

Why doesn't the united states just put gun rights behind army service?

So inorder to become a gun owner you've gotta serve in the army, navy or airforce?


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That's not what the Bill of Rights say, and your plan is epic stupid because the government will just decide who they want in the military based on their politics.

Hey, the rabbi's calling ya. Time for dinner.
Go eat your bugs

Most POGs I know are absolutely retarded about guns.

What part of militia do you not understand?

>So inorder to become a gun owner you've gotta serve in the army, navy or airforce?

>let all the trannies and POC in the armed forces
>no white men allowed now

This but make it so you can only become a full citizen and get voting rights for service.

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Because for one, you need to understand that these rights were viewed as natural rights and that the government needed to respect and protect those natural rights.

Two, if we were to get invaded by a foreign power, the population would have the ability to fight back (militias).

Three, kys.

Shall not be infringed

>Can't defend yourself against the state unless you become property of the state
Yeah that'll totally work out just fine

because you're a fucking joke. you can't infringe on natural rights.

What, you think smart people join up? Service has been composed mostly of the destitute for a long time now.

Its not like they havent done it before

American issue. Not Australian.

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Gun laws
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Gun laws in Australia are predominately within the jurisdiction of Australian states and territories, with the importation of guns regulated by the federal government. In the last two decades of the 20th century, following several high-profile killing sprees, the federal government coordinated more restrictive firearms legislation with all state governments. Gun laws were largely aligned in 1996 by the National Firearms Agreement. In two federally funded gun buybacks and voluntary surrenders and State Governments' gun amnesties before and after the Port Arthur Massacre were collected and destroyed, more than a million firearms, possibly 1/3 of the national stock.

Voting should have background checks, mental health checks as well as drug tests and Identification. This is even more important than gun control, but we can tie them together if you like.

Let's take away the vote from the drug addicted and mentally ill libtards and then we can fix the "gun problem"...

>Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic

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Eat my shit, faggot.

Standing army is unconstitutional , as is requirements like that for exercising basic rights. Do you need to go to journalism schoo, to exercise free speech?

The concept of the unorganized militia was literally as an alternative to mandatory military service.

Because it's a right, not a privilege.
Why do non-Americans and leftist Americans not grasp this? It's like your freedom of speech, the founders made sure you have the guarantee specifically so you'd have it still today, eroding either is damaging to the country as a whole.
>"but muh children!"
Reopen the assylums, closing them was more inhumane than keeping them. Funny how more crazies on the streets coincided with their closing.

>why don't we just accept what rights the current regime allow us?
>"...that we have been granted by our creator with certain inalienable rights..."
Get fukt you pansy

That's dumb. It's my right as a free man to own a firearm.

Mad Max is frowning at OP right NOW

>die for Zog so you can get to shoot paper
Lol no

Rights are unconditional

Fucking cunt.

A. The Bill of Rights are our natural rights. The government is there to protect them.
2. We are born with those rights. No need to suck govt dick to exercise them.
D. Your dad should have pulled out or your mom should have swallowed.

All those countries are total shitholes besides Switzerland

Should have done.


>Why doesn't
Because of that pesky Bill of Rights again. Think of all the ways we could coerce citizens if not for the Founding Patriarchy

>You must fight and die for Israel/Saudi Arabia before you can own effective forms of self-protection
KYS nigger

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Well noted.
OP is still a cunt.

Fuck off! Guns, fully auto or other wise should be issued by the government to every American on their 16th birth day.

>expecting burgerclaps to live any other way than being worried to get straight up murdered because of a smaller traffic violation
my sweet child

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We're not black, so not really. Cops aren't generally fine if you don't respond to their initial edginess with an attitude of your own, usually if you reply nicely they sorta sheepishly roll back their haughtiness and just talk to you like a regular person. I've only had one or two cops who stayed dick-mode the whole conversation.
Anyway I'm getting off my point, which is that Germany should have been totally depopulated and returned to nature after WW2, your people don't deserve to still exist.

Because we won the revolution.

>the government will just decide who they want in the military
so far it's over half Mexican nationals

The government doesn't give us our Rights. We are born with them.

considering the fact that servicemen go bonkers pretty much all the time, i dont see how this makes it any different
or do you mean that bootcamp sissies count as servicemen too?

I would say that firearms training should be mandatory in today's world and that every high school aged child should take a mandatory asvab to know where their skills lie and in what direction they should push their career goals

sorry but your nation is way past the threshold. you either get a gun because of all the guns or die without one

dont you have to attend the daily school shooting funeral right now?


>this obvious bait thread hasn't been pruned yet

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It is not something that you earn, stupid faggot. It is God-given. Fucking kys with the gun you're not allowed to have cuck.

>lets make an easy list of gun owners
Fuck off faggot.

Because the government is servant, not master. My right to bear arms is not granted by the government, it is granted by God.

Here's something you should know. Veterans are the last group of people the government wants having guns, because they actually know how to use them. The real reason for the 2nd amendment isn't to protect from foreign invasion. It's to protect citizens from tyrannical government.

I'm sure that will work wonders to stop the 80% of violent crime that is gang related.

Also this.

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>How about we...
Look, all you foreigners clearly don't understand liberty. Yes there are a ton of things we *could* do to make our lives objectively better, but here in America we have identified freedom and liberty as the most important things. So no, we won't entertain novel ideas that would increase one are of our standard of living at the expense of our most fundamental value, freedom.

What is, The Bill of Rights? Kys faggot. Sage slide threads

The rights come from us. We have the right to bear arms because we say we do, not because some god lets us have them.

Only if they legalize the purchase of new manufacture machine guns and rocket launchers.

This. The army has to be like 30% non-hispanic white maximum and the other branches are worse

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Give that goy a peny and charge him 35 more!

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Sloppy Job Mossad

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What a fucking stupid idea

Might work in leafistan

>Why doesn't the united states just put gun rights behind army service?
soldiers are psychopaths.
they should be the last ones to get guns, not the first.
just look at the number of homeless veterans.

Nope. If your God told you to give up your guns, would you? If you would, you are no better than government NPCs.

>just look at the number of homeless veterans.
Just look at the number of homeless people in general. Most of them are on drugs.

Why don’t you just choke on a fat dick?

If you have the power to do that you could just fix the cause of the vast majority of our gun problem: 13/50 and the hispanic crime menace pouring over the border

But you arent interested in that, you just want to continue pushing gun control WITH NOTHING IN RETURN you disingenuous insincere FUCK how much do you get paid to shill here?

Why do foreigners feel like they have a right to comment on my rights? You fucking people have to stop. Gun ownership is my GOD GIVEN right that’s why you fucking nigger faggot

>Why doesn't the united states just put gun rights behind army service?
two reasons:
That's not what it says in the Constitution
The right to defend one's life, liberty, and property is not a conditional right.
>So inorder to become a gun owner you've gotta serve in the army, navy or airforce?
again, dying for Israel is in no way correlated with one's right to defend the aforementioned
Also, military service does not guarantee or even enable competency or responsibility with a firearm.
Look for any fobbit or commissioned officer trying to handle a firearm. it's laughable.

>Would you like to know more?
No. I also watched Starship Troopers.

Fuck you faggot, you ruined gun ownership in your shithole country. It's in our fucking constitution Incel Ozzy. Go worry about your own shithole, and we'll worry about ours. We don't need advice from somone who let their guns be taken away. Kys.

Because the whole point is so the people have the weapons they need to defend against a corrupt government. You want to give that same government the power to gatekeep that right. I know Australians are shitposters but come on.

>Just look at the number of homeless people in general.
pretty sure veterans are more likely than the general population to be homeless.
idk though. google it. i'm too lazy.

The second amendment does not grant gun rights.
Existence grants you gun rights, and the second amendment enshrines it.

The entire point of the amendment is to separate civilian ownership from the government purview.

You really missed the point there.

>Serve israel and you can have any length black powder rifle you want, goy.
Absolutely fucking not, you bogan cunt. I respect Aussies for a lot of things, but rolling over and letting them take your semi-autos after port arthur is truly pathetic.

Guns are big boy toys you mutts have proven again and again you're not old enough to own.

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>pretty sure veterans are more likely than the general population to be homeless.
The military makes up less than 0.5% of the population, and less than half of them have ever been to war. You're retarded. Most of the homeless people are just drug addicts. Has nothing to do with the military faggot.

How can one nigger fucker be so BASED

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Soldiers are just the occupy wallstreet protestors now. How about mental health checks to vote instead?

Question: how you gunna enforce it?
By using guns to confiscate guns?
Sounds like dead cops
Alternatively, shall not be infringed

The bill of rights says,
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Why do rightists ALWAYS ignore that first bit? Should that not be as important as SHALL NOT INFRINGE? Why not?

"why don't americans just make the qualifications to own a gun be being young, in excellent health, and willing to be used as a disposable pawn in their government's military industrial complex? That's all you would have to do to be able to protect yourself and your family adequately in your own home. I don't get it guys, whats the big deal?"

Because we don't want to haha

>>Why doesn't the united states just put gun rights behind army service? (OP)

Because the right to own one or more firearms are guaranteed to ALL citizens by the constitution. All Americans are born with this and other rights that cannot be removed except by due course.

Hello Chang, how are you enjoying your visit to the Wonderful Land Down Under?

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Whats the complaint here exactly

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Who is ignoring it? The population is the unorganized militia, which can organize in times of need.


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Probably because we're not illiterate monkeys.

MULTIPLE people have picked apart the phraseology MULTIPLE times
a militia is composed of civilians, like the Minutement
Well-Regulated is in reference for the to the state and effectiveness of the armaments i.e. clean, functional, effective weapons. The word "regulation" means to keep something within certain tolerances of a desired state which is to say maintain the firearms held by the militia to the same standards of effectiveness as that of a standing army.
The 2nd Amendment was meant to not only guarantee the citizen the right to own firearms but to also ensure that America had two types of standing army to ensure it would never be under a tyrannical monarch again

How the fuck are there so many people who misunderstand what the word RIGHT means?
Jesus Christ, it's not one if you have to earn it.

Because the government doesn't get to decide what a right is. If you don't have that foundational understanding, then everything you come up with after will be stupid.

You fetishize the 2nd amendment as if it was handed down by God herself, as if it couldn’t possibly be questioned, and yet you completely ignore like half of it as if it’s irrelevant. My question is why? Why is no one worried about our lack of a regulated militia? Shouldn’t that be a priority?

God given has become government regulated and infringed.
The fact anyone can be banned from gun ownership is a farce and a miscarriage of justice to the highest order.
Trump not vetoing all gun laws and abolishing them is enough to know just who's side that fucking Kike is really on.
Fuck the economy.
Our rights are more important.

Theoretically it is. The problem for them would be that they would have to go by a strict interpretation of the 2nd amendment and resurrect the militia system. The United States armed forces are currently unconstitutional. They way they get around it is they have the National Defense Authorization Act every year. That creates funding for the entire military apparatus. If they went back to the militia system it would be commanded regionally and they wouldn’t have all the toys and gibs for military contractors. Plus, in the event of a stupid Jewish war, a militia commander could tell them to fuck off when requested to go overseas. They put up with civilian firearms ownership cause the alternative is much worse for them.

>Why doesn't the united states just put gun rights behind army service?
Because you don't jump through government hoops to have access to inherent rights.

>So inorder to become a gun owner you've gotta serve in the army, navy or airforce?

>Would you like to know more?
Yeah, why are you a faggot?

God did give us the second amendment
Thanks for understanding

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>You fetishize the 2nd amendment as if it was handed down by God herself,
Our inherent rights come from God/nature. The second amendment merely protects those inherent rights by limiting the power of the government.

>if it couldn’t possibly be questioned,
The second amendment is very clear.

> and yet you completely ignore like half of it as if it’s irrelevant.
Because you misquote the purpose of the entire second amendment to justify gun control.

> My question is why?
Our rights are not up for debate.

>Why is no one worried about our lack of a regulated militia?
Because you don't know what the fuck you're talking out.

>Shouldn’t that be a priority?
Learn what the second amendment says first.


>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State

Is nor a proviso or a requirement,

> the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Is the operative statement and is what allows for the first half of the statement to be facilitated, not the other way around. You've got it backwards, you retard. The people have to be armed before they can regulate (meaning organize - to order) their militia effectively.

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You need to expand your understanding of language. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." This is the same as saying "The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state." Sure, a well regulated militia is a justification for the inalienable right lf the people to keep and bear arms but what ultimately is the right guaranteed by the constitution? I would love for there to be private militias that I could join and train with, bound by faith, justice, and liberty. You would probably think of them as terror cells for believing in Constitutional Originalism. Oh, and what makes a militia and its members well regulated? Expansive lifelong gun ownership and use begets marksmanship safety, safety dilligence, and quick thinking. Best military marksman are always lifelong hunters and personal gun owners.

>every white american*

Because warrior classes haven't overthrown governments before?

You are both retarded. The germ for running his nigger dick receptacle of a mouth about guns and their ownership. And the mutt for wanting germans genocided after they fought to the bitter end to prevent our current clown reality.

>because it’s not important, thenghyuuuuuuuu

>I don't understand english the post

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>my argument got picked apart
>better act like a retard
sure showed me