USA School Shooting Drills

> $2700 Bodyguard Bulletproof Mats

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Made in U S A

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A little ied in that bitch those little niggers will regret getting those carpets

What is an earthquake drill?

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Those products are just scams that are marketed with fear and probably ordered from relatives and friends of someone at school board.

Wow, things must be bad in Germany
Good luck to you

> NBC: New Bulletproof Blankets Offer Safety in Schools
nice try

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Yoga mats for bbc

>2700 a mat
Surely an Israeli company is involved. Bulletproof soft armor backpacks are 99 bucks

Liberals sure do love to drum up irrational fear.

100% guarantee the company that is selling these and fear-marketing these are run by kikes.

Home-schooling is far superior.

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Yee yee
>2700 a piece
Berg's making his bank on this one

I should have gone home schooled, our education system is already tapped in by fags and (((them)))

kek you Americans have no shame. Now you are blaming bulletproof mats that could save thousands of children from White School Shooters and their murderous habits. Truly subhuman.

I've never wondered why they dknt just hire security that can press panic buttons and dead lock entire hallways. Imagine an incel tey ik ng to shoot up the school but gets locked in a small hallway and shoots himself. Lmao

Nothing like companies capitalizing on mass hysteria generated by constant media coverage, which makes school shootings seem more likely than they actually are.

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there should be a hoodie part on top of the blanket to cover their heads

They should just save money and buy caskets to lie in instead. It'll be just as handy

Instead of this nonsense shit why don't you just heavily campaign against bullying in schools and improve mental health access to students? All these meme defenses are Americans capitulating and letting shootings continue. Don't even have to touch the guns, merely make sure the shooters never get fucked up.

You could just skip the leg part, it's a small target and it's not a vital area

>kick away mat
>shoot kid

Why are school shootings even a problem? Just depopulate schools and homeschool kids already, as things are meant to be.

These won't do shit against rifles or shotguns.

Because that would actually help address the root of the problem and we can't have that.

>the words "girl" and "asking to be raped" are marked with big rectangles, making those words much more noticable

most shooters I have seen would more easily shoot themselfs too

no doubt, why stay stationary? Atleast give the kids some of those B/P riot shields and glue spikes onto them or something so they can all gang up on the guy

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So far, in 2019, more people have died from getting struck by lighting than school shootings.

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why are euro niggers so obsessed with us?

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Imagine the level of brainwashing this would have on kids this age. Like making them believe that any minute someone is going to bust through the door with a gun and kill them. You're more likely to die in a fucking car wreck.
Oh well. Facts be damned, (((they))) have an agenda to push.

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> Bulletproof Mats
OP you are retarded, those matts were designed for tornados. You know the US leads the world in tordados.

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then they wouldn't have to cover on the floor like little bugs hoping to not get squashed, but could simply run away from the shooter or even worse run at the shooter with the blanket as cover. But thats not wanted by your government who wants controlled weaklings unable to defend themselves.

Fucking hell.


Fixing mental health means removing potential democrat voters. They'll block it at every turn and put in meme health lessons instead.

We need guns to protect us from niggers dont worry you will understand soon Hans

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I thought more people get killed by hammers than """Mass Shootings"""" every year?

What a psychologically twisted investments for kids.

>66% vs 55% graduation rate
Meanwhile Asians have a 300% graduation rate

I want to clear up any confusion, we WILL be taking your assault storms, Thats exactly what we are going to do.

>Yoga mats for bbc

What other symptoms do you have from your porn and masturbation addiction?

Also true. They just want to disarm the population through pathos. The amount of people who die from mass shootings is completely insignificant.

Bulletproof mats would be a good idea if they taught these kids some formations, instead of islamic formation of suicide they should just form a testudo and stand their ground

>claim AR-15's are school shooter gun of choice
>convince people to buy blanket that wont stop AR15 bullets
>if ever used as described will be used as evidence to bam AR15s
>shooter who has a gun that wont penetrate the blanket can just lift them up or put the gun under.
>literally a worthless product.
>I added an ESAPI plate to my 5yo's back pack
>trained him to use other kids as a human shield esp the fatter kids
>taught him to play dead
>taught him how to shoot so if he can get the shooters gun he can take him out
>taught him that if he does manage to take out the shooter he can use the chance to take out rivals then play the hero

>Still plenty of flesh to hit.
Do they think school shooters just spray and pray? I thought the whole meme was that school shooters were white and therefore can aim?

mass shootings kill lot of people (because niggas nig other niggas)
school shootings are entirely irrelevant

>your tax dollars at work

they should painted black dots, maybe the shooter will mistake them for ladybugs.

Of course the blatant race mixing as well. Death to subversive jewish traitors

>this is normal in America

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You know, the silver lining to this is that it gives me an excuse for homeschooling my children that wouldn’t been seen by oppressive liberals as “”racist-backwards-problematic””

As a scientist, I feel like I could home school my children to grade 12 with less stress and baggage in the time regular schools takes them to just get started with algebra or real science

Teaching has already been purified of conservative teachers. Do you think feminism 101: infants edition is going to know how to use a gun?

>school shootings are entirely irrelevant

Niggers do most school shootings as well. They usually just go after one person specifically though.

Terror based conditioning hmmm

Just make sure you socialize the brat properly with a hobby of some sort so they won't grow up to be clueless on human interactions.

Instead of having 2700 wasted on bullshit why don't you have two or three security preferebly ex police officer with a 700 dollar handgun and 2 magazines of ammo? Shooters instantly buckle when shot at as demonstrated at that church shooting by rednecks that came back from a hunting trip or that faggot that fled to his car when shot at. They're cowards who can't react to actual retaliation

>You know, the silver lining to this is that it gives me an excuse for homeschooling my children that wouldn’t been seen by oppressive liberals as “”racist-backwards-problematic””

Are you talking about your co-workers or peers/family whose opinion is important to you? Otherwise why give a fuck what strangers say.

those mats can't stop .223/5.56

Don't forget that people committing suicide with a gun near a school is considered a "school shooting".

well yes but they just don't actually happen as the other fellow pointed out you are more likely to die to a lightning bolt than a school shooting hence they are irrelevant.

It would be cheaper to just ban any and all alphabet agency people from entering school property.

We should have those here in Australia!

Is this weird looking mat even capable of stopping bullets? Or it's just placebo effect, it reminds me of those mats roasties use to do yoga on. I'm quite doubtful about the durability. Kek

What the fuck do they think these are even going to do????

IF someone is there to shoot them, they will just shoot around the mat....

If anything it makes it easier for the shooter.

Whoever make those mats is best friends with the school principal/whoever.
I fucking guarantee this is a scam to siphon money.

Wow, hopefully this protects kids from the suicides near schools that are statistically counted as school shootings.

This is just a stunt to get parents to support gun control

How expensive is home schooling in the US though? Is it actually affordable or only wealthy families are capable of enrolling their kids into these school program?

This is all a shameless attempt for corporations to profit from the blood of children. School shootings do not occur often and locking yourself into a room is the best defense there is, not lying still and being a stationary target.

Absolutely useless. If they get shot and it doesn't penetrate they will be left with permanent spine injuries. I'd rather die than live with back problems.

We can't even keep the teachers from have sex with students, you now want to arm them?

Both of these.

It isn't but thanks to abundance of labor, stagnant wages and coat of living going up it's almoat impossible for the working class, this is why the government keeps trying to make people give up their children to daycares to be raised by the government. The real cost is time because most likely both parents will be working 6-4 jobs. If you have children let them stay with grandparents, NEVER give them to (((daycare)))

there was a tornado warning last week where I live.

I ignored it.

Legs have a lot of vital veins and arteries in them, you get shot you can bleed out easy

>Bulletproof soft armor backpacks are 99 bucks
Is there something like that available in Australia?
Also, would one be able to cut a hole in the bottom and top and wear it like a shirt?

lol, trying to make a ghetto plate carrier?

prob don't sell them in aussy land due to ITAR.

Yeah false alarms are pretty common since they started doing "radar indicated" However I'm still pretty cautious, because you never know.

The more expensive and useless they make school shooting mitigation measures the bigger the waste of money gun grabbers can point to. Schools love budgets for anything and educators mostly hate guns. They're perfectly willing to sacrifice funds meant to educate students to create a useful problem ( for gun grabbers).

That is hilarious. Anne Frank should have had one of those in the attic.

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Or maybe the kid won't die at all, which is better than either paralysis or death.
This same kind of idiot logic is used by mc riders who don't like helmets or gear: "I'd rather be dead than paraplegic." Or, you could be alive with a concussion instead of being paralyzed, or even walk away with bruises.

It matters when those strangers are (((school administration))) and (((child services))) that want to grope you for shekels while locking your child away into a pedophile sanctuary home because his or her parents didn’t “socialize the kid properly”

>Home-schooling is superior
In before (((they))) fake a home-schooling mass shooting to try to attack home schooling and gun ownership!
Pro tip: almost every mass shooting is faked. (((They))) are trying as hard as they can to remove guns. They will fail. If they push too hard, they will be responsible for the ensuing civil war and their own subsequent deaths.

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i wonder who makes them

This is, of course, assuming that the current “standard” of human interactions (ooga booga muh dik get wasted) that develops as a consequence of the education system is one I want to impose on my children

yea, when they are all like "funnel cloud spotted" I don't care, they are spotted all the time.

i'v been through a few micro bursts, they do a lot of damage but not tornado level damage. You can tell shits going down and you need to act by the sound alone.

>The real cost is time because most likely both parents will be working 6-4 jobs.
The absolute state of American households, when are you finally going to kick those filthy jews out of your country? They're squeezing all the money out of the middle class.

>live action fire drills
It's only a drill.

Allow every room to be locked from the inside without the need for a key. There, I just saved the school boards millions.

Good idea, but completely invalidated due to the existence of niggers

Attack is the best defense. It they were smart they'd give them some nice cheep rocks to throw at any attackers. Not that school shooting are at all common, or warrant this ridiculous amount of fear.