The post that saved Israel and the Jews

A non-aggression pact with the Jews is the only solution.
>Jews will be attacked by blacks and Arabs soon
>whites will be attacked by blacks and Arabs soon
>Indians are known to be anti-Islamic
>Indians also like whites because of their culture and religion

A white-Israeli-Indian pact seems like a very good grand strategy. Jews will be the Honorary Semite that will remain which will be tolerated to an extent.

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Jews are known to practice the ying-yang kind of tactics where the tribe splits and one side does evil while the other side doesn't do evil as much.
If both parts of their tribe could come to a peace pact with the whites and unite against Arabs/blacks it would be nice.

>jews, while despite moving decentralized to undermine races will somehow monolithically honor a pact

Nope, you reap what you sow, enoy your demise

Enjoy your civil war lol. Bibi is the worst PM in history


Haha, no.

more like a white pact to kick out jews from their countries, who do you think is bringing in the blacks and arabs here?

You're on your own, Eli.

They can be contained in Israel provided they respect this pact.
It will be easy to do once enough people are DNA tested and genealogy of the entire world can be easily determined (not everyone has to be DNA tested for that, just enough people to make deductions).
If they refuse to be contained in Israel, no pact would be made, and a total war against them would be declared.

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The act of bringing immigrants in is a Jewish subversion. The low-ranking Jews flee, while the big Jews remain. They are ready to spare the worst part of their tribe to destroy a society.
It's called a sacrifice. They have practiced it since Babylon.

The ovens are already on

Attached: oyvey.jpg (1500x845, 220K)

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99% European DNA and 0% Jew DNA here.

Attached: life-of-brian_997890c.jpg (460x288, 30K)

Nope, you're a jew. A meme flag jew.

Ehmm, yeah.. actually this.

Make it count, tho.
GL, nothing personal

DNA tests confirm I'm not a Jew, though. 0.00% Jew DNA.

Attached: Nietzsche187a.jpg (1464x1986, 1.21M)

Christians are the second most persecuted minority in India, right after Muslims. Hindu Nationalists constantly attack churches and shoot Christian preachers.

>The post that saved Israel and the Jews
And yet, it was hidden

This is another phylum of life form. You could sign pacts all day with edomite kikes, but they aren't going to honour them. Terrorism and corruption are their core features. There are no historical records of positive outcomes from their presence in a nation or a civilization. At a biological behavioural level, they couldn't stop themselves, even if they signed a pact saying they wanted to.

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>Jews try to exterminate whites using blacks, arabs, indians and latinos
>It backfires and soon there will be no commiserating whitey to give a damn about the Hall of Costs and the jews antics
>But whitey should shrug it off and make peace with the jews now that THEIR plan has failed
lol no. If we go down we go down, but there's a greater good in bringing the nose with us.

Yeah no Matt. Avi told me yesterday we're moving without you. He told me they'd make us superpower.