6'5" blonde green/blue. How can der untermensch even compete?
6'5" blonde green/blue. How can der untermensch even compete?
>giving your biometric data to multibillion global corporations AND paying to do so
why do mutts do this? are you so fucking insecure about something that literally doesnt matter?
The whole fucking system is collapsing within 20 years. They get the rope first.
You will be a big target that requires a lot of food and water to survive. You aren't going to make it
racemixing really does cause brain damage lmao
British/Irish=Jew mischling nice try
Oi vey no I'm white
I have my lands and fields of h'wheat. My sustinence is accounted for
White plus white = not white?
Plz explain math user
yeah dude property rights will totally exist when the rope comes out. you are a big dummy aren't you?
Still I have white skin blue eyes and light brown hair lmao.
Why will I need any "property rights" when I have all the defenses and real ability to keep what's mine already taken care of?
Does it matter what color is your hair or eyes? If you're fucking white then you're fucking white.
An open field of wheat is not a defensible position. A tall guy walking around out there is an easy target. Fuel will be hard to come by. You will have to harvest it with hand tools. You clearly haven't thought this through.
You're clearly a faggot doomsday larper who frequents army navy stores in search of "muh tacticool vests" trust me cunt I'll be just fine when whitey snaps and the world burns
Do u mean appearance wise? Because I am considered white by many. But ancestral wise sadly am not.
100% mutt
I know :)
>when your ancestors are such whores that they get fucked by an entire subcontinent.
>broadly european
you.. you call yourself white??
gtfo goblino
Show dna incel
Have sex
Muscle mass? Tone? What degrees have you achieved? How high in the social order are you?
Green and blue eyes are exclusive to white genes. The same with blonde and red hair.
Skin is one metric. You need the eyes and hair as well.
Currently 22 years old and going for a phd in bio engineering and a minor in electrical engineering. On the thin side with great tone. I'm a competitive swimmer. Socially I have a tight group of close friends and tend to be acquaintances at best with others, however I am a leader in work and school environments naturally
Dios mio... Lo veo un goblino de estados unidos...
Time to subvert my host country ;)
Whiter than u Juan