Socialism is better than Capitalism

When it comes to economy. The only problem with socialism it that it brings non-whites and feminist bullshit. The perfect country is fiscally leftist and socially right

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>fiscally leftist
T. Brainlet


>fiscally leftist and socially right
fuck off nazi this is a board of peace

Nazis weren't fiscally leftist. Infact, i don't think you can fit Nazi "economy" into any sort of category.

Are Swedes actually dumber than Irishmen?

No it is totally leftist. Socially left is basically live and let live. You don't try to change others and they don't try to change you.

>i don't think
that's pretty clear from your shit thread dickhead

False. Leftist socially means faggots and pedos. Alongcwith tranny freaks and cultural marxism

Nope, not participating in "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" except voluntarily and part of a small, close-knit community, united by a single vision of truth and love, continually vigilant against the failings of human nature.

Everything else will go straight to hell in a handbasket, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

You sure showed me.

>glass bathroom door and walls


You're just paranoid. Gibs and healthcare are great, just not in multicultural societies.

So what do you want to do kill them? Are you anti-human? Other have a right to life. Maybe you can respect their spaces and they will respect yours?

By the way, I'm not defending pedos as I believe it is exploitation of minors.

I cannot allow parasites and bacteria to fester. Same way i can't let degeneracy destroy nations.

Nations are pointless. Live your own life, do what you love. Why do you want a nation to oppress you and fight battles for the elites?

Sounds like natsoc to me.

Living like that is accepting that nothing matters. Obviously i can't do that.

Your own passions, dreams, quest for your own knowledge, and accomplishment doesn't matter?

The point of diversity is to ensure capitalism holds its place.
Socialism loses its appeal when others are imported in; society becomes more and more of an international economic zone.

Also, helping other humanity who are suffering using your talents doesn't matter?

You don't understand how economies work if you think leftist fiscal policies are a good idea

Nothing in comparison to a sense of purpose to your people and nation.

I'm afraid reality doesn't work like that, Schlomo.
The collectivist brown herds aren't going to keep those interests at heart.

That's thinking from a time when people were very closed minded. Before the internet existed or people could interact with other peoples.

fuck you nigger

Well obviously people continue to think similarily.

Because of propaganda from capitalist media. But no one even finds them credible anymore. On social media everyone talks and find they have more in common in just wanting to be respected and not oppressed.

In a country full of whites who never have to go to war and only have to really worry about what death metal band is best, yeah socialism works fine.
For the rest of the world however... nah

>Bootlickers ultra-mad in this thread

keep paying my welfare wagies. you could live the dream too but you're too cucked.

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Yeah enjoy supporting the population the rapes and replaces Sweden into extinction. At least you'll be tolerant in your shallow grave.

imagine the smell of that tight asian snatch

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You know what

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Partially agree. It disregards the fact that people are different. Imagine sponsoring other people's choices. Your family, your values & culture are the foundation to your wealth. This should in turn, finance your endeavors. Imagine instead, it being used to pay for gender studies courses and tranny operations. They should pay for it themselves. Liberals shill for socialism because they fear that the free market i.e natural order (free from Jewish influence), doesn't rate them. Get woke go broke.

What is this "capitalist media" i'm hearing about? Marxist and libtardness is much more common nowadays

>The perfect country is fiscally leftist and socially right

Not possible.

You cannot have a country that's socially right by subsidizing parasites, engaging in dysgenics, and where the state assumes the roles and incentives of church, family and other forms of conditional aid.

>Free market
>Free from Jewish influence
Holy shit you're retarded


Why? I’m sure the toilet has closed walls and a door.

Truth. We simply must Purge the degeneracy first to implement socialism. Unfortunately we could run into the case that socialism produces degeneracy, so we would have to take proper measures to instill virtuous behavior. Although I'm not religious, using religion to enforce this would probably work out decently and we can just have a nice Nat Soc theocracy.

Sounds good, doesn't work.

Bad comprehension Sven. Those markets that are free from Jewish influence.

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Doesn't work because if degeneracy. People might not work due to selfishness and hedonism. If we make sure these values are exorcised from society and replaced with virtue and a burning desire to contribute (or face extreme social pressure or even legal consequences) I think it would work out.
What I am trying to say is that the social practices cannot be disjoint from the economy, they have to be in such a way that they synergize well in order to create a well functioning society.

You mean, national socialism?

Yes mein Freund. Nat socialist theocracy would be best

So no markets then.

What, socialism nationally?

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You have the definitions completely inverted. Leftists socially are collectivists - social norms must be strictly enforced on everyone (examples: the Islamic world, communist countries). You couldn't be a hippie with blue jeans in the USSR, you couldn't be a jew in the Third Reich, you can't not follow Islam in the Islamic world. The far right is totally individualistic both socially and economically - live and let live (early USA)


>Left wing ideas: care for working people, free healthcare and welfare, anti-globalism, state intervention in economy
>right wing ideals: nationalism, religion, family
You should vote Vox Italia of Diego Fusaro.

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>care for working people
>free shit
>state intervention in economy

Marxist Socialism and Capitalism are two sides of the same, Jewish coin.

The only true choice for the White race is National Socialism.

>Socialism is better than Capitalism
I lived in both. it's the exact opposit.


It's almost as if you need some sort of heavy handed nationalist force behind the socialism to ensure that it works for only the people of the state. Some kind of nationalism to support the nations socialism. Like, a social nationalism, or something.

>It's almost as if you need some sort of heavy handed nationalist force behind the socialism to ensure that it works for only the people of the state. Some kind of nationalism to support the nations socialism. Like, a social nationalism, or something.
Hm.... and it's almost like you need a homogeneous people to back up that nationalism...

Liberated from forces of capital, government, and the collective. Mutualism is the most free ideology other than maybe anprim, but they require you to wipe your ass with leaves so that one's a meme.

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>ugly gook
>retarded opinions
>that flag
nothing to see here

>Socially left is basically live and let live. You don't try to change others and they don't try to change you.
is that why they always murder homos in Commie countries or send them to gulag?

So NatSoc but shit?

>So what do you want to do kill them?
so the same commie solution for people who want to retain the things they worked for or not be part of your brainwashed hippie commune?

What do you understand by socialism first?

>do what you love.
what if I love starting a multinational corporation that retains it's property rights?

>Use Nationalism to unite people within a country

>Use Socialism to extend hand of friendship to other peoples who are willing to cooperate with us and not try to subvert us or harm our gene pool

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Right yeah. Like some kind of socialist ethno nationalism of some sort. Seems like that's the only manner in which socialism would actually work. Amazing nobody has ever given that a go..

>That's thinking from a time when people were very closed minded.
So in your enlightened mind you know more and have a greater understanding than all of humanity that came before you? I bet you aren't even 30 years old too, wow what a genius you must be!

Don't worry, parasite, when recession will hit, you will removed.

Reminder that all the most succesful Socialist States were Nationalist

>Nationalist Commies in Vietnam beat the USA

>Nationalistic Communist China is taking over the Empire game

>Soviet Patriotism used to succesfully boost morale since pure Internationalism didn't cut it

>Uncle Addy


>When it comes to economy.
There has to be goods to purchase for that word to have any meaning, leaf.

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It subsidizes degeneracy

>sexy asian slut
I've watched porn since I was 12 ,now 28, and there's nothing wrong with me. Can any anons help me out, I've been thinking about fucking my asian mother in law for over two years now. I've decided I'm going to move forward with making it happen, however it's yet to be decided how to make this happen. Should I be a gentleman and work towards it with a slow boil and charm her, she's already interested and compliments my body regularly. Or do I barge into her room, our guest room, and force myself on her? I could put her wrists in a double column tie and gag her so I can try to reason with her and let her see why it's a good idea. user's please help, I might catch a charge but I'm willing to bet she'd be all for it.

Love how you ignored all the ethnic cleansings communist countries have done.
Nations will always exist because people prefer to live within their own race

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People who live with immigrants are also more likely to vote nationalist parties
Nice source faggot
Based fellow Europecentric marxist

False. Socialism has only ever been moderately successful in white ethnostates and even then, the results are pretty mediocre, while the central economic planning necessitated by the system can lead to hilariously disastrous results (like Venezuela becoming an Africa tier country because oil prices went down).

Fucking retard. Socially right means the formation of families. Families don’t form when women are paid by the government and therefore don’t have to be supported by a husband. Socialism removes the financial incentives for family formation. Dumb faggot.


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>Socialism is better than Capitalism when it comes to economy. The only problem with socialism it that it brings non-whites and feminist bullshit. The perfect country is fiscally leftist and socially right

did you think about this before writing it?

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My only hope is that if your dream of socialism comes true, I wouldn't be required to live in it again. There was a reason why eastern block was behind self-imposed iron curtain, while westerners were roaming freely. It was because if we were free to leave the socialist utopia, we most certainly would.

Put your money where your mouth is instead of hurting yourself patting yourself on the back.

aka national socialism

American capitalism put western women in the workplace , sponsored feminism and the destruction of the family. As an example, slowly after ww2,most smoking companies made advertisements that promoted smoking for white women (infertility, independence, rebel against the man etc) Make the white women into a worker, bring a spic family over as future workers, fire the white guy if he complains and replace him with a shitskin.
Even if the Soviet Union wasn't fully ethno nationalist as german style National Bolshevism is, it was way more conservative than modern neoliberal USA. No faggots or feminists openly chimping out on the streets.

Eating glue.

>Said the guy from one of the most capitalistic countries in the world
Why don't you move to a shithole if you are so in love with socialism?

Gibs and free healthcare are only needed in countries full of minorities to begin with.

>Using the internet
>Provide by an ISP(could be private)
>Through an electronic device
>Which was purchased by a store
>In which probably private transportation was needed
>Purchased by earning payments at a private company or local business
This list can be as long as we need it to be.
Democratic|republic capitalism works.

Ill never understand why stupid ppl like u try to argue against facts

Oh, at a store.
Frivolous errors.

Fascist ethno nationalist countries like fashy Italy and natsoc Germany had proper healthcare for their own people. If you are an ethnic nationalist, you should care about the health of your fellow people from your own country. Capitalism incorporates some welfare just to justify non white immigrants coming in as cheap labor. Due to multiracialism, the ethnic citizen will always be put last. Public healthcare fails when your country is heavily mixed and / or has open borders. Otherwise , it works to keep your population strong.
An actual socialist nation with ethno nationalist characteristics would have no need for immigrants if the state gave the means of production to the country's workers.

And that private company that provides your internet can cut it off if it disagrees with your political stance or any personal opinion. Nationalism has been largely deplatformed due to the mass privatization of the internet (twitter, facebook ,youtube etc) How long until Mastercard cancels your credit card bcs you posted anti homo thoughts on your social media ?

bet those titties are floppy as hell

But, that's already happening, from socialist-agreeing companies nonetheless.
You hear the sound of antithetical and oxymoronic actions?

the thing is that socially right and economically left souns like a paradoxes, but is actually th only coherent position, which is that things, both in the economy and in the society, needs to be regulated.

you wanna get payed in mefo bills?

From the leftists we must take socialism without internationalism and from the right we must take nationalism without capitalism.

See what I did there?

>from socialist-agreeing companies
You mean neoliberal companies that are social democratic(welfare capitalism) ? in socialism, corporations don't exist, bosses don't exist etc

You think Facebook's kike boss would like actual socialism, as in being nationalized and having his wealth redistributed ? progressive values(multiracialism, faggotry) don't count as socialism despite modern marxists foolishly chasing those values liek morons. Liberalism is responsible for trannies becoming mainstream.
Your turkish genes are starting to show.

Heil leafter.

>Achtual socialism
Ah yes, cliché.
We all forget about 100m deaths, cannibalism, gulags and kulaks, it's perfectly normal.

Only faggots and junkies have any reason to care about "muh absolute freedum". A people should be united by their state. Folks used to understand this.

Step 1: How big is your dick? If it's too small she won't take you seriously as a dominant force. That's all the advice I'm gonna give you. Aside from telling you not to be a racemixing degenerate.