Have you observed this irl too?
Why do so many liberal women claim to hate white men but still end up wanting to fuck then?
Other urls found in this thread:
white men and women are coveted. All the aggression we're seeing is based on jealousy. This tweet is proof that no matter how much man hating and white hating a liberal whore is, she still will leave her shitkin husband for white cock in her cunt.
Reason #1: Money
Reason #2: See Reason #1, above.
America is still a majority white country.
If they were anti-chinese and moved to china they would have Chinese partners as well due to demographics.
Whoever censored the names in this is a dumbfuck faggot
The last comment has an exchange between a beta faggot and a girl, and is the best part of the image. "How could you possibly be like this I actually believed what you girls said" lmao
Every bitch wants white dick.
Is that the little kid whose family the left threatened to murder after she made videos making fun of AOC?
Women want beautiful kids.
Every coal burner with a niglet has sadness in their eyes when they look at their spawn.
>white men fuck that
>white women are the most attracted to white men of all races
But muh BBC
cuck of the day award for that fellow
I can drop some fatcs, black boys leave though because you WILL be triggered.
White man's whore
(read pic)
Then it would be Asian men
Not surprising, really.
But niggers are easily fooled by most things.
lol, this one always triggers the black boys (pic)
Nice cope there
Literal gypsie
black incels are everywhere today since the sexual markert opened and black women aren't scared to date outside of the ghetto any more (pic related)
Evolution. Intelligent babies have a better chance at surviving.
black boys be like: :(
This shitty slide thread everyday and fags keep replying. C'mon the shills are not even trying. At least force the bait to evolve.
Women's underlying desires can be overshadowed by a narrative forced in media. If you say women want bbc enough times and you provide example, they'll want it anyway.
Cope. The US is officially like 70% white. Factoring in millions of mestizos omitted from the census as illegals, there's a chance it's under 60%. Anyone looking for non-whites in America doesn't have to look very far.
Id go exploring her sub continent
Niggers are almost as low as loos lmao
Just a reminder that kikes and muhdicks don't want you to have.
You must understand that all liberalism and feminism expressed by women is a shit-test to help them find strong men whose genes are worthy.
Pass the shit test, or just bitch online, your choice.
We're gods incarnate.
her talking shit was from march
but the pick of her with chad is from February
so perhaps, they broke up
dude, niggers can barely read. they have bigger issues to worry about.
she's like 4'2. why bother.
if only she posted her face
was probably a fucking long haired beta boy posing as a girl to get some brownie points in that thread
birthrates low af (in america)
black on black crime causes so many nigger deaths
the number of killer of nigs are other nogs
67 percent of nigs are born out of wedlock
and so on....
this nigs priorities are fucked up man
>pic related cuz whites and blacks are NOT EQUAL AT ALL
>Have you observed this in real life too?
I experienced it firsthand m8. My most recent ex (a bleeding liberal) 1happily dated me for 2 and a half years, all the while talking mad shit about white men like it was her second job. Her exes before me were all white guys too.
> taking women seriously as political candidates knowing they all suck cock and get fucked around by guys
I don't understand how cucks still exist with the amount of information available
> thinking both aren't whores
Yep they love us
What race was she? What did she say off example? Why aren’t you together anymore?
>all those asian men going after latino women
pesos are safu
Nah it’s literally just physical attraction
Kek, my fiance sends me daily memes featuring anti-white faggots and retarded posts that she sees on faceberg. She gets pretty riled up and she fucking hates mexicunts that have been encroaching on US soil the way they have. She told me the other day that she was laughed at in Middle school for saying it'd be a good idea to learn Spanish because 'Mexicans are going to try to take over the US'. Apparently even her teacher laughed.
She's fairly redpilled and understands my thoughts and opinions completely, yet she still thinks I'm a little bit crazy for what I say about kikes and the holobunga. I say stuff like
>I hate Jews so much that sometimes I can not sleep
And she'll say to just not worry about that stuff. Can she be saved?
Anti-white shilling is a "designer" belief. It's something associated with celeb garbage, people say shit like its a fashion accesory.
The truth is, women are bound to their instincts. They will seek out a man of their race, and desire to be in the hands of a dominamt male of said race.
Also, these women are often projecting... Notice they're often undateable and ugly? No white guy would ever touch them, unless if the guy is severely cucked. It's a mix of designer belief and maximum coping.
>expecting us to not recognize you as a likely virgin who certainly has never had any actual experience with women of this caliber
That lone soiboi getting a hard red-pilling in the comments.
I'm 100% white and from England btw. I've worked hard to come here to be with my fiance. Also I fucking love America, and I hate the faggots that want to destroy it. If you aren't a 2A absolutist, then you are a leftcuck and should be forced through a very fine mesh. That's my motto.
It's a pleasure to be here though lads.
Congrats on finding the one bro, I am about to propose to my girl too. She's redpilled af and just an amazing person all around. Cheers
Ive fucked more girls than you without question and have 2 girlfriends right now.
> being this much of a beta cuck that he still believes in 'muh virtuous angels'
Short girls are fucking hot
>an actually good leafpost
This is very true bro. It's designer in the sense that they're trying to artificially make it popular, and a failure in the sense that all worthy white women don't give a fuck about what some magazine says.
Also it's important to remember that women absorb the beliefs of the man she's with, if he's dominant and unapologetic. If you loudly, and proudly say you don't trust niggers because most violent criminals are niggers, and refuse to ever back down or tone-down your language, she'll see that it is safe to have such views, and that you're a guy who's worth sticking with because you aren't a flimsy cuck.
I wanna move to America, too many liberal betas in the UK. Tips / thoughts?
>getting this triggered over something that apparently isn’t true
Lmao alright buddy :D
Its in your blood god speed you crazy diamond
Is this Matt Dilahunty's wife?
That's fucking brilliant news mate, I'm made up for you. It unironically warms my heart to hear of more young men who are willing to do the sensible thing like that. Good for you bro, I hope she makes a good wife for you, and I'm sure she will.
Also are you onto the boomer meme of:
>wife BAD
It's been pushed so fucking hard by kikes since the 70s, that I think it started to work. Once I noticed the 'wife BAD' boomer meme, things started to make a lot more sense regarding women.
>Why do so many liberal women claim to hate white men but still end up wanting to fuck them?
Psychology and how the brain works has something to do with it. These women are using "SJW Logic" which is emotion-based logic rather than data-driven type logic. In the emotion-based logic system, 1+1=3 is True if they feel like it due to sympathy, anger, or fear. It's also why you end up with SJW demonstrating contradictory logic as illustrated in the picture. Remember, they do NOT realize what they are saying is hypocrisy or is contradictory - to them everything is accurate, truthful, and valid because of their emotions driving their logic choices at each moment.
Feels good to be the best
I can finally agree with the memeflag.
Very true burgerbro. I started voicing my opinions about jews around my girlfriend and now she will comment "those fucking jews" when the she sees the news or banking related stuff. Women who respect their man will always adopt his beliefs.
When you breed a woman, she inherits some of your DNA, so it makes sense a woman would design herself in your image to please and support her man.
If they were anti-chinese and moved to china they'd be locked up
>Short girls are fucking hot
found the pedophile on parole
Half white half Filipino, brown skinned. If you looked at her you'd think she was Latina. Oh dude, what DIDN'T she say? Bitch would plaster liberal horse shit all over Facebook, talk about things like white privilege, the typical run of the mill feminist crap. We actually broke up a few times and subsequently reunited before we finally stopped speaking for good, which was about 2 months ago. The fights we had were almost always instigated by her. She was on both birth control and antidepressants (switched between like 4 different ones the whole time I was with her) which fucked her up completely in the head, always made her irritable over the stupidest and most trivial things. Hell, I could write a fucking novel on the bullshit this cunt put me through. Suffice it to say, she pushed me away to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I do take solace in the fact that she's in her 30s now, used up whore, childless and miserable. I thank God every day that I never knocked her up
yes, everyone wants dwarf manlet children.
short women need to be euthanized.
Thank you bro!
Yes I have, ever since I was a kid I was confronted with the "dont get married" meme. What's funny is, it was my uncle shilling it, and I saw how unhappy and cucked he became as he aged. He had to settle for some chick he doesn't love.. He leads an unfullfilling life without kids now. As a teen I noticed this and really evaluated it, and realized that a family and wife is a fulfilling avenue to go down.
Honestly, I saw that pattern repeated from multiple dudes saying 'dont get married'. And its all cucks who had bad luck with women, and weren't open minded enough to search for a partner thats not only attractive to you, but also compatible with your personality and beliefs.
Short adult women*
If a chomo shows up on my yard, the next day, one of the homies is gonna have a piece hooped, ready to put in work
Don’t go to this discord, fags
Well lad, I've only been here for 2 weeks so far, so I'm still very much adjusting to it. I'd advise that you visit here at least 5 times before you do anything. I was visiting my fiance for years before I put-in the paperwork. It's a long and stressful process, but it has to be, I suppose.
From experience, I can tell you that you're not likely to meet a more welcoming and accommodating group of people than Americans, when it comes to Brits.
This level of hospitality has unfortunately been used against them by those who would seek to harm the country, but for Brits (particularly us English), there is an unspoken brotherly bond and an understanding that we're cut from the same cloth. Basically, don't be a Mexican or a nigger.
I obviously moved here to be with my fiance and to start a family, but luckily I've always had an affinity for the USA so it worked out. For someone like you who is sick of the disgusting situation in the UK, I'm not sure how you could do that unless you have a really good job. You need to get sponsored and everything.
I'd say if you're serious about it, the only thing you can do is research at the time being, and find out what your options are. It's extremely expensive too. Americans seem happy to have white Brits, so in terms of culture you'd doo fine I think.
All I can really advise is: you have to be positive, and very, very determined.
Sorry I don't have better advice though friend. My head is still spinning from the 5 year long journey.
>expecting whores to have any integrity at all
LOL Dude thats too much. Asians are TOO honest.
So fucking funny this pic
I've noticed in CAN white brits are always welcomed with open arms, people fucking go nuts over the accent, so many people find it endearing.
Im glad you got it all figured out man, my soon to be fiance is from the US and I drive her to CAN every week to visit, since her living situation sucks. I have to go through the whole immigration process myself, but thankfully Im close to the US.
Zing! I got that reference.
There's a rumor he is a cuck and likes his wife fucking other men.
>Evolution. Intelligent babies have a better chance at surviving.
Not if the rival brute comes by and kills this threatening rival. Similarly, in elementary school, middle school, and high school, I had a lot of peer pressure to not get good grades and even got stabbed with pencil once in high school. Couldn't even report the stab because snitches get stitches so the next time it would be much worst. The nigs pull ya down to where they are.
>Macking them bitches you think, Want you but they really want me.
Work your way in or marry your way in. Sadly you can't hop a fence and have liberals defend you're right to stay here and sponge resources.
nice digits
Holy shit look at those gas prices..
Sounds like a shitty person. Tbh I’ve never met that many SJWs irl. But they all seem miserable irl in my experience
ugh, the idea of accepting state benefits as an able bodied man actually repulses me. I wouldn't even want to exist in another mans land illegally, I actually have pride and respect for other peoples lands
Exactly user. How can you realistically expect a woman to respect you if you don't even have the balls to speak your mind? I've said since I was about 15, that I'd sooner respect a virulent racist who speaks his mind and isn't afraid, than a wet blanket of a man who goes with the crowd. I learned that from my dad, who also happens to hate Jews, Muslims, Gyppos, and all other forms of sewer scum.
It's simply more alpha to say what you mean. There's no two ways about it.
I also say some very extreme stuff, and while my fiance doesn't really like that too much, she knows full well that I'm at least saying what I mean. Stuff like drag queens and pedos deserve to be brutally murdered, modern day journos deserve to be mutilated in the streets for what they've done to the west, etc. She just doesn't like violent imagery though, but she is a woman. She browses /x/ lmao.
>idea of accepting state benefits as an able bodied man actually repulses me.
You'd fit in with any true red blooded American.
Good man. I used to work with a white South African, and he was so fucking pissed off at how they treated him versus rapefugees. He had to sacrifice everything and work for his money to stay here. He's a good man. He also fucking hated niggers with a passion. Now he's a team lead who oversees all the young guys, probably redpilling the fuck outta them.
Im black but I'm not a nigger at all, final year of chemistry degree, red pilled conservative, run a social media business, 20k+ in savings and looking to support myself and come in legally. From what I've seen Americans are still hospitable to me. Probably because of the accent and not acting like a nigger.
Ive noticed that even most of you who claim to be racist still treat blacks who have character with respect. I get why you hate us though but im too masculine for people to openly disrespect I reckon
I know, user. It must be a few years old. Although as I often say when Americans ask about prices in England, I tell them it might seem expensive here, but to be glad it's not like it is in the UK.
I don't know what it is exactly off the top of my head, but I remember working out that it'd be about $7-9 per gallon in the UK. No wonder most people don't drive until the age of 30+ there.