If white people are the 10 lost tribes of Israel then why didn't Jesus preach to the Romans?

If white people are the 10 lost tribes of Israel then why didn't Jesus preach to the Romans?

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>then why didn't Jesus preach to the Romans?
He had faith that they'd do the right thing even indirectly

>white people are the 10 lost tribes of Israel

That has nothing to do with catholicism

Saint Paul also said "kill every fucking white person that doesn't believe in muh jesus", and so they did, and now we all believe in muh jesus.

Huwites are not israelite

except for Bosnians, Chechens, and a few others. there is one Buddhist country in Europe. it has a weird name and is very small but you can learn all about it on (((google)))

Attached: anti semetic christian quote.jpg (1200x600, 169K)

it has nothing to do with real genetic data.

>If white people are the 10 lost tribes of Israel
Idk what you mean by white but I am sure that Slavs are not semitic so we can't be one of those tribes

that's because slavs are not white, much like the irish

Just learned about Kalmykia, although its not a country, but a region in Russia, but its an interesting read, thanks user

Kelts and Germanics were in Egypt and middle east. Slavs were in Iran and India.

np snow nigga

Thank god

Prophecy said house of David; born in Bethlehem.
Also he was going to have to die, so subversive Edomites had to be around



How can christians criticize jews if they wish to become jews themselves?

>How can christians criticize jews if they wish to become jews themselves?
You are talking about LARProtestants.

>didn't preach to Romans

What are centurions !?

He didn't need to because whites already have everything

The Romans made Jesus. No crucifixion = no Jesus.

>The Romans made Jesus.
Jesus is not an idol you jew. He is God.