Why does Jow Forums have such complete seething hatred for these right-wing figures?

Why does Jow Forums have such complete seething hatred for these right-wing figures?

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>Jordan Peterson
>right wing

Made me laugh danskjävel.

Because they're cringe-inducing, and they think they're smarter than they actually are.

They're all about reframing opposition to leftism for another generation. None has a plan to win.


Right wing? I see two lefties, a jew, and a closet-dwelling shill comedian.

Cause every single one of them uses trolling to get mainstream attention.

Jordan Peterson is an individualist and does nothing but talk about washing your penis
PJW offers no solutions and complains
Shapiro is braindead outside of debating college students
Sargon of Akkad is a fucking laughing stock, on many levels


Ive never seen the jews larping as Shitlords trash PJW...

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Because they don’t mention mass migration

>Basedgoy of Mossad, criticises people for supporting Hamas resisting Israel
>Muh pseudo-intellectual
>You must remember 6 gorillion goys! Jews don't control the media and entertainment
>Ben (((Shapiro)))

They are not right-wing. Centrists at best.

>Peterson & Shaprio
literal subversive KIKES
A literal "muh wife son" cuck & race traitor
the least worst of the bunch
Does some good work
but cucks on JQ (probably cos it would cost him infowars $$$)

The Alt-lite are stepping stones.
They're a mix of truth & gate keeping bluepills

One of Sargon's biggest thing is mass migration though. He can still be a faggot, but just saying.

Petersonian and Shapiro are on a whole other level wheb it comes to being hypocritical shills

Judas goats.

He didn't do jack shit

Simple divide and conquer shill posting. Except for Shapiro who is just a neocon in alt-right clothing.

Because they're all shills with watered-down beliefs. PJW is the closest to likable and he's still a fucking retard

Because being "right-wing" doesn't automatically make your positions right.
Only retards think in the basic R vs L paradigm

franco would be better tbqhwyfam

Unironically helped me clean my room and straighten out my life, unwittingly controlled by jews
>Paul Joseph Watson
Pretty funny and based most of the time, will sell out in a heartbeat to keep his eceleb status

>right wing

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These dudes are chill. It's you shitskinned heathens we want dead.

Peterson is right wing?

>right wing

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none of these are really right wing

>right wing

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Literally communists.

Ben's a sellout neocon, fuck him. The others aren't right wing and don't call themselves right wing.

they all dont touch racial issues. they play along fo4 youtuve views

Someone give me details on Carl and the my wife's son bit. Don't know about it.


They aren’t masculine

Are you some kind of retards?

I’m fine with all except that interloper Shapiro.

Not to mention ideologically inconsistent and unreliable.

Because three of them are Zio-plants.
Watson my be a little suspicious too.
He's conservative but not exactly 'Juden rein'.

Two of those guys claim to be on the left.

because they're false opposition

Why do you care bot?

1 - a cuck that does not admit that tribalism exists and some tribes work together more than others. He is not generally bad and if we exclude the JQ and tribalism, he is good. He is probably hated by some because I lot of people are pushing him
2. - noone actually hates him
3. - he is a jewish nationalist. his ideas are not bad, but jewish nationalism and white nationalism are enemies
4. - a long story, but in general he thinks he is smarter than he is, i do not hate him, but his ego is so big it reaches the sun.

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Whites are being demographically genocide and groomed for violent genocide in their homelands

> won't be pro white

Ok well I don't care if you're right wing or left wing.

Because as soon as it gets mainstream Jow Forums will automatically hate it because everything mainstream is the work of kikes and shills.

This. All of them are just hypothetical ecelebs. None of them really mean what they say. They just like how they sound when they talk

>right wing
these cucks are not right wing

they are all liberals

Pro Israel = anti western civilisation. Even the football lads alliance is starting to notice

>rightwing figures
ffs user. Get off the plantation you slave.

we just don't like your gatekeepers. Especially when they admit to being as such like peterson has.

The arrangement of those pics explains it all. Imagine pic related is a political compass and you'll start to get it.

Personally I'd swap Shipiro and Sargon. But Peterson is definitely the commie and PJW is definitely the Fascist.

Right wingers are even bigger cucks then liberals. Be a fascist OP

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I suppose they'd be considered right-wing in Europe or parts of California.

>Because as soon as it gets mainstream Jow Forums will automatically hate it because everything mainstream is the work of kikes and shills.

I don’t listen to mainstream media.

He basically is by the standards of his field. He certainly is by the standards of your country, leaf.

Advocacy of pure individualism in total denial of the legitimacy of groups and group interests to an already terminally individualistic group of whites under siege by myriad groups advancing their own interests.

no one on this list is right-wing

hormonally challenged

Eh, PJW is sorta alright, the others are just faggots looking for an easy paycheck.

They are losers and freaks

>Right Wing

Nice b8

Cia mossad garbage just like the daily stormer.

Fun fact.

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They're horrible garbage. Except Sargon, Sargon's a good guy.

They are jews

Sargon used to be cringy but he noticed and improved his image recently. Ben Shapiro. accuses people of anti semitism for just refusing to bow down to Israel and he can't take real political incorrectness despite of what he says so fuck him. He also demands people to act a certain way, which makes him a hypocrite because it is what he was always saying it is that that makes the left so annoying. So fuck him. PJW is okay I guess, he is just one more commentator of the bunch, not super reliable but a bit entertaining.

Jordan Peterson is based and redpilled but he shills capitalism as it is a good thing instead of just being a least worse alternative.

It's just memelords and shitposters who don't like them because they're not radical enough. Only a newfag thinks Jow Forums is a Nazi haven.

PJW is based. Fucking neck yourself.

They tend to be rape & pedophila apologists defenders

Zionist shills hand picked by Jews

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all four of those men have a lot of good ideals, even ben "fight my war" shapiro
it's a lot easier to complain about them than give praise

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Why hello there my fellow White Nationalists! Now that LOL JEWNOLD TRUMP has cucked out to Israel, which super cool and hip Moderate Democrat are my white Nazi bretheren going to vote for? I was thinking either the BASED HAWAIIAN Tulsi Gabbard or maybe HONORARY YELLOW ARYAN Andrew Yang? Who do you think is most likely to kick off an American Fourth Reich??? Thanks for your input and Sig Heil mein niggers!

Bordan plemerkun helped me get a shit job and stop hating myself so much for a little bit.

I wish I didn’t get tired of him. Now I’m having a hard time finding motivation.

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Peterson is aware of the IQ differentials

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OP is a shill remember to check posts by this id

>right wing

You're a cuck about Peterstein or maybe you're just a non white meme flaggot

that's exactly how (((they))) want you to feel
notice how these attack threads are always filled with low-level insults towards e-celebs? that's because they're powerful and truthful
they're hoping you take the bait and influence your opinion of said e-celeb because there is a grain of truth in their attack. no e-celeb is perfect

They all are scared of the Jewish question except the Jew, he likes to ride the anti-semitism train.

To a far left enough ideologue anybody right of Stalin is literally worse than Hitler.

PJW is getting more based by the day (unironically). The rest of them can go fuck themselves.

I don't know leaf, he seems to be pretty based.

Idk. I like all of them, I disagree with all of them on certain points as well. I also admire them for fulfilling their own nitche in the right news reporting as well. Ben is like CNN in the 90s. Paul is like the buzzfeed of the right. And Peterson is basically what all college professors were in the 90s. And I don’t watch Sargon a whole lot. It’s my understanding he self produces videos on YouTube and that’s how he became known. So I guess he’s like Alex Jones 2.0.

they are all in the system
you cannot point out the jew just yet, if you're using youtube, television, etc
that's just a fact
i know we all wish they would directly confront it, but that would be suicide
don't be dumb now

Clean ur room wash your dick

If you guys want a youtuber who likes Jow Forums watch MrObvious.

cool, subbed

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Because they all remind me of the faggots that had no friends in high school.

JP encourages adult behaviour. He basically is a self help guru telling incels to get off their asses and stop blaming old people for thir problems. Spoiled angry manchildren do not want to hear it. Not sure about the others, but this probably applies: RRREEEEE, "insert name here" doesn't support my white ethnostate! RRREEEE, "insert name here" interacted with a jew/nonwhite. Therefore, "insert name here" has no information of value. It's childish and larpy. I suspect that lefties on Jow Forums also attack these 4 (and anyone right of center that Jow Forums takes a liking to). This accomplishes much. Discrediting /our/ guys pushes Jow Forumstards to ignore them entirely, regardless of what valuable info they may have. That's how easily people can be manipulated. Especially young people with limited world experience who may be seeking knowledge of elders. Their short attention span and unwillingness to vett info on their own, only makes it easier.

Is a good introduction to SOME of our ideas, but overall is pozzed and kind of useless
However something can be said about his book 12 rules, its not bad and normies should read it because its better than nothing
bluepilled faggot = NOPE
bluepilled faggot who actually read 12 rules and isn't a complete simp = not as bad
PJW: a typical brit, obsessed with American politics, is kind of a fag but he is over time getting more and more based and redpilled
He is starting to see what civnat is gay and for faggots

Ben Shapiro: Yeah, there might be some overlap in beliefs and values
he likes guns and free speech and yadda yadda yadda and so do I
He is a blood thristy zionist war hawk that hates white people
his kids are Jew/Moroccan
He is a racemixer pos and he hates whites
>i dont give a damn about the browning of America
among other things, Ben is the worst person on that picture

Sargon: I would kind of sort of consider him an ally libtard
he is fucking stupid when it comes to race race+IQ guns .....etc.
but he is to some degree a nationalist and for a libtard britbong, that is kind of sort of respectable
he just needs to chill with some of the gay shit
#gamergate2.0 (if you know that reference, then you know what I mean)

But he's not by definition retard so what point are you making? Fuck i would shoot up a building if i could guarentee you were in it.

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