Wigger in the middle just stabbed a kid to death in Oceanside, NY

Tyler is a wannabe who likes to hang with the lowest of the low

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-18 09.24.29.png (1274x633, 872K)

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Glad to see he is filling the role perfectly of Nigger-to-be

I think it's interesting how in a society with no real challenges, people will feel weak and unworthy so they'll invent them themselves. What is the first thing kids do when you ban football and the like? Bloodsports and fights. Same applies here, people are doing whatever they can just to feel like they fit in, it's exactly like Calhoun predicted it

As long as he killed a couple niggers I'm fine with it. Good way to get right with society.

And now he'll take the nigger's final form, an inmate.

>make meme about it
Realizes thats ineffective

Tell me more about that Calhoun guy

What else did he predict

Got any books ?

Another white murderer

that is cultural appropriation

No, death row inmate is

All kids have identity crisis and self esteem issues that's why violent organizations like gangs and the military find it easy to recruit them

Baby Ty 'When the Trap Calls'
u wot m8

Yes it is the only way to any self exploration for many. We cannot all be intellectuals.
Imagine the chaos, its bad enough as it is.

>mfw grew up near there

>stupid wigger
>111k plays
Feels bad man


>wheelchair bound bigger in the back
Why is there always one of these?

> that tracktitle

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I like that he’s bending over to submit his pubertal hairy anus to the black boys behind him. Stay cucked wigger, stay cucked.

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Wait a fucking second.
I know that nigger on the right with a bag bending over. He's an absolute ghetto thief

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Link to stabbing?

YouTube Calhoun mouse utopia


I've never met one that wasn't a complete faggot

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It's actually just human nature. Civilization and the perks that come with it like grains, video games, and free porn make everybody weak. There's no war to fight, no lands to explore, and no gold to dig up. Sometimes I'll even get mad at random strangers in public for no reason, or I'll purposely start fights in bars just to dominate others and show everyone who's boss. Sooner or later everybody will start acting this way unless something big happens like a world war or an alien invasion.

That should not be a word, but it do

And then, after the long awaited metamorphosis, Tyrone will emerge from the cocoon fully formed and ideally adapted to his new environment

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