Spics claiming to be Spaniards

Why do spics, who obviously look more than 60% native shit skin, claim to be pure Iberians?
>pic related
This creature claims he is 100% Spaniard and tells everyone he knows as such.

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They wish they were white, that's all.

real spaniards


we dont. we are native bvlls.

this is the usual spaniard face

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Americab education

> Iberians
> White

Who couldn’t defeat a few hundred malnourished criminals from Europe lmao

Wishful thinking? if you looked like that wouldnt you create a fantasy to give yourself something to live for? I think you would.

Not sure. All i know is that i am BLACK.

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Regarding this topic, its quite simple. They are ashamed to say their nationality.
I have never known a Brazilian thats proud of being Brazilian. Or an Argentinian.

Blacked* not black
You are a disgrace, an abomination

what's the difference?

I’ve wondered the same thing. I go to Monterrey, Mexico often for work and I’ve met a few Mexicans who claim that they are 100% Spanish with no native admixture. This one girl I met is probably a Castiza but her hair is jet black and her face betrays some Indio admixture. Southern Europeans can have dark brown hair but I’ve never seen a Spaniard or Greek or Italian with BLACK hair like an Asian. I’ve only ever met one guy in Mexico who was undoubtedly 100% Spaniard. He was a light shade of white with curly light brown hair and very European features.

Considering they are Moorish rape babies, it's possible.

Jow Forums fan fiction is not history


Inferiority complex


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t. Al ahmduu albashar Muhammad

he is 1000% indigenous wow. When I was a little kid I never saw these creatures now they're everywhere. When I first saw them I didn't even realize they would speak Spanish

lol I thought being late to things was just me

shitty palm

He actually looks half Jewish and half redskin. What an amazing specimen. He doesn't even look remotely Spanish the way most Mexicans do.

Devuelve el oro moro rata asquerosa!

lmao you are one to talk, manolo. You're trying to secede with a 30% Islamic population in your own territory.

dumb spic has a mongolian skull.

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>I go to Monterrey

Well, there's your problem. About half of people there are 'muh ancestor' parrots who clearly have amerindian genes

I'm Spanish and White. Anyone that has any kind of brown skin ain't Spanish. They are just the byproduct of my people utterly destroying their culture. Enslaving their whores and doing with them as we would. The children really should have been killed though. Now we have this generation of pretenders to the Spanish throne.

Spain needs to get it's shit together and start tying up loose ends. The U.S. Should threaten Spain to reinvade SA and Mexico to finish the job. The Spanish's problem has become our problem. Fucking bullshit.

Spaniards are nothing more than thieves, they have to return the stolen gold.

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Actually, there where around 80 million in gold in PR when the (((US))) arrived, ain't here no more and the Spaniards didn't take it with them either, but you are a memeflaggot and a kike so you already know who took it.

Monterrey is supposed to be the white part of Mexico

>brown eyes
>brown skin
>black hair
Hes about 85% taco, 15% paella.

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they look half arab half white to me idk man some even look full arab

“Real White Spaniards”

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This look literally like a kebab.
Maybe they're really moor rape babies (AKA Spaniards)

Who the fuck wants to be a spaniard these days anyway? Spain is mostly irrelevant and the european/caucasian population is being replaced by african niggers looking for gibs like in the rest of europe.

This is what spain looks like these days,a gay couple providing free housing to some african nigger.

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the spanish are niggers anyway, what difference does it make being half other nigger?

how is that autism, compared them to a scot, german or even white american etc lol why are people so defensive when it comes to southern Europeans? A lot of them look like arabs

those are not brown eyes, they're blackened cess pits

Why do you care? Mind your business.

If we're niggers, than we're God tier as far as niggers go.

I've literally never done that and only the most beta of spic make such claims. Why would I want to be part of a dying, self hating race? My people are literally winning the race war in every sense. Viva Mexico cabrones!!!!

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This is a larp. No one wants to be white. White people don’t even want to be white never mind Hispanics. Dumbass

>viva Mexico

Fucking cringe, go back to your country, Juan.

Speak for yourself wannabe nigger. White people are very proud of their heritage. If you don't like it get the fuck out of my country

EXACTLY. White people themselves don't even want to be white anymore. Being White is shameful nowadays. That's why every White person you talk to says things like "I'm not white I'm 1/10000th Cherokee!"

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I'm a white mexican, I've never been able to figure out where my family's white genes come from, my facial structure is not something I have ever seen, my face is oval and wide, my eyes are small and my eyebrows are very low, giving t he impression I'm always angry. My frame is wide and strong but my voice is very soft. Sometime I feel like a fucking chimera.

Thanks for reading my blog

This is our country now, faggot. We literally ARE CONQUISTADORES.

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Last time I was in Mexico the host at one restaurant was pale skinned (not just white), blonde hair, blue eyed. Germanic and Anglo facial features.
I asked him where he was from and he replied in broken English that he was Mexican. I said alright, but where did your parents immigrate from? He looked at me like he was offended and said "my family has always been from Mexico."
No shit.
I did some research later and found that Mexicans of primarily European descent are known as "Spaniards". They are considered successful today not only because of their superior white genes, but because they are passed over in the brutal tribal racism most Mexicans have for each other. That's right, they still associate among themselves based on former tribal associations and ancestry that haven't existed for hundreds of years. The more time you spend down there, the easier it is to tell them apart. It is a real eye opener.

de seguro tu tatatatrabuelo era español hazte a la idea primo

Callate tiraflechas!

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Lol my and my gf pic related. Does Jow Forums have any thoughts? lonely virigns hahaha

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Well maybe he was one of the ones spelled in 1492

The modern day Spaniard. Look the abuelito's face the moment he realizes his bloodline is over. Con Franco no habia esto.


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post pic

Baseado y rojo empastillado

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He was probably German or Irish. I don't think there are many anglos in Mexico. They literally call Americans "Anglos"

damn that mod erased that thread quick when a good meme idea targeting nogs came to be

If you were a girl I wouldn't fuck and I love fucking mexicans. Your girlfriend has mexican eyes but she would be easy to bleach. Good genes down the toilet

This is our country now.

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The biggest question is why do Hispanics bring so much crime if they're supposed to be CHRISTIAN?

manlets LMAO

You're coping.

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not proving anything there tho


Because they’re mutts and cowards,

this is true though, Spaniards mostly have hair in medium to dark shades of brown. jet black hair is common in Nafris and Arabs


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Wow I wonder where you found that incel

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Many of these mexicans with black hair could be something like 75% spanish and 25% lebanese or jewish. Lots of lebanese and jews came to Mexico.

What the fuck is that pic supposed to be??

Fuck out of here you sheep. ‘Spanish throne’ get their dick out your mouth you god damn cuck.

It's nice that you date the mentally disabled, anons gf.

Hahaha you're race is cucked.

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Why? Because there is no tribal native persons who will ever accept a mexican/ (((meztizo))) (((chicano))) as a tribal person.
Indians hate mexicans for the most part but are tolerant UNTIL some feces mexican/chicano/meztizo/Spanish colonialist/settler nation/latino/colonial oppressor/faggotmexican nationalist...utters the first fucking word about "WE WUZZ INDIGENOUS 'N SHEEIIIT" and start talking about how Whitey stole the mexican soil and claiming MY native identity, history and culture.
Mexican/latino/colonialist are shit and all but as soon as they start on that We Wuz bullshit its all over.
Mexicans have genocided Native People hundreds of times worse than the English in America.
Natives in North America got treaty rights at least. In mexico natives got nothing and continue to be oppressed to this day.
The absolute JEWishness of claiming to be the very people you have actively genocided, stole land from, erased their tribal history and sacred land claims.
That is the history and character of mexicans and mexico. Worse than gypsies and niggers.
>daily reminder mexico is stolen land
>NATIVE people call it the Occupied Territories

you don't know how a arab looks like, yellownigger

You mad bro?

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Mexicans are literally a bastard race. Spanish men killing native men and fucking their women. Sounds kinda cucked to be honest.

That was then, this is now.

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What the fuck is that thing?

Nah I'm good bro. One thing good about mexicans is they sure do know how to suck a dick. As whores they are all right.

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(By the way having a populated beard with black or brown hair does make you an arab. retarded.)

I guess I'm British. I better go chew on some rocks so I can look the part.

>The absolute JEWishness of claiming to be the very people you have actively genocided, stole land from, erased their tribal history and sacred land claims
My ashkenazi nigga

Bastards leaving their failed state to seek gibs?

why do american mutts, who are usually 10% sub saharan african, 30% red indian, 20% slav, 10% irish and 30% mongol call themselves white?

Half white half Puerto Rican
Wanted to say Puerto rico, any and all of the lands captured by Spaniards were or became at least partially civilized the best thing that ever happend to our land were the Spaniards

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Spics are what you get when Rape babies go on to make Rape Babies who go on to make more Rape Babies


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because their dream is to be white, that's why they do whatever it takes to blend in with whites, and that they conisdere them as whites, knowing that they are brown, or mixed.

the brown or mixed, when they cannot be white, and cannot change the reality, what they do is, change the meanings of the words, in order to change their "reality" considering those brown as white, for the simple fact that They are not black.

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I can definitely agree with this post.
As a mutt who’s 85 percent European and 15 percent Indio.
I can definitely say without a doubt that my dream is to be fully European, however I was cucked.
And it’s true, the inability to change my state of existance makes it quite difficult for me and causes my own personal Identity crisis, even If I pass among whites.

I had an ex that claimed she was spanish from Spain. Like it was one of the first things she claimed, she had it ready to go. As if to say "oh no i'm not a filthy mexican like the others that suck, etc, etc."

To be honest, I didn't care in the end, but her self-conciousness about herself racially and her social place in society of drove her to sabotage the relationship. As if her fragile grasp on her identity couldn't handle being seen with a white man by her peer group at large. She admitted she liked being with a white man but she didn't like having to question herself socially about having feelings of empathy towards white people (she wanted to hate white people guilt free)

Probably paid that girl to take a selfie with him. Bean people will do anything to look white.

god damn nice horse teeth

Argentinians are the most prideful spics to exist.

that was a jew you met

I'm Puerto Rican. I have dark tan skin like a Taino, a BBC from the negro, but have Europeans facial features like y nose, lips, and eyes.

argentina has no national identity, even the late world traveler anthony bourdain realized this