What is the final solution to brown eyes?

What is the final solution to brown eyes?

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You're not white, kike

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There can be only one solution.

brown eyes are pretty cool

>kikes are europeans
>kikes arent white
make a choice nigger

Flag checks out, you swarthy fucks.

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Have to make the distinction between shitskin brown/soulless and normal humans with amber eyes.

how else would we tell the Nigroids and whites apart? pretty useful

>goes out of mom's basement.
>sees a spic or nigger with green eyes.
>suffers mental breakdown

>What is the final solution to brown eyes?
CRISPR + artificial wombs so that parents can choose their child's own eye/hair/skin colour. IQ and height will be a standard 200IQ, 6ft2.

This way, in the future all people will automatically choose to make their children have light skin, fair hair and non-brown eye colours: aka the average Nord, because that is the epitome of aesthetics and everyone knows it even if they deny it.

Even when the whites lose, CRISPR technology will cause their genes to win anyway. Lets hope their culture and civilization survives as well.

Or was this answer too complete and insightful, OP? Should I have just posted "hurr gas them all"?

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There's a difference between pic related and the average African soulless eyes

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What's the deal with the South West? We are 97% White, and I don't think there much more Celtic stock except in Cornwall, but the Cornish population is small. Maybe the SW Celtic stock is more Ilberian??
I see a lot of Green eyed people here, green eyes are very common in the the UK and green Hazel.
As well as sliver eyes. These charts don't give the insight into the many eye types we have here, green and silver eyes being very rare outside the UK and most hazel eyes elsewhere being a mutty brown not a beautiful mix of colours.

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This map isn't credible. Research was done, Cornish tend to have darker eyes than other English due to old Neolithic stock assimilated by Anglo-Saxons.

>Meme flag dividing Europeans
Anyone who tells you a genetic European with brown eyes is not European probably has a nose which isn't very European

I don't have brown eyes, i have very light hazel eyes - and i think it looks cool nigger. Also i got them from my mother , shes italian - but her eyes are far superior to any shit color eyes. Its like a almost gold?

What is the final solution to memeflags

This ignores that Celtic groups have a full spectrum of brown eyes and hair. Pale skin with dark brown hair/eyes is still European as its Iberian celtic genes.

We will be sent to fight and die as Gladiators, in the white ethnostate of course

I think it rhymes with Zyklon-B

I like my brown eyes, fucking kike. Divide and conquer won't work.

Brown eye /med/ master race

that laser shit that makes mf's look like dune characters



>nose which isn't very European
You mean Roman nose?

I agree. I'm just saying that all brown eyes aren't pic related. People love to shit on brown eyes, but brown eyes can look really cool when not just black nothingness.

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>probably has a nose which isn't very European

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I meant to reply to you

How? I'm literally a first generation immigrant from Europe.

show flag, faggot. i'm sure i can beat the crap out of you with no effort, you fucking kike!

gene editing

Self-hating French brownie

how can people unironically believe that brown eyes are non-european/non-caucasian when the two founding cultures of modern Europe aka Greekbulls and Romanbulls had FOGGING BROWN HAIR AND BROWN EYES.

The Cornish population is tiny there's no big cities, the population there is dwarfed by Bristol, Bournemouth and Poole, along with Devon. Whilse Devon, Somerset and Wiltshire are not exactly population dense with no big cities either they are all larger.
There are Cornish names in the SW but I think the studies show there is little Cornish admixture.
Not counting actual hazels as light is perhaps part of the reason it;s lower. I think hazel is pretty comon here. Mine are like the bottom right.

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They don't believe it, it's just a tactic to get whites to fight each other.

>tfw my family has green/blue eyes
>Tfw I'm white
>tfw I'm hazel eyes master race
>tfw my family is 100% Ashkenazi Jew
Yes... eye color identifies the Jew.

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I've never seen someone with silver eyes wtf.

I've seen a lot of niggers in my life. I have yet to encounter one with blue or green eyes.
Mind you, I do not approve of OP's obvious Judaic D&C

Cornish and Welsh tend to be swarthier and uglier in my experience.

Not being a divide and conquer faggot.

Greta Thunberg

Who cares nigger

Not that it would mean a lot because Wessex was the greatest, saxon nation, noble powerful driving out the great heathen army.
Thier only mistake was when conquering and uniting the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms they didn't purge Essex and London.

>proceed to start the divide and conquer procedure
Every fucking time, Imagine thinking that your eye color is more important than your actual individual skills, is it some sort delusion performed by deficient Nordic people to cope with their disabilities?

Anglo-Saxons bleached East England the most.
Irish are what native British were.

There is a swathier celtic phenotype that some welsh have, I would say they are probably more attractive that the more mixed English on average myself but perhaps I have a bias.
What is rare but common in the UK is truely light eyed people with dark brown or even jet black hair.
I think that's a nice contrast but again maybe I'm biased

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Nice cop, wog.

Males with blue and green eyes like sexy girls, kek

>What is the final solution to brown eyes?
realizing that ancient aryan peoples had brown eyes depending on the wave of migration, but that each wave was still descended from the common indo-european (aryan) source and that prevelance of brown eyes in all white populations depends merely on which wave of aryans had the greater impact on that particular region and that only memeflaggot israeli kikes post shit like this.

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Native brittons were not a homogenous group, the picts were like the modern Irish perhaps but not all native brittons. I don't see a lot of Cornish red heads for example.
There is something interesting about dark haired brits that they often carry light haired recessive genes.
I have people my families born light blond haired who kept it until their teens but eventually their hair became a striking jet black but they kept their light eyes.
They also had kids who remained blonde their entire lives.
Sometimes its the blondes who tan more than paler dark haireds also.

i have grey eyes but for some reason i like dark hair and eyes on girls. skin must be pale tho

Kikes aren't European meme flag

>have blue eyes, sister has green ones
>both blonde as kids, both got light brown hair as teenagers
people thought I dyed my hair brown, because my eyebrows stayed blonde for quite a while longer

gf has blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles
wish me luck on the kid lottery :3

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hit other races or win globalist liberal libertarian, "off duty".

i have light brown/looks almost blonde on sun and black eyebrows
whats your sisters ig

jesus just look at spain and moortugal
>Spain and Portugal have a history of fervent Catholicism, but almost a third of the population now turns out to have a non-Christian genetic heritage. About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA signatures, a team of geneticists reports.

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If you're not a troll acting for a paycheck, you better call a psychologist to check on your autism.

Why did I know you had a meme flag before getting in the thread?

>Muh eye color DnC
It's all so tiresome.

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>Russia not having brown eyes
Have you ever gone east of the Ural mountains?

green eyes are not light.

No it's not. Only repetitive.

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Even niggers can have blue* eyes.
Blue eyes isn't the most important white trait,
people saying otherwise are mutts trying to cope.

>What is the final solution to brown eyes?
>realizing that ancient aryan peoples had brown eyes
I don't care how Aryans looked, light are still superior just like Nordic countries are superior to southern shitholes.

I'm jewish and I have blue eyes

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>meme flag
>shit post

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just simply remove the nigger gene from the planet. the easiest and legal way is not by killing but by fucking as many of their women and then leaving their country.

because you are white