What motivates you?

What motivates you?

What gets you off your ass to workout and make better changes for yourself and society?

How can we defeat apathy?

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Jesus Christ.

Fear of homelessness and a slow, agonizing death

Killing white people and eating them

nothing. i lost the carrot on a stick trifecta that is sex, family, social standing. none of it means anything to me. therefore i do nothing

Contempt for those who refuse to help themselves and a need to not be a hypocrite.


pooing outside as was intended by god

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I haven't gotten the motivation to work out yet, because I have been working alot of 12 hour shifts and overtime. But I wont give up.


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Brother I also work similar shifts I reccomend drinking bulletproof coffee every morning, planning your day ahead of time and making time.

This shit is important for our mental, physical and spiritual well being.


the portuguese redpill guy that comes here every day and posts redpills in every thread for hours on end inspires me to only shitpost an hour a day and finish my degree so i don't end up like him

Why need others to be motivated. Just do it for yourself. Are others more important than yourself?

>have acid reflux
>can't drink coffee or even tea without feeling nausea
Is this a blessing or a curse lads

Maybe look into nootropics.

I'm fucking angry.
Like, wrath that has transcended the limits of negativity and has become tranquility. Righteous, if you will.
My family is mad too. So is my fiance. So is her family. The little solace I get is that I know I'm responsible for opening their eyes, and that we are not alone.
People make a big deal about love. "Oh, for love you will do anything!"
Yes, maybe. But rage? Hatred? It's very hard to get people to do self destructive things for love because love, true love, is a creative process. But hatred? If you can tap into someone's pure hatred for something, there is nothing they won't do. They are already committed to a path of destruction, why hold anything back? Hatred and rage are the most powerful motivational tools known to mankind.

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start reading philosophy and have a creative outlet, it can be painting, drawing, writing, ceramic's if your a 45 year old woman.

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Based wrath of the Saxon user

I bought a farm and the rural life is what motivates me. I don't want to help society, half the people in my city weren't born here.
I'll help family and other people close to me.

To see my enemies driven before me and to hear the lamentation of their women

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Look into to nootropics like the Brit said.
Also take the caffeine pill pill. Cheaper, doesn’t stain your teeth, and absorbs slower so you have more stable blood levels


I'm so angry I want to fire bomb everything but try do do something nice instead. I still hate everything

Apathy is your own excuse to be content. Think like a warrior the only thing you have control over is your effort and your attitude.

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I want to earn enough to buy 20 acres of land and a home. I will give my sons the option to build on said land.

No idea. I am convinced the Powers that Be were already working the circumstances around me before I got the clear wake-up call to put my shit together and I was able to respond with anything other than "I don't give a fuck". Then some combination of eating properly, sleeping properly, working up a good sweat, and constantly realigning my thoughts toward the positive have been slowly bootstrapping into better and better levels of everything.

I've even gotten the push to, gasp, clean my room.

Any day now I will be able to command my very own lobster army.

I tell myself I am not a goy and that I will not fall to their their jew tactics to destroy us. As soon as I remember that word "goy" i have insane amounts of energy. Even at the end of a workout when I'm dead tired I can do more when I think of what their agenda is.

If ur a good goyim then fucking have apathy. But apathy and distraction is their way of controlling you. Take a red pill. Wake the fuck up and stay the fuck up.

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>I've even gotten the push to, gasp, clean my room.

Did you wash your penis though?

The distant hope of finding someone to grow old and have beautiful white kids with that only slightly outshine the abysmal loneliness

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It's gotta be worth fighting for right?

Get up and start working out, at least that's what keeps me going right now and the fact it feels pretty good. Gotta become a warrior in these dastardly times.

Literally just been signed of from my job with stress, so I don't know.

I really dont know, but I keep fighting anyways.
Recently landed a really hard physical job, working my ass to laces. Will start working out next month.
A man can only fight and hope.

Working out helps relieve stress, keep pushing yourself.

Clean your diet too.

Fair enough, chug a huge ass protein shake after work or hell before too.

I plan to do weight gainer shakes as a late night snack before bed on top of a 3500 calorie diet, maybe at work too.

My diet and exercise are actually on point. I look good.
I just lack purpose and hate my job.

You're gonna make it just don't give up.

That's what the jews want, every time you give up they are laughing at you from their cave.

Make purpose, what are you dreams? where do you see yourself in the future?

It's now or never take action TODAY.

Bump for motivation and believing in yourself

I know that nofap is a meme maybe possibly.
But I stopped masturbating for 4 days now and I got more done in a fucking day then in 7 weeks before.

I don't even know what is happening

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can i take my body building body with me after i die?
no? then why do it. is it viable to keep living a fantasy
when you can't take it with you when you die?

You can take the spiritual gains with you.

If I die today I won't be around to kill Burgers tomorrow

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Short term goals. If I meet my savings goals in the first three weeks of a month then I reward myself with a one week vacation, drugs, and hookers during the last week of a month.
This has actually worked out very well since I started doing it. Am much more productive than I ever was.

I hope you're a woman or you're a complete fucking pussy. I'm a wittle bit stressed doc, it hurts my feelys and I really cant work.

I guess every morning is a new shot and opportunity at slaying strange pussy so I wake up for that