I think poverty is a good thing. Those countries that are poor have much higher birth rates, much deeper culture, than rich countries. Generally of course. Comments?
I think poverty is a good thing. Those countries that are poor have much higher birth rates, much deeper culture...
What about china and india?
It's true. Poverty forces people to use 'currencies' other than money. Those include exploiting and enforcing cultural norms.
america is slowly having all of the above. its great!
Trump should nuke both of them. Save the environment
Those have strong culture, but are becoming richer. Manliness is worth more in china than in America.
That’s not true. Hardships make people better. War, poverty.
Lol they are not in poverty and are maxed out in population and culture just showing you how retarded you and (((Pope Pius XII))) are
Chinese are much poorer than Americans. Don’t insult the former pope. You are nothing but a unvirtuous scoundrel.
Lol the Catholic fucking Church, which mandated the expulsion of Jews from Spain is "muh juice" owned? Christ you stormfags are delusional.
Don’t insult stormfags and compare us to this kike
>everyone and everything except me is a kike
You're delusional if you think the church as an organization is not kiked at this point. There's a reason Christ never said listen to the pope, obey the church, follow doctrine. The real magic happens when you find your soul and gain a personal connection with God. Good luck.
You will never be a real Jow Forumstard until you let go of any and all non-contrarian views you have and embrace the hate. Then you become the epitome of this board. Until then, you are a kike shill.
brainlet tier reasoning skills
What you are telling me China is as rich as America, Europe? Get real.
BAHAHAHAHAHA. Protard logic here for you. Even though Christ said to Peter "You are the rock on which I will build my church", not to mention the name Peter literally means fucking rock.
Bruh I fucking hate niggers as well but I have the common sense to realize not everybody except Nazis are "kike shills"
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter heaven.
it's not poverty it's women in the workplace
I know several middle class families with 5-6 children
dad is a professional and makes good money, but mom doesn't work
in addition to having a stronger family life they save a shit ton on day care
You are still using reasoning to explain your ideology. That’s some steps before true enlightenment.
Having been to a village with no running water or electricity, I can confirm. The people were nice, friendly, hard working and noticed the deep need for God. It wasn't an easy life that made them like that, it was a rough one with no modern conveniences.
Oh shit you're right. Let me do this the right way.
There's a reason Jesus picked Peter to be the chief of his apostles after he was gone.
>the chinese have a strong culture
They're just worker bees, they dont give a shit about their own culture. Outside of major cities, people tear off bricks from the great wall to build their houses. Most people dont know anything about their history or care.
Yes. But you don’t understand how their culture is strong. Culture as in something present, that is happening right now. Work is culture too. Not just preserving an old wall. Maybe they know about culture more than us, so much even that it seems to be against culture. But culture is something that is happening in the present. Not museums and old walls. That’s just remnants of culture.
Let’s be real not every single aspect is controlled by Jews. But we see the truth as it is, that they control most things in the world. That they destroy nations. That is what we are, truthful observers. Contrarians of course yes. But also truthful.
Not really. Plus it makes no sense. Why would they want to replace a race that treats them better than anybody else?
Game recognizes game
Well they are the pushers behind nearly every single pro-immigration act in the west.
These plans were made a long time ago
A smart enemy is worse to the Jews than a stupid one without roots, culture, purpose.
Also I'm noticing a contradiction. Jews aren't a monolith and all think the same. Israeli Jews absolutely despise Arabs and are quite racist, while "Western" Jews are on record for being pro palestinian and pro immigration.
Yes of course. But not in their own country, from where international Jewry plans its schemes and operations.
Just like a parasite they infest the host nations and pray for their destruction. Never to Israel, which is the only illegitimate state in the world.