
>creates bait thread on the chans
>complains about niggers and jews
>makes meme attempting to redpill
>says white race needs to fight back

>runs from niggers and jews
>never fought neither
>scared of consequences

Dont be this guy, be Tarrant.

Attached: 1555639528030.jpg (600x717, 47K)

>>makes meme
>>never fought
The great meme war is forgotten.

who is "this guy" you are referring you?

>make meme on Jow Forums
>think niggers in detroit are now scared

You are the one afraid. Nigger lover


Attached: fellow anons.png (625x500, 412K)

it's 7 AM here my guy, you're already tormenting the glowniggers?

Remember when the glow niggers kept saying he didn't inspire anyone and would be forgotten? Damn how time flies when there's nonstop Tarrant threads, glowniggers on suicide watch.
Maybe you glowniggers should engineer the next Saudi attack better and you'll get more public support.

Everyone on Jow Forums are autistic incels.
>makes meme

Attached: Screenshot_20190918-093738_Brave.jpg (1048x724, 159K)

dab on em muzzies t. brendan torrent

Attached: 1568210553594.jpg (634x422, 54K)

Why is it so difficult for you to spell it?
His name is

Make hate crime real

Boy, that is an old picture

Attached: 455920577_410333.jpg (1280x782, 246K)

hahaha wtf is this shit?
shilling for dummies?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-01 Against White Nationalist Terrorism.png (618x6803, 838K)

How does killing random civilians help our cause when it results us being censored from the internet and makes normies associate us with terrorism?

>quoting a literal faggot and movement grifter

eye for an eye m9

stay mad

Attached: snort.png (1080x607, 1.29M)

The censorship was happening long before Christchurch, you slimy opticuck spammer.
Stop spreading lies.

You must be new to this if you think censorship of pro-whites is something new. We were already heavily censored. THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION. Voting doesn't work. Go suck Greg's dick you cuck faggot

you should translate the manifesto into your language

>be a mass murdering psychopath who confirms the public perception of white nationalism
>kill enemies of Judaism while being an instrument for kikes to use in their culture war against white people, nationalism, and white preservation

>muslim invaders
>enemies of Judaism
kill yourself you disgusting creature

Attached: muslims and jews.png (1690x650, 247K)

hows your kike boss david doing? still being a faggot i bet?


>but muh redpilling normies! le based black and latino trump voters!
*gets genocided*

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 11K)

>enemies of judaism

Attached: jews muslims common cause.jpg (791x803, 92K)

Attached: muslims and jews.jpg (500x522, 82K)

Dude I wish it was only sharecucks doing the shilling against Tarrant.
There is glowinthedark COINTELPRO behind that shit, and droves of (((cuckservatives))) mindlessly follow licking their boots.

>You must be new to this if you think censorship of pro-whites is something new.
That still doesn't mean we should be speed up the censorship process by giving more arguments for our enemies to censor us, and turning the public opinion against us.

>We were already heavily censored. THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION. Voting doesn't work. Go suck Greg's dick you cuck faggot

That might be the case in the US. But in many European countries there is a good change for nativist parties to gain power and reverse the demographic decline. Example in Denmark most of the parties have turned against mass immigration because of pressure from nationalist party.

You're a fucking retard. Kikes use Muslims as pawns, just like they use every other goy cattle, and that's exactly what they're doing: moving them like cattle into Europe. Anyone without a lobotomy can recognize that they're not "comfy". Your shitty history lesson does nothing to explain modern relations and conflicts between the two. If you think Jews would ever see them as allies or even friendly you're deluding yourself and know nothing about that fucking cult.
Go get your brains blown out. You'll do so much to help the cause you fucking larping brainlets.

Sivu 1
Sivu 2
Älä mene hellä yönä,Vanhuuden tulisi palaa ja ravea päivän päätteeksi;Raivoa, raivoa valon kuolemaa vastaan.Vaikka viisaat miehet tietävät pimeyden olevan oikein,Koska heidän sanansa eivät haastaneet yhtään salamaaÄlä mene lempeäksi tuona hyvänä yönä.Hyvät miehet, viimeinen aalto, itkien kuinka kirkasHeidän heikko tekonsa ovat saattaneet tanssia vihreässä lahdessa,Raivoa, raivoa valon kuolemaa vastaan.Villit miehet, jotka kiinni ja laulavat aurinkoa lennon aikana,Ja oppia liian myöhään, he surullisivat sen matkalla,Älä mene lempeäksi tuona hyvänä yönä.Hauta miehet, lähellä kuolemaa, jotka näkevät sokealla silmälläSokeat silmät voisivat palaa kuin meteorit ja olla homo,Raivoa, raivoa valon kuolemaa vastaan.Ja sinä, isäni, surullisella korkeudella,Kirous, siunatkoon minua nyt kiihkeillä kyynelilläsi, rukoilen.Älä mene lempeäksi tuona hyvänä yönä.Raivoa, raivoa valon kuolemaa vastaan

Not an argument.
Among the "cattle" there are plenty of shabbos goy willing doing the work for their hooked nosed masters, you can find them among whites as much as among muslims.
Fuck you with your mindless "it's the jews against all the others" Manichaeism.

Replace white people asap

Watch out for dem paki nuclear bombs, Pajeet.