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Bernie needs a running mate

An unattributed screen shot is hardly a valid argument.

she fucked newyork with the amazon shit and has been attention whoring . i think its safe to say her chances of being reelected decrease by the week

Oh shit nigger you can't tineye?

It doesn't matter if she loses her seat. She's a national figure now. For the rest of her life she will be a loud mouth activist. Even if she never gets elected again, she will get appointed to various boards and committees by Democrats courting her weirdo fringe of supporters.

keep dreaming

She can go head up a "union" somewhere.

That was my favorite.

Her seat is majority non-white and she promises them free stuff from the white man - it will be very ahrd to beat her

We should be happy in some ways - it's a wake up call to millions of white normies that if they allow chinks, spics and pajeets to settle in their states what comes next is AOC

She will have tons of Republican money flooding in to save her if she gets a serious challenge.
The only way she will leave is if she gets bored. The Republicans keep feeding her attention whore side so that won't happen any time soon.

She isn't going anywhere.

No she needs to be an elected official to be relevant. Minority activist are a dime a dozen these days. She knows her relevance is based on being in Congress.

I guess people realized that she's an absolute retard.


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She will be the new Pelosi.

you know what fuck AOC but fuck Jeff Bezos as well.

Maybe, but I kinda doubt it. She burned bridges with all the most powerful Dems, and is poison for fund raising. What corporation is going to donate to a Dem who is appointing literal communists to positions?

I fucking love how dems are divided

> AOC supporters only
> Bernie supporters only
> Biden supporters only

basically, there is no telling who those people will vote for once their guru falls in the election. Trump can't lose honestly

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>have district of 100% welfare dependent spics
>have been represented by a jew for decades.
>young latina woman runs promising more welfare.
shocking how she won.

If they have a contested convention it will be a bloodbath.
If your state has open primaries vote for Bernie. The dems have a rule that you need 15% of the vote to qualify for delegates. To get a contested convention we need the top three viable as long as possible.

Nice link, phaggot.

But she is going to change the world.
If you don't reelect her your a raciest.

>But she is going to change the world.
Into this

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>district is full of deep blue leftists
>majority of democrats now think socialism is a good thing
>"but she's going to lose her seat, I fucking swear"

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I think the survey takers are underestimating brainlet shitskins, but this is keeping in mind that her opponent would need to be well funded anyway

The most powerful dems don't have power anymore. The progressive caucus is now a majority among Democrats, the older centrist elites from the 1990s are fucking boomer dinosaurs.

>The survey, commissioned by the decidedly anti-Ocasio-Cortez “Stop The AOC” political action committee, found that 47% of Democrats in the 14th Congressional District view her favorably and 29% unfavorably, with 24% unsure.

>Asked if they supported Ocasio-Cortez’s efforts to “ruin the Amazon deal that would have created 25,000 jobs in the neighborhood,” 37% said yes, 35% said no with 28% unsure.

Story is literally nothing, nearly 50% of the population views her favorably. They'd have to get literally every undecided voter in order to actually push her out. As I said, these brainlet shitskins don't even see her pushing amazon jobs out of the city as a bad thing.

All of you are expecting too much from 80 IQ puerto rican mulattoes.

>nearly 50% of the population views her favorably.
0.017%...more likely.

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They like her, they really really like her.

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The progressive caucus is loud and thinks it is all powerful.
Taking back the House was because the centrists won in districts Trump won.
Here's to hoping the dems have a contested convention. It will be a bloodbath.

She lost the (((Democratic Support))) the moment she denied New York Democrats Amazon sheckles. Everything since then has been death throes and trying to stay relevant

Contested convention is inevitable unless a bunch of candidates drop out and one of the top 3 is able to get a clear consolidated lead. As it is Biden is propped up by CNN polls but most other polls find his lead only around 5%~ and he gets the niggers but loses the whites.

As long a Bernie can get 15% in the primaries it is inevitable.
The Matriarchy is pushing hard for Warren's inevitability and the only thing slowing that narrative is Bernie.
Bernie may need our help in states with open primaries.

She only won the Democratic primary (defacto general election in her district), because the nonwhites saw her hyphenated surname and thought she was like them. She is more like a white suburban girl than anything.

She is too young to be veep 35 is the age requirement.

Don't you bad mouth our girl. The Republicans have big plans for her. Pelosi is getting up there and we need anew poster child.
So shut your whore mouth.

Nah. Bernie gets the white bois, warren gets the radfems and biden gets the niggers. 3 way split with meme candidates like yang and beto hanging on long past the point they should drop out.

the problem with voting in the open primaries is that I cant support my down ballot Republicans that I want to win.

Sure, I can vote for Mommy Tulsi in the primary, but then I cant vote for the Republican house or senate candidates

I am nervous about where the also rans votes go when they start dropping out.
As long as it isn't all to one candidate things will be fine.

>Canvassers for the anti-AOC group door knocked on over 5,400 Democratic households and interviewed 817 registered Dems. About two-thirds of respondents said they knew of the first-term congresswoman.

More people canvassed for this survey than she did to accidentally win the primary. I hope more retards knock out white dems, because the lulz are priceless.

AOC probably has Mossad spying on her 24/7, like the rest of The Squad.

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Hard to say. Beta's might split between Bernie and Biden. Yang's probably go to Bernie. Booker's to Biden. Harris' to Warren.

Obviously this was going to happen. She was selected to shill for a global agenda from a local House seat. I doubt her constituents appreciate being used as her shill trampoline.

Trump has already lost. He knows it. No wall.

You can still vote Republican in the general election as a registered dem.
There aren't many states with contested Republican house races. If you are in one absolutely do your thing.
To insure a contested convention will only require a few percentage points in each state.

She'd have lost in 2018 had Crowley had the balls to challenge her in the general election. She won a low turnout primary. Since then, she's done nothing but drive Amazon jobs away and attention-whore on Twitter.

No Republican is ever going to beat her in that district, but a decent Democrat may well.

>No wall.
You niggers apparently don't even go outside.

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>but a decent Democrat may well.
I have no problem with a decent democrat.
Cortez has to go, shes a political actress hired for her looks to basically push the globalist narrative in Congress....shes gotta go back.

If a decent dem primaries her the Republican will stop them by having Trump endorse them.
She isn't going anywhere Pelosi. We have big plans for her.

Well then, I guess she'll have to be handled by other means.

It will have to be a dem solution to a dem problem.
She is a gift to Republicans they don't want to give up.

>loss of amazon jobs
>90% of the people in her district want to sit at home and be given shit. They dont want jobs. That wasnt nearly as big of a deal breaker as people want to believe.

Yeah, I know. Stupid phone poster. Yes, i am.

Slander goes both ways.

i want her to have a republican challenger just so that Ninja lady from fortnite whine about it on fox

I'm still not 100% convinced that AOC isn't an actress hired by Trump.
She's too perfectly stupid to be real, right?

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he already pulled Linda Sarsour. Pic related, add towel

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Justine Trudeau looks like THAT?

She is the lefts Sarah Palin.

It’s more likely than you think.