Are Koreans looked down upon in the Asian world?

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Most cucked country in Asia.


My gf is Chinese and she thinks of koreans as absolutely degenerate and fucked up. Japan took 99% of its culture from China over the millennia but at least retained its sovereignty. Korea took literally 100% of its culture from China and was never independent-- was China's bitch, then Japan's, then the USA. How can you respect a country that invented nothing technologically, culturally, or in any way and never even determined its own destiny? Now, in her analysis, they are overcompensating in every way and have descended into degeneracy in the name of flashy, soulless, corporatist consumption.

Yes since almost everyone else is taller than Koreans. Specially North Koreans.

Asian males are facing a massive masculinity crisis which they constantly project on others.

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They are the most difficult people for a White person to live with. I mean, you can go and live in Korea and you'll want to leave and never go back. But foreigners come to Japan, and they don't want to leave - even on their vacations. Japs don't love gaijin either, but overall, Japan is a much smoother, easier place to live. Koreans also seem to have a very expolsive personality and victim complex due to their history of being conquered. Japan doesn't seem to have that. But Gooks do a lot of things right, like their fast Internet, good food, and the women can be very attractive. Seoul is a nice city to visit. Lots of good places to drink and eat. Great transportation / subway system.

this is me in reality
have sex

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Imagine watching so much porn that you think its even a mild problem that white girls are attracted to nigs. Its so unbelievably rare, and its even rarer to see an actual qt with one. But with Asian chicks, only their most beautiful can even achieve whites, which they literally all outwardly lust after.

>foreigners come to Japan, and they don't want to leave - even on their vacations.
I mean that foreigners come to live and work in Japan, and they don't want to leave even during the vacations. But I guess there are also gaijin who come to Japan on a vacation, and they would like to stay here.

It's a chinese guy making and bumping these threads. Different style from the autistic japan spammer. Let Zheng vent and scapegoat. Because Very soon he'll be crying blood once the global anti-chinese backlash Really gets started.

t. 김

They're short so yes

but at least they not chink

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>gf is Chinese and she thinks of koreans as absolutely degenerate and fucked up


You can always tell its his thread because he tries to pretend to be an anti-Korean Jap in the op, But he always brings up China in a positive light in the first couple posts using a different device. Kek he always brings up China or Han chinese out of nowhere. He's extremely insecure about being chinese right now because everyone hates them because of Hong Kong protests. Poor zheng. Try to fix yourself instead of shifting blame and hate onto others.

Japan's doesn't an interiority complex, but they have a denial/revicionist one

I have never met a Korean who wasn't absolutely horrible, but omg the bitches are the sexiest and I don't care if it's surgery. It works.

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She's still cute though

Throughout history they have always been another country's bitch. Cucked by China. Even more cucked by Japan.

They've never properly defended themselves. They've never won a war. They couldn't even beat themselves in the Korean War.

Biggest cucks in Asia. Probably the world.

And they made k-pop, where everyone looks identical, and the men are all fags.

They look like they have downs

Korea is full of fags, crypto-kikes, etc.

Koreans literally worship the Talmud. No, seriously. Google it. They have their kids read it because they think jews are great role models and want their kids to be like them. Fuck Koreans. They're also genuinely ugly as fuck without surgery.

Atleast Chinks don't eat insects like viet gooks

>korea > China for 30 years
Omg Korea is better
>China > Korea > Japan thousands of years
What? I forgot

And their children will be confused

Does anyone else have a sixth sense for telling Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese apart?
Koreans have round faces
Chinese are short
Japs are lanklets

Koreans are slightly above nigger tier asians, they really should stop trying to be the victim.

the clothes, japs dress better, koreans then chinese have some weird fashion sense

did you bag any?

I don't think any other asian is known for absolute kvetching like the gooks are. So yeah.

Rather eat a grub than a dog Lee. Of course you would rather boil a dog or cat alive then eat another insect.


I bet she had surgery around her eyes.

and Filipinos?

Shit yea forgot about them

I'm an English teacher, and this is how I'd rate it:
1. Japan - anywhere, bust mainly cities (Tokyo, Fukuoka, Nagoya, etc.)
2. Korea - but only Seoul
3. Taiwan - but only Taipei
and then from there it doesn't matter much to me. I guess it's all very much steeply downhill after those 3, because there is such a gap between salaries and quality of life.

Yeah? I was curious to see if you'd put Thais ahead of Filipinos or vece versa. I'd also live in Thailand before the Philippines, although I would not want to ever live in Thailand.

>Shit yea forgot about them
Also, one good thing about Filipinos is that they speak English. If that's important to you because you're looking for a wife or girlfriend or to communicate with girls.

yes we are the absolute most shit on group. especially korean males, worthless wife beaters or effeminate wannabe kpop stars. disgusted to think about being born as one

>wife beaters or effeminate wannabe kpop stars
Have you ever lived in Korea?

I used to live in Thailand when i was younger. I also visited the Philippines for a few weeks. Thailand feels a lot more modern than the Philippines. I find Thais to be a lot nicer. I speak English, Thai, Chinese. So thats another reason I put Thai in front of Philippines.

Not just Asia, in Mexico too... and thats saying something.

Yes but they have money and aren’t as trashy as the rich Chinese.

I’d put Singapore and hk below Taipei.

Last stop before monkey kingdom is Bangkok. Or perhaps king of the monkeies. But it’s not a big quality gap from then on. Just extra Mexican or extra Muslim.

I think he’s Korean American. Some of the most keked, in the feminist sense, in the world.

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I fucked a Korean girl who was adopted by a white family. I also long term dated and invisible fucked a half Japanese girl, a Chinese girl and then there was one Taiwanese prostitute. Ama

Obviously *

I like Korea and Koreans. I found them to be pretty tall in relation to Japanese or Chinese. I am 185cm and plenty of Korean guys would be my height or taller. They are definitely more masculine than Japanese and Chinese. I like their food quite a bit.
They are real whore mongers though, but that's not a bad thing in my book as their ho's over here are probably the best. Would love to settle down with a westernized chubby K-girl.

Don't Koreans have the biggest dicks compared to the other asians?

why does it matter

no foreskin


Olay Canarian.

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Oh, you sweet, summer child, forget culture or ethnicity, if not for the PRC's national identity people not living in the same VILLAGE would look down on each other.

Hell, my mom's been living in the US for 35 years and she'll still slip up and call Americans "foreigners".

Which asians are the most well endowed?

My guess would be Japanese based on porn and statistics. The dark japanese guys.

At any rate any guy can increase the size of their schlong naturally and easily, at least easier than weight lifting.
Go to, it's non-profit and has not interest in lying to you.
Don't use any contraptions, hand stretching and Jelqing alone are the best methods, with handscretching after a shower being the best. Definitely do length before girth before or you won't get length. I found rigourous hand stretching over a heat mat bottle particularly effective. Heat and stretch is key.
I went from 6 1/2 inch length NBPEL to 7 3/4 and from 5 girth to 6 1/2 which always impresses the hoors.
This is my gift to the angry aznids, no man should worry about his cock.