Why does Jow Forums oppose MGTOW and other movements that empower or support men?
Why does Jow Forums oppose MGTOW and other movements that empower or support men?
MGOTW is only half the picture. Almost all of their grievances are valid but their solutions are materialistic and ultimately self-destructive.
Also single line threads with some image macro are not worthy of a real response and therefore I am s4g1ng your post.
MGTOW is fine, its important for pussy whipped beta's to learn that women are not angles and princess, and that they should focus on improving themselves rather than chasing whores.
but that is as far as it goes, few mgtow will ever name the real problem with our society
Because real men are alpha, lead their family and reproduce as much as possible to pass on their genes. MGTOW is the exact opposite.
Slave thinking, you can only be an antagonist because that thing still controls you (woman).
Find a good woman and forge your own identity.
When I join you at the eikaiwa next month, I'll work on it.
There is almost no way anymore to rationally argue that most men aren’t better off single.
The problem is that this is the death-knell of any society, and so the future will belong to those people who can best pressgang both men and women into responsibility and toil.
Our individualistic society is and will continue to liberate individual men and women for some time. Many people who would have been utterly crushed by a more collectivist, authoritarian one will succeed in ways that would be impossible in any other society other than our own.
Unfortunately there is power in numbers.
So yeah MGTOW doesn’t have a long-term future, simply because societies that aren’t either a) too lacking in self-control and intelligence to actually practice it or b) authoritarian enough to force people to breed against their will are headed for the abyss.
The future of humanity is either absolute savagery, dogmatic religious belief, social near-totalitarianism or a combination of all three.
Married men are not alpha, unless they are in a position of executive authority in their society.
In particular, it is inconceivable for a working class or lower middle class married man to be ‘alpha’, simply because he a) does not have the influence to shape the laws and customs that bind him, let alone defy them and b) unlike a wealthy man, the burden of family will weigh so heavily on him that he will essentially spend his entire life toiling on behalf of others, under responsibilities he cannot evade or shirk on pain of punishment from his social superiors.
If it is so Jew, then Why a lot of Youtube videos about the subject were deleted? Included those related with the topic, like the trailer to the documentary "The Red Pill"
Before there were lots of videos of scenes from movies, television, moments of shows, which had a significance towards the so-called MGTOW, and it is no longer, as all those videos tribute to Hitler and Nazism with inspiring music, are somewhat forbidden.
anyone that's redpilled about women and the current state of both the legal system and western civilisation overall knows that the best option for men right now is MGTOW. marriage is a death sentence, and even if you manage to find yourself a woman that won't monkeybranch from you and take everything from you in the process, you'll still be spending the best years of your life propping up a woman who is giving you the least valuable years of her life, namely, her latter years, after she's spoiled her youth by fucking dozens of alphas. you will be settling for far less than you deserve.
anyone that tells you otherwise is either a woman, a cuck who has submitted to women, or a kike.
the only other solution to the power differential in society today is violence. either men go their own way, abandon the plantation as MGTOW like to call it, or we rise up and retake control, reinstating patriarchy. so unless you're willing to do just that, shut the fuck up, because there is no other option. that isn't me saying we need to employ violence btw. I'm just saying there are only two options. starve the hypergamous system of its lifeblood, or kill it directly. if you're not prepared to do the former or the latter then you're still bluepilled, you're a cuck. you're a slave to women and you probably like it because you have low self-worth.
the biggest issue I see with MGTOW, is many MGTOW equating going your own way with living a hedonistic lifestyle away from women. that's just more kikery, it solves nothing and it's that mindset in men that got us to where we are today. western civilisation began to collapse the second we put pleasure above duty and responsibility. so MGTOW chasing hedonistic things, even if those things don't relate to women, is just more of the same.
That's the main weakness of something so decentralized. But, if one could unite men and use their leverage to participate in society to make specific demands like revoking women's rights, then MGTOW would be quite effective.
>Men are not women's protectors, providers, or baby makers
Yes you are, you fucking failure of a man. If you didn't hang out in the worst social circles and you weren't completely inept at meeting women who aren't trash you'd understand this.
MGTOW faggots literally just eat up the Jewish narrative, bend over, and have the kikes sentence them to their fates.
>if women won't assume their traditional gender roles then I won't either! I'm going to throw a fit and turn into some faggot who whores around for random pussy constantly, then I will fill my own head with "entrepreneurial" fantasies of grinding for money like a corporate drone, all while having no one to ever call family.
Literally a male equivalent of wine aunt.
Give up your shitty, degenerate lifestyle of partying and club hopping, and become a better judge of character. Stop being so hung up on the shitty mistakes with women you've made. Then you'll find women who know how to be women.
I mean, it'll happen eventually one way or another. either Islam takes over and it happens that way, or civil war / collapse happens and it happens that way. either way, women will lose their rights eventually. well, everyone will. it will be pure meritocracy. you thrive or you die.
both my fiancé and I lost our virginity to each other, i broke up with her for about a year but we both still have >5 sexual partners each.
we came to the conclusion that life is much more fulfilling and much better lived with each other and we’re both in our early 20s
marriage and starting a big white family just seems like the best option for us
i don’t foresee it, but even if she does leave me it would just be stupid for her, i’d make sure she doesn’t get any of my money and i’m a better partner than anyone else she could conceivably score.
a tip is to aim about 1.5-2 levels down, so i have on good authority i’m about a 8.5-9/10 (my fiancé sees me as a 10) and she’s like a strong 7-weak 8/10
This desu
>and become a better judge of character
95% of women today after the AOC are found wanting.
Men are naturally strong and dont need these faggy movements.
White men I mean. Obviously the lesser races need activists and support groups and stuff.
This. Some guys are just too pussy whipped and think giving a girl all she wants is a good thing and lands them a chance of dating them, and become too naive to realize they are being used. Love exist it just takes time to find it.
Read this man's post.
At no point does he hold women accountable for anything.
He holds the contradictory beliefs that women are the ultimate arbiters of maturity, while treating them like children.
He cannot articulate this, internally or externally, without being a parody so he lashes out at others to hide this frome everyone, including himself.
Just another deluded and self contradictory boomer.
the virginity thing doesn't matter anymore because she's had multiple partners after you. whatever pair bonding or possibility or pair bonding was initiated at that time is gone.
she went back to you because you've made a big thing about you losing your virginity to her. that means you're still invested in her which means you're available. she will likely come and go multiple times throughout your life until she's ready to settle down (and you know what that means). if not, she'll cheat on you because she doesn't respect you. also, if you broke up with her that means that she's gonna be jaded. you took her virginity then left her, that's gonna leave some emotional damage no matter what. she resents you for it and she will get you back for it eventually. you also majorly fucked up by getting back with her after you being the one to dump her. because in her eyes, the power differential has changed now. you went back to her, you took her back and are looking at things in a long-term light so she has you by the balls in her eyes.
all of that "fulfilling" stuff is nonsense. she's telling you what she thinks you want to hear and I think you're buying it because deep down you regret ending the relationship on its inception and wish you stayed with her indefinitely. so now you're trying to sort of, heal the rift, or mend the wound by going all in now, when because of her experiences with you and the many cocks she hopped on after you (which btw will be a lot more than five, she's probably on 15+) she's seen the light, that no man is reliable, so she should just play the field and do whatever it takes to get what she needs.
>if she does leave me it would just be stupid for her
why? she could replace you right now if she wanted to. I admire your confidence but if she's as attractive as you say she could have anyone.
I'm not saying leave her or anything like that, I'm saying be realistic.
>At no point does he hold women accountable for anything.
>thinking women by nature are incompatible with men and they are solely to blame for their subverted culture.
>thinking the degeneration of women is simply in womens' nature
It's clear that all you want is an easy scapegoat for your failures in dating and the growing decline of traditional partnership. It's clear that you only want other men to confirm and validate your feelings and stoke your superficial rage. Rather than looking at the shift in culture logically and blaming the clear culprits, the ones who have consistently admitted to corrupting our social structures and gender roles, you whine like the child you are and do something as idiotic as blaming the entirety of the opposite gender. It's almost as if you're destroying the very thing that holds civilization together. It's almost as if that was their plan on the womens' side also.
Imagine believing you can't tame women though. You're an insult to manhood honestly.
>find women who know how to be women
>tame women
Drop the double standard and get to the only real advice: white women are only wife material when married at 16 or younger.
16, virginal, proper family upbringing, as in, trained as she should be, how to be a good mother + wife, taught about the importance of her role etc. if a woman is non virginal, over the age of 16, untrained etc, she's not marriage material.
>empower or support men
how does whining about women all day empower men?
An easy way out is not the way for a man to be empowered
It's hardcore white cuck cope
This, it's classic DIVIDE AND CONQUER
But the cuck homo faggots on Jow Forums love to buy into jewish D&C "memes" so welcome to low-test nu/pol/
Did a black guy fuck your girl?
They are faggy
>This, it's classic DIVIDE AND CONQUER
Yeah, women were submitting to men and having 5 kids until the MGTOWs came along and DESTROYED the perfect bond between man and woman.
MGTOW is just an individualistic reaction to what women have done to men using feminism and the state.
Behind every MGTOW there is a single mother or a THOT that wont settle down until she is 45 and Chad doesnt call anymore.
Men and women are divided by nature. Get the fuck out of here and not come back, woman.