I'm beginning to think it's real and not a meme anymore
I'm beginning to think it's real and not a meme anymore
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There should be scales and BMI tests at Walmart entrances. After you are profiled you will then be told what you are allowed to buy.
you don't die from obesity big idiot
Why don't you ban obesity already?
Maybe in your 3rd world country. Us big bois gotta eat.
Background checks for cookies.
Did you downunder fags get fattest country back from us again?
I don't know but almost everyone at the supermarkets is fat.
We are quite literally full.
good idea. its not right to taxpayers to payfor these human garbage trucks
That's nothing. 610,000 American's die from Heart Disease every year.
Did you just call Norway a 3rd world country? Are you an abo or something?
>Defending another third world country from being called third world
Memes really do write themselves.
Nice try, Orwell, but this is america.
I had to hover my mouse over your 3rd world country to find out the name.
Ban all fat people
>Ban forks and knives
>Fat people start using chopsticks
>Ban all point utensils
>Fat people start using their heads like third world savages
>Cut off their hands
>Fatties literally roll their fat faces all over their plates to suck up the 50 cheeseburgers and 10 orders of fries
There is only one solution user...
I can't get enough of saurkraut and bratwurst
Please help us ban German food it's too good
All right New Zealand
Whats the difference between norway, finland, iceland and sweden? None all irrelevant.
Thank you. Also how many people have died of gay aids
You are eternal Anglo
We are superior Aryan.
>About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common type of heart disease, killing over 370,000 people annually.
All of the top killers of Americans are metabolic disorders. Fasting is the free healthcare option to treat all of them but that and diet isn't taught in schools, and gym is just a period dedicated to wasting time. Food stamps costs about $70 billion every year and the economic costs of diabetes alone is $327 billion, so if people were healthy food stamps could be paid for almost 5 times over without raising taxes. All the financial means testing should be replaced with fitness requirements. Fuck the sin taxes, just have some fitness standards.
I was just joke. We still friends?
Get a packa ciggs, you bogan. Should run you a 100 dollaridoos. Meanwhile i earn 100 dollars for each breath i take just by virtue of being the ubermensch.
>t. Fat Fuck
38.52 percent
Personal Income Tax Rate in Norway is expected to be 38.52 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Norway Personal Income Tax Rate is projected to trend around 39.00 percent in 2020, according to our econometric models.
Goes hand in hand with obesity
All true facts. You forget one important thing though. These poor people who are using foodstamps are buying shit food like fastfood and junk food because it is affordable and packs an excess of sugar, fat, carbs etc. and they can feed an entire family on a fraction of a budget than they would need if they were buying healthy alternatives.
Rich white liberals made healthy food cost more money and are keeping it from the poor people by making 20 dollar kale smoothies and cucumber pasta. Fruits, veggies, seafood all cost so much because of upper and middle class retarded whites and their fad diets.
Not really. For the most part, you're correct, but healthy people get heart disease as well. Over exercising puts stress on your heart muscles and other organs and can lead to heart disease. too. It's not really about fat or skinny but a well-balanced dietary lifestyle with equally balanced exercise.
bananas are inexpensive, as are chicken breasts and rice, toss in a cheap head of lettuce and slice up some tomatoes and a whole family can eat for $10
>It's not really about fat or skinny
Body-positivity crap. Fact is that skinny people live longer than fat people.
We could have 50 percent taxes and wed still have higher average wages than you, wang
just got back from running 3 miles. a big part of my motivation is maintaining my status in the hyper fit elite. last time i was tested i had 11% body fat. get wrecked fatties.
iI was just joking why so mad?
Proud of you, user.
True that. A big head of Iceburg lettuce is 70% water and it's still good for your digestive tract. Skinless chicken breasts can be flayed and cubed and depending on the size a single chicken breast can comfortably feed a family of 4. Rice is a good filler all-around.
That's one night though. Human beings need variety. You can't live on the same food forever.
Healthy food needs to come down in price or junk food needs to go up. Farming these vegies takes a serious effect on our land. The soil becomes toxic and you can't plant veggies there any longer until nature restores the balance by having animals grazing on it and all that comes with it.
Ban body fat
Nah, I don't believe in body positivity for the obese. I just know that too much exercise depending on your genetics can lead to heart disease and you can die from it. I lost somebody close to me this year from heart disease and they were always fit and active.
RIP this user staying below 15% bf for extended period of time
ban assault snacks
Trying to lose weight.
What should I avoid the most?
What about beer? I love beer and wine.
That's bull
I don't have the info graphic but anyone can eat well on the cheap, you just have to actually prepare and cook the food. The issue is convenience and know how, not the cost
Fat fucks are obviously lazy and like to eat junk, they could eat well for reasonable monies if they really wanted to
>What should I avoid the most?
Bread, peanut butter, beer, sugar. Literally cut these things out of your diet. And you'll lose weight in your first 30 days without even trying.
>What about beer? I love beer and wine.
Cut it out cold turkey in the beginning and then reintroduce it once weekly if you really need it.
That's my opinion.
Correlated with obesity, both caused by overstressing the mind and body with that 24/7 working economy of yours with 40hr workweeks plus overtime just to not disappoint the boss.
And caused by the gynocentric MeToo society our boomers created for themselves and us.
And caused by the creeping housing market. Mileage varies per nation.
And caused by many more other problems with our modern lifestyle that altogether combine their effects under the umbrella term "depression", which is a real thing but unresolvable through medication or losing weight.
It's like an engine where the carburetor slowly gets clogged up over time and the engine can't breathe anymore. The revs drop to match the limited air intake because our engines wanna keep running but they have to drop more and more and more until inevitably the mechanism calls it quits and your engine stalls.
The solution, is to clean your carburetors.
Unfortunately slaughtering parasitic Jews and minorities en masse is a crime.
you're either stupid as fuck or jealous ...or both. 6-7% is borderline unhealthy for males and even there it can be safely maintained. cope.
FDA :GRAS generally regarded as safe. i use to
be obese, not anymore, still eat sugar and carbs
L-ARABINOSE, buy some, faggots, you like
being fat whimp beta fucks? MAN UP!
>What should I avoid the most?
>What about beer? I love beer and wine.
Water only.
Are you craving this? Can you stop at just one?
I love how they’ve now redefined mass shooting to mean nigger gangstas offing each other.
Name one good reason to be under 15% bf for any extended length of time and what benefits that has? Because I can tell you exactly why being below 15% bf for an extended period can and will lead to organ damage and heart disease.
I'm sorry you think that I'm jealous. I'm really not. 15% is perfect to show your abs off with. More than enough for most people. You don't need
Shootings, fake and otherwise are a meme.
Look at the data, its all there to see.
Crying guns bad gets votes.
Fast food - builds profits for shareholders
Obesity - causes diseas big pharm can treat - building profits for shareholders.
Who are the biggest shareholders? the people on the hill, making law.
Does this help?
>Because I can tell you exactly why being below 15% bf for an extended period can and will lead to organ damage and heart disease.
go ahead, fatso
Sodafags, switch to Zevia.
Ban sugar, $oy and refined carbs.
Problem solved.
how about switching to water, you fat enabler.
>I can tell you exactly why
>you're just going to kill yourself quicker.
please share your medical expertise then, Dr. user
How many people die each year of being skinny? How many people die each ear of being fat? There is your answer. ''Too much excersive'' is a non-starter, because it is not statistically significant.
You can have beer after you've lost weight.
A red a day keeps the pale away so that's fine.
Most important things to avoid are the composite cuisines of the supermarkets. White bread made with wheatmeal, soiflour and have loads of non-bready ingredients in them for example.
No grains.
No sugars.
No carbs. Yes cut down on veggies big time.
Get your calories from meat and meat product. Grass-fed cattle, raw milk, eggs whichever way you like them, and if you have to cheap out and get processed meat check the ingredients and make sure the list is as short and pure as is humanly possible.
Once you have your list of things you can eat comfortably, count the calories. Starving yourself from calories is bad for weight loss, keep the calorie deficit between 300-500 in case you want a snack.
Then plan out your meals. You can do one meal a day for maximum fasting benefits, but you may want to ease into it. Chowing down 2300 kcal in one hour can be a strain on the stomach, so you can do two meals a day or even use a limited timeframe within which to eat your food to still get 16hr or more of fasting afterwards.
But if you want maximum fat loss, water fasting is the way to go.
You can easily go 36 hours between meals without having to counter the loss of electrolytes and vitamin deprivation with supplements, though adding some salt to the water is useful. Get yourself a 2L jug, fill it with water and pop a teaspoon of salt in it. Bob's your uncle.
You know you can just avoid sugar right?
How's your business going snake juice man
>There should be scales and BMI tests at Walmart entrances. After you are profiled you will then be told what you are allowed to buy.
I'd support concentration fat camps.
If you're obese or fatter, you get sent to one where you're taught how to cook, eat properly and exercise properly.
You are released when you're thin, in shape and pass the classes.
>no sugar
>no artificial sweeteners
>no calories
How does this make one fat?
>How does this make one fat?
I assume it normalizes drinking soda.
Hispanic and black communities (economically challenged lol) have the highest rate of obesity in US. Also, Mexico is now the fattest country in the world. Usually the fatsos are poor.
Enforces bad habits
The poorer you are, the fatter you are because:
A) you're lazy, if you weren't lazy you'd spend the time to make healthy meals.
B) you're dumber, if you were smarter you'd buy better foods
C) you're poorer, so you end up buying cheap plastic chinese shit at wal-mart and eating it.
Lmao. A value pack of 6 breast $12 dollars, couple pounds of rice $2, 6 cans of black/pinto beans $7(fuck cooking them all day from a bag) 4 bell peppers $5, 4 onions $3, jalapenos $2. Sauces $5
Feeds one active male for a week. Prolly could feed 2 females for a week.
For around $40. I make it once a month or so. 1 hour of cook/prep. Need a big fucking container tho.
I can only repear what I said.
Go push that shit in Reddit, you fucking Jew.
Frink water, add a bit of fresh lemon juice if you want.
OP is a shill check posts by this id
Then by virtue of being fat, lazy and having high insulin, people buy more garbage that will slowly destroy them.
i make 100k a year and eat cup noodles from time to time
i just dont have time to make meals
My diet mostly consists of:
>pulled pork sammichs
>boomer meme energy drinks
>orange juice
>mac and cheese
>and bologna sammichs
Yet I'm in very good shape.
The key is to be active, not a lazy ass couch potato.
I love watching my fellow americans guzzle their diabetes juice. It makes me feel thinner just looking at them .
>i make 100k a year and eat cup noodles from time to time
But you don't eat them every single day, like fat lazy poor people do. At least I hope you don't. And if you do, you shouldn't.
>i just dont have time to make meals
But you have the money to purchase healthy foods.
You could get one of those services that mails you fresh, healthy food and use it to make a fresh, healthy, quick meal.
You could use a slow cooker/insta pot while you're at work to make a healthy, tasty meal.
Hell, you could get healthy, cooked meals shipped to you.
>Then by virtue of being fat, lazy and having high insulin, people buy more garbage that will slowly destroy them.
Tis a vicious cycle.
No one fucking cares
I'm not a doctor, I just play one on Jow Forums. You might have seen me in such threads as
>Fat people are disgusting
>Amerilard Sharts In Walmart
>God Bless MCDonald's
and other such as
>Amerilards Explains This
But what I do offer is real advice backed up by actual medical doctors. Everything I've said regarding heart disease and body fat percentages being too low leading to organ failure and heart disease and eventually death is verifiable by the CDC's website. I suggest you look at it.
I'm not supporting fat people. But I'm calling out the fake fit chads for their obvious bs posting.
I, myself, hover at around 20-24% bf annually. 18 is my sweet spot and personal preference.
The cigs are helping you . They say cig smokers are like 15 lbs lighter because of their addiction. Id assume youre a younger guy also. All that shit you listed you wont be able to eat when you are 30 plus without packing on lbs.
>Not going full hedonist and getting fat enough for special parking and gibs
It's [current year], user, you need to learn to adapt.
>No one fucking cares
Actually I fucking care.
1 post by this ID OP's should be a bannable offense. Especially when they're hit and run topics.
>The cigs are helping you .
Actually since most smokers are poor and cig prices keep going higher and higher (because the government can't come out and ban them), they enslave poor people.
Not to mention the health costs associated with the health problems they cause.
2400 ppl died at the hands of their intimate partner in 2007.
Fat people claim that food is expensive and so are gyms. So reduce the non-processed food prices via tax cuts and gym memberships to net loss of profits. The price for getting more people to be active and eating non-processed food is far more affordable than suffering obesity.
We must have common sense baked good laws.
No citizen needs a full package of 36 cookies designed for rapid consumption.
We also need common sense obesity laws, including red flags after 2k calories are consumed.
Always a surprise how many women die of heart attack
Every American should prioritize health. Lifting, exercise, diet, and mental health are #1 when it comes to living a good life.
Health = wealth
>Fat people claim that food is expensive and so are gyms.
They're wrong on both counts. They say it's expensive because they're too stupid to manage their money.
Fresh, unprepared, healthy food is inexpensive (compared to prepared, unhealthy foods) and often goes on sale.
There are gyms like Planet Fitness which cost around $10 a month.
orwellian af but it'd have to be a delivery service paired with a personal trainer that could be paid for like a pca since obesity is a medical condition. after that they could have the 1984 check ins with an ai monitoring their heart rate and motion via lycra smart suit.
Well I myself don't smoke. I theorize smokers instead of snacking reach for a cig . This happens multiple times throughout the day . This saves them a lot of calories.
fat people are carrying their own gym around with them every day of their fatass lives
A healthy society is a strong society. Notice how as the society decays, so does its people and vice versa?
Yes, the cigs do curb my appetite quite a bit. I though I listed all that junk that I eat, I only eat like twice a day.
I should probably eat more often, just eat better food. Oh well.
mcdonalds makes me feel sick :(
It should be body fat based as I weigh 190 pounds and that's technically obese but really I've just added a lit of muscle. My body fat percentage is only 16 percent
Agreed, just look at pictures of people from the 60s and 50s. Not much fat on them. Though, obesity in America has a direct correlation to the introduction of corn syrup.
>I theorize smokers instead of snacking reach for a cig .
Cigs definitely attract the addictive personalities.
Notice how alcoholics and drug addicts also smoke?
>This saves them a lot of calories.
But it's destroying their bodies in other ways.
"Oh they're thin. They have lung cancer but they're thin."
Even though I'm a democrat, this is the main reason I'm against medicare for all. A fatass country like america would be totally dragged down by fatties. I work at a hospital and I can't tell you how many young people (40 or even younger) are getting both knees replaced because they weight 300 pounds. I don't want to pay for that with taxes
is that the coomer in the back?
>Though, obesity in America has a direct correlation to the introduction of corn syrup.
Yep. Ban high fructose corn syrup and added salt and sugar to all processed foods and you'll see an immediate improvement.
I'd also add banning added onions to a product that isn't onions based but that's kind of another issue.
It's scary seeing how many bread products have added onions. Makes me want to bake my own bread.