World power rankings

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Suck it China, we produce 70% more GDP than you with 30% of the people.

America wins.

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good goy, keep producing lots of money for your country

don't worry about breaking your back or getting sick, we'll take real good care of you when the time comes :)

Power as in military?


Italy and Canada are on that list.
The list is bullshit

We're not a agriculture society anymore so having more people doesnt mean anything. That's what the industrial revolution was for.

America is pretty much easy mode. It will be amazing to see how a country could throw away everything despite it's advantages.

Huge land full of resources unlike China that has mostly worthless mountains. Also doesn't need to about neighbours since all it has are Canada and Mexico. Being surrounded by water helps. Meanwhile aside from from asian rivals, China has to worry about Russia who replace Mongols as their new feared northern neighbour.

So what? You're a declining power & they're a rising one. Even if the study is objective (probably isnt) I wouldn't pat myself on the back

I think that has to be it. It doesn't make sense otherwise.

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>Power as in military?
Unlikely considering we're on 4th place.

The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy

>israel not any more there're getting fucked by arab voters

Japan, France and Israel should be above the UK and Germany as they are independent nuclear powers.

inb4 gookmoot doesn't have nukes, they have everything required to manufacture one in maybe a month or two's time... they just don't feel like dealing with the red tape of an outstanding arsenal.

politic/economic/militaristic power or in other words influence
according to Jow Forums we should be #1 no?

The UK isn't independent, but it's still a nuclear power.

But your children will still die for Israel.

>Japan, France and Israel should be above the UK and Germany as they are independent nuclear powers.

Wtf am I reading

I didn't realize Russia's population was that low. Pretty impressive considering how big of a player they've been historically.

according to pol you are, but with 52 stars instead of one.

Look up GDP PPP wich is more accurate since GDP only counts dollar China is number 1 while having basically no debt while the US has 22 trillion debt with a GDP PPP of 19 trillion

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Forgot to mention that shit from OP is complete bullshit at least statistic wise since the GDP PPP of the US is the same as their GDP look it up on litterly any other list u can find on the internet

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