Crisis Averted?

Donald increased sanctions against Iran, clearly trying not to stoke the flames of chaos. Saudi Arabia is not budging though on their "That was an act of war, let's fuck up the Persians." stance. Has the BIG war been postponed again or are we gonna get a much smaller war between only The House of Saud and the Iranians?

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trump is not that stupid. Election is less than 14 months away

He's not stupid enough to believe that Iran was responsible.

Keep false flagging to try to cause a war. You will soon make a mistake, and be found out.

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The Saudis want to play “Let’s you and him fight.” If they went up against the Iranians alone, the Revolutionary Guards would be marching into Riyadh within a week.

Why are Australians spying on Iran?

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The persians are like 4% its all arabs now.

The Sauds shit themselves when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

We were actually selling them highly enriched uranium. That was just a cover story to deflect any attention.

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Next time try saying 'we're absolutely sure Iran used wmds, we need to invade'
Let's see how that goes down.

Because spying on China instead would reduce political donations to Australian parties.

>the BIG war been postponed again
Now you know why globalists democrats hate Trump.

its all just build up until Zognald Trump gets re-elected, then the US is going to attack Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iran.

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I already told you: NO more wars. I shouldn't have to remind you.
Persist with this retarded mentality and you'll get a war.
A civil war where you die.

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Trump will do everything he can to avoid that.
He is jewing the jews, and only a car salesman or a real estate tycoon can do that.
He will yield on some symbolic and non strategic aspects but he will not hurl the USA into a war.

We need a war. NOW!

Fuck off kike.

Only if nuclear missiles are involved

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Check the date:

This lets burn the world down.

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