Why did it decline so hard?

Why did it decline so hard?

Attached: Spain.gif (1600x1325, 675K)

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being retarded marrano rape babies ruled by lisping jews


This. This was only possible through christianity

Religiosity, crippling restrictions on trade between even its own territories, and protectionism.

Spain needs another Franco.

Eh they had a pretty good run

>Loss of Germanic aristocracy.
>retarded indigenous population.
>"French" kings.
>British opposition.
>Too much North African admixture from Neolithic period.

all completely wrong and extremely bluepilled. I expected more from you, Joao

The 2008 recession got us hard, but we're recovering slowly. Also there's a lot of old people here who require state bux. Too much demand and no supply of young workers = trouble.

We've been shit since 1982

>all completely wrong
Argue against it then Cani.

this is decent but take the plank out of your eye

Attached: OrderOfCristCross.svg.png (1280x1280, 13K)

Built an extractive empire instead of a settler / trade empire, which worked great at first but couldn't compete with e.g. England over time

They rested on the laurels of having the largest navy and being first to the new world. They got outworked and outsmarted by others.

Kind of what’s happening to the US right now.

>Why did it decline so hard?

Was at war constantly with the rest of Europe (and a good part of the world as well) for roughly 200 years (to simplify a lot, the whole XVI and XVII centuries), that kind of things tend to take a huge toll on a country, especially if your manpower is not immense.

Look a bit at history, and the most amazing is not that Spain's power slowly collapsed, but that it could last so much in the first place fighting on so many fronts all the time.

This it's the African dna


France was just as backwards as Spain in almost every regard. We're talking multiple tolls and taxes for shipping goods between provinces as each noble had to get their cut. But they had this all driven out with the French Revolution and Napoleon came in and squashed the excessive retardation. This gave the French a good 20 years of excellent governance before the monarchy returned. Spain never got this, they just languished in this backwards semi-feudal economic structure all the way into an era where technology was increasingly becoming important. The massive amount of reworks required were impossible for the population to handle with technology getting in the way. This is why they were getting pulverized by the US by the end of the 19th century because 'modern' warfare requires a firm economic base to fund and supply the war machine. The US was able to pass spending bills without raising taxes at all for the Spanish-American War while Spain was almost tapping out just trying to police Cuba. They unironically would have been better off letting Napoleon reorganize their country with rational governmental systems. Instead they languish even to this day.

Look, a moron

Completely wrong

Part of the problem, but again, there was no manpower to build a proper 'settlers's empire'

You might seem to know a lot about Cuba, who is Basil Zaharoff and whom Isaac Peral?

haha baseado

The civil war, followed by Franco. That's why.

Attached: 1568758090128.jpg (3800x1904, 2.96M)

>Gibraltar (U.K.)

Attached: LMAO.gif (382x308, 1.64M)

Argue, dont insult. Argue.
And to the Amerimutt, the Order of Christ was made by crypto-kikes who had secret rites of passage, namely dubious sacrifices to Moloch and Sheqinah.

Spaniards, and all of its offspring are bad handling money.

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it didn't. Spain has a GDP comparable to Russia while having only a fraction of population and landmaas.

The end of the Visigoths, that's why. After that it was just Moors, Jews, and Christcucks shitting up the place.

>right wing dictatorship of portugal falls
>new commie democracy allows all colonial niggers into portugal
>over the next decade Portuguese population increase by 1.5 million (10+% of the population)
>Literal nigger-nation (look at portuguese national football team)

expelled all their jews. that type of shit happens when you kick successful people out of your country

Attached: 1554920820512.png (879x813, 374K)

None of what you said has actual facts to back it up. There is literally no evidence to prove any of your points.
>inb4 article by David Goldstein about african DNA in Spain

Why when i search "moors" i get only black people, but when i search the spanish word for it "moros" i get semite north africans?, who's wrong here?, weird desu, try it in google :'v

Attached: 874dd50c130c8a4b9c7665a2109cce6a.jpg (236x319, 16K)

We kicked the jews out whilst the Portuguese race mixed with them. Thats why Charles V and Philip II made fun of the portuguese

Black people looking for black moors might skew the result

too good for this world ;_;

It all started when the Spanish Armada was destroyed then Spain spiraled down into further decline.

>t. blackmoor

It never really existed to begin with

If you look at how long a world super power exists they are all around 250 years. Spain's Glory days were not unique.

Are you spanish?

Who spoke about our shithole? Its your shithole thats now in focus Pablo.

>Decadence attracts Jews
>Jews attract degeneracy
>Degeneracy destroys empires

Is the Catalonia thing still happening? I never heard how that ended.

This Thread is pure autism

Were they ever great for anything other than dibs on stealing wealth?

>We kicked the jews out
and you've been a shithole ever since. It's just like the arabs after Israel became a country. All the smart people were kicked out, arabs countries turned to shit, and Israel is now a booming powerhouse.

Attached: success_breeds_jealousy.jpg (3720x1866, 1.97M)

>Israel is now a booming powerhouse.
Israel will be while their goyim cattle in the US pay their bills. Once funding from the goyim stops, everything will return to the arabs.

How delusional you are. Just year after the disaster of the spanish armada, Spain utterly destroyed a bigger english armada. The real beggining of the end were the simoultaneous revolts in Catalonia, Portugal and Andalucia in 1640. And the total fuck up was keep fighting a lost war against France for 11 more years after the treaty of Westfalia.

Spain is white wdym

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i'm flemish and you? guess that namefag thingy gives it away

kek Israel leads the world in hitech and agricultural technology. Keep your money, we're alright.

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Attached: belgium2.jpg (499x275, 22K)

>powerhouse that constantly begs for more gibs

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Christ that was hard to read

What? It's not hard at all. I guess this is an ">american education" post.
>Dis, madame, is all wool
>Then why is it marked "cotton"
>Dat, madame, is to deceive the moths

>the moths
de* moths

Can you provide a source for this criticism of the order of Christ?

Typical amerishart that read cursive.

Attached: Amerilards_on_Sundays.webm (512x640, 2.79M)

That's some high level sticc.

Ok. So we can agree agree that both of our countries are subverted shitholes which are basically beyond repair unless a civil war happens?

What? We became an empire AFTER we kicked out the jews. We would've never become the powerhouse of the 16th and 17th century with jews fucking shit up and sabotaging behind our lines

1 post by this id

This is a slide thread retards

And we aren't race-mixed with moors or africans or who ever ((((( they ))))) say with. The moors only ruled the peninsula from their high seat in their palaces but never interacted directly with the little christian population which hadn't migrated north since the christians were normally seen as inferior and peasants. The only place where some mixing happened was in southern andalucia but we literally kicked all of them, race mixed babies families included, out so problem solved.

Trips of truth
I noticed the same thing

population decline, can't urbanize and develop major educational institutes when the cities are dying Isabella's mandate that any land ever used for sheep be sheep land permanently probably limited their already minuscule agricultural land. Needing to import grain is pretty bad.


Attached: RABBIT_SEASON_CONFIRMED.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

I am reading the thread you absolute retard

>thread asking why [bad thing] happened so we can discuss how to avoid it in the future
>"n-no! You can't do that! SLIDE THREAD!"

God shees so hot

Militarism and over-extension. They fought wars against everyone and their mother for hundreds of years, pissing away their money in usually ill-advised conflicts, excepting Lepanto obv.