
the only reason they're here is because of the bongs
Shouldn't that star have 6 points?
Because paintings tend to become darker as they age there is a group of blacks that think they were vikings
you mean the only reason malays aren't still blowpiping each other, fucking orang utans and wearing leaves like the fucking bateks is because of the bongs
it's bad enough when mutts call themselves this
There are a shit load of Nigerian niggers in Japan. They are absolutely horrific. Iv'e been threatened by a few. They work in the streets of Kabukicho, Harajuku, and Rappongi, grabbing men to come and drink in the bars. They seem to be married to Japanese women, but I cannot believe that they are in legitimate marriages.
Admittedly the bongs brought Western law and civilization to Malaya, I respect that and grateful for that. We are a secular country and its in the Constitution. The majority of Malays are Muslim and that is why the official state religion is Islam. In order to preserve the rights of the native Malay majority who are indigenous to Malaya.
The only mistake the bongs did when they pushed multiculturalism agenda as one of the requirements of independence. Well, 13th May happened. Multiculturalism will never work, especially with different incompatible cultures and religions.
Malays were mostly farmers and a maritime culture and still is in the rural parts of Malaysia. The chinese were the estate holders and Indians were the plantation workers imported from the colonies.
The stereotypical lazy Malays nowadays are the ones who are cucked by the government who had to give extra rights as a balancing act for multiculturalism to "work".
Bumiputera rights is the the result of multiculturalism, the native Malays needed the help in order to compete with the Chinese and Indians.
Thank fuckin Christ
Even Malays oppose the influx of immigrants from those low IQ countries, it is not about religion, its about cheap labor.
We don't give a fuck about what religion they are. It's a just a simple circumstance that low IQ people is cheaper to hire as laborers.
Tranny vagina. Looks like you've never had a real vagina
Do you have enough non stereotypical Malays to develop nuclear weapons, have armed forces who won't sell submarine parts and develop economic, military and technological self-sufficiency and power projection to the point you can confidently say, Cina balik Cina, India balik India, rip up all the (((international treaties and free trade agreements))) and earn the respect of your Middle East Sunni brethren?
>bring Africa to Malaysia
they have no tolerance for niggerdom or shit from westerners. Malaysians are based as fuck.
That's gonna be a badass scar when it heals.
now he can get even more freegibs from the government
>rival cult groups
>Black Axe
The old UMNO government were retarded cronies and apparently looks like the new PH government are the same shitheads with a new face.
The only good hardworking people I've seen are either farmers, fishermen or laborers. Some students but too bad most of them gets into drug abuse/pure hedonism.
The rest are just garbage 'Westernized' urbanites. It's kinda hopeless really.
hey Malay bro you ever heard of these malay skinheads? Seem pretty BASED & REDPILLED to me desu
t. Nigger
>The chinese were the estate holders and Indians were the plantation workers imported from the colonies.
No, Sino comes in several waves and some part of it was imported to work in the fields
>Bumiputera rights is the the result of multiculturalism, the native Malays needed the help in order to compete with the Chinese and Indians.
But, isn't it dysgenic? more than 50 years after independence, yet still dependent on gibs. I thought that bongs educated native population in their colonies better than other colonials.
From my perspective, it's just a way for elites to control population--making them dependent to gibs. Gotta keep them dumb, sick and bottom earner, right?
This, mahathir rise to power, again, after he and millions af malaysian tired of UMNO bullshit.
FK YH my sides
Ahh man Malay skinheads, the Nazi Gorengs.
They're pretty based but still most of them are just larpers or mostly focused on their music to care enough about the race question.
Anti-semitism is a-blooming amongst Malays because most of them are Muslims who naturally despises kikes or on their stance on Palestine. bretty gud
Must be a vegetarian. Vagititis is one of the early symptoms.
Blacks are hated universally. Even transgendered white colonizers have more love.
Wasn't the old UMNO government one who was afraid of Chinese demographics, which led to the Israeli outpost you have on your border today?
What's the stance of UMNO-PAS towards Dayaks in Sarawak who regard boars as a holy animal, or people who pass as the same race (chocolate skin, dark hair, dark eyes with a bit of a slant) if they wore a songkok, but refuse the circumcision or dietary restrictions and would rather pray to another God?
Good hardworking people are often exploited, and I've met more than one fisherman who sells diesel and no, I don't blame him anymore than I blame some youngster who got into biker gangs and drugs. Symptoms and disease, the man behind the curtain. All the Chinese and Indians and dirty Kuffar die, and then what? Are you powerful enough to stop Jews who have America, Saudi Arabia, China and India in their pocket? Or can you become a platform of resistance against the international bankers that has no death penalty, but deals with degeneracy and subversion with perhaps hard labor or expulsion? Open borders for Israel does made some sense, after all.
>pretty based but still most of them are just larpers or mostly focused on their music to care enough about the race question
lol same here, skinheads are the same everywhere. Gotta love them tho they go hard. Dying breed here in pussified Straya. We have a RAC concert coming up in Melbourne next month. Not my thing, it's put on by the Blood & Honor crews.
Solidarity against the ZOGs my gooky bro! 88
> Imagine him being surrounded by Asian incels and getting skullfucked in his wound
Could anyone fill me in on what Wakanda is supposed to mean? I looked it up and found out that Marvel uses this name as their fictional africa
>But, isn't it dysgenic? more than 50 years after independence, yet still dependent on gibs.
There has been an increase of educated middle class Malays, but not many of them have the desire to go further and progress, they have that 'good enough' mentality.
>From my perspective, it's just a way for elites to control population--making them dependent to gibs. Gotta keep them dumb, sick and bottom earner, right?
Yeah, 60 years of conditioning man. Betrayed by sellouts and cronies because of (((money))).
Exactly like the Malaccan Sultanate.
Cash is King Najib.
Real chummy with the Chinese shabbos goy who have a red lightning logo instead of the white lightning of Oswald Mosley.
His son's Hollywood links.
My flag is probably the one that drinks the most Jewjewcum, no matter our faster Internet speeds or IQ.
SA brownshirts not as polished and well-drilled as the SS, who like it or not, are the nerdy Incel stereotype. But the Jew does fear the based chicken farmer
I fucking love how Wakanda has a bad connotation.
More proof to my theory all clueless yanks support Arsenal or West Ham.
>I was worshiped there.
Tell me more user.
prolly to do with muh dick
Google images from 'Wakanda', niggers actually believe this place exists and that we took it from them. LOL
>I saw
Come on fella, you can be honest with us.
sheeit that missed digits tho.
>Wasn't the old UMNO government one who was afraid of Chinese demographics, which led to the Israeli outpost you have on your border today?
Yeah, UMNO was a total sellout.
>What's the stance of UMNO-PAS towards Dayaks in Sarawak
From experience UMNO thinks Sarawak doesn't exist. PAS is just the Taliban under a nicer name. I feel bad for East Malaysians though, they don't get enough care from us mainlanders.
>Are you powerful enough to stop Jews who have America, Saudi Arabia, China and India in their pocket? Or can you become a platform of resistance against the international bankers that has no death penalty, but deals with degeneracy and subversion with perhaps hard labor or expulsion?
I doubt that we'd be able to go beyond that. It's kinda too late but still at least we're still awake.
>all those baboon-assed, weave-headed mammies
>"O-ooga booga!"
Nothing is more homo than the neons in Melbourne, actually Sydney comes a close second because they always recruit when you are trying to drink, dance and meet girls.
Nothing attracts more low rent sociopaths than those little organisations. It’s just Antifa with more ironing.
>Admittedly the bongs brought Western law and civilization to Malaya
You should just have ended the post there chinky
checked and based Oz user
the West is going through bad times, stay based bro.
>malaysian Vikings
Kek, they at least know who is boss
You Malay lads dress way better than skins here, nice scooters, the whole nine yards, respect.
hope you have enough potatoes for Brexit guinness user
BLack people are more vikings than whites lol. Vikings are white niggers. Not all blacks are niggers though.
t the all blacks
Bc theyre blacks
Nigger dah naik kepala
>malay skinheads
I exclusively eat steak for every meal.
Its easy to get here in the 1st world.
Implying thought went into the decision
>collect gibs from whitey
>move to rice lands
>pimp that boipucci
>rich af
>and didnt beat up any of them
Im pretty savage to those who give money to niggers
*Dont know why 'Malay skinheads' is there.
harap kote jer besar otak kecik
Id take brazil over any african 'nation'
how'd you dodge the pot?
Theyve always talked shit about how rayciss we are
Theyve earned a free lesson in why
Equatorials are worthless
I'm starting to think that Nigerians are the nigger's nigger instead of the Somalis.
Even the South African Niggers hate the Nigerians.
Shit even American Niggers hate the Nigger's Nigger.
Nigerians BTFO
It's halfway like my country's leaving 377A sodomy is halfway. No faggot will ever be arrested, charged and sentenced by a judge to serve prison in jail, but people shitposting against faggots will certainly be doxed, made to apologized and fined.
Oh well.
Total sell out to the Bumis, yet pitting Bumi against Cina for votes? To whitepill a little, have you ever shown a Chinese person about Jews going to the Tang Dynasty, Jews getting Chinese names and intermarrying during the Ming Dynasty, the Sassoons and the City of London ties, Mao's massacres of his own people(really the 80-95% advisors) and LKY's Henry Kissinger links? It's fun to make those NPCs who are the striking stereotype of never criticizing and questioning, but just work harder and care only for money and they heckle you for being too Westernized or not working hard enough, without even caring to understand how money is generated.
What's sad about PAS, is that if they're following Wahabist Saudi Arabia, then more Malaysians should really understand about the Donmeh and how the "People of the Book" narrative ties into Noahide interfaith NWO shit.
I think the only good way fowards is, do not fall to globohomo multiculti degeneracy and feminism, but do not be hijacked by Wahabism either. Brendan O Connell was a pretty big redpill on how Muslim nations buying modern, 5G tech would become victim to Jewish subversion.
5G, Cryptocurrency, China's social credit system, Noahide laws and international laws...only Iran and North Kore are free.
Always blaming whites
I keep telling anons, all these based gooks, nips, and chinks ALWAYS sidewithniggers over whites