HAHAHAHAHA your fucking excuse of a president never ceases to amaze me.

By now his dick is so deep in the ass of everyone who voted him that they're starting to puke cum.

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They didn’t bomb us, Kraut. If you are so deeply concerned maybe you guys should do something you shit porn watching freaks.

Hey don't take your anger out on me for having a lame duck in the white house.

It's literally not our problem and SA is capable of defending itself.

Based! I can't wait for the war mongering media to demand that Trump send their young to die for another country. Distancing themselves even further from the average American

>lame duck
I dont think you know what that term means.

>Imagine calling out another countries' leader when you're ruled by Merkel
>Merkel, the DDR Loving East German fuck who thought to herself; "If the DDR can't have Germany, no-one can".

She's doing a splendid job so far. Thanks Merkel.

I know what it means. The amazing thing is this president is a lame duck even if he has the majority.

>NO YOU!!!!!!

Don't spend too much time on Jow Forums Heinz, you still have to cook Couscous for your wife's boyfriend Mahmoud.

(((They))) ran out of white soldiers to fight their wars for them. Can you imagine the humiliation the USA would face if they tried to send niggers and spics against fucking Persians? The amount of butt devastation would be so severe that it would become as illegal to discuss as the Holohoax. Pax Americana is rotting from within. The helpless need for Brown Cheap Laborers lead the Jews and white Good Goys to flood the country with darkies. Darkies are bad organizers, which makes long range military operations nearly impossible. That all adds up to "goodbye Empire."

Please be patient, this OP is clearly autistic and retarded. And worse? G*rman, god help him.

>So jewed that literally can't even have an army

Well said Herr Hans, lil Donnie has cucked out and now the Iranians know amerifarts were bluffing all along. Can't wait for the ayatollahs to get a nuke and America to continue its decline to Brasil 2.0

Yawn. A once important country is obsessed with the US. More at 11.

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>Gets bombed
did USA get bombed? did I miss something?

>Gets bombed
Saudis pound the Yemenis to hell and back after starting a civil war
Cry when they strike back...

Why are you laughing? It's not funny, it's depressing

imagine giving a shit about what a 2x world war loser thinks

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Just the Saudis proving to be even bigger bitch than the Israelis

Sand niggers bombing sand niggers. Doesn’t affect me. Trump won’t get us in another endless war.

ur fucken stupid m9

>Promises no more wars in the Middle East.
>Keeps promises.

I fail to see the issue.

>I fail to see the issue.
That's because, unlike OP, you don't work for GIP.

Says the Jerry that elected Merkel multiple times to destroy and overrun their people with feral refugees, turning Germany into a shithole country.
You really should kys for allowing that to happen faggot. Now go worry with you're own supreme goddess Angela, bow down to her and elect her again.

The people who voted for him do not give a shit about the Middle East or anything outside the borders of continental USA for that matter.