Daily reminder about the Alamo and the reason being why they should not be allowed in this country

Daily reminder about the Alamo and the reason being why they should not be allowed in this country.

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If they love Mexico so much why don't they go back?
>No gibs, shithole, cartels
Ah, of course.

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They lost, fuck them.

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The Democrats are offering them tax payer funded healthcare in an effort to pander to the "Hispanic" vote in future elections

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They don't even remember the Alamo.

>sell house
>years later enter the house
>homeowner tells you to leave
>But this used to be my house!

This mindset of "they lost, fuck them" is what people say about whites today and into the future.

None of them lived here. The native Americans lived here... the Spanish stole it from them, and mexico from Spain. We bought it from Mexico after their failed war against us.
Not conquered, bought. They even tried to sell is baja california, but its just rocks so we didn't buy it.

alamo is a meme and totally irrelevant yet glorified in american history
start talking when you humiliate an entire german army with just a bunch of machine guns

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When we're allowed to use guns like at the Alamo will they still be saying the same? We haven't lost this one yet because we haven't truly fought yet.

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Since Beck thought he could take Berlin when he started the war, and then Poland got it's ass kicked and Becks partners in crime; France and the United Kingdom, did nothing but give lip service to their deal to take Germany, this is pretty funny.
Yes, attacking fortified position like a city involves casualties, but this is pretty much parity.

Fuck Santa Ana
The true history is that Texans kicked Mexico the fuck out.

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Theres a reason why it's still known till this day, german rape toy.

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Yeah these people don't deserve to live. Either give them Cali so they can slide into the ocean or nuke the entire SW. There is no reasoning with a feral indig

It'd help if we made a little change to The Wall

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>BASED Poland destroying its relationship with Germany the previous leader had carefully crafted one during the red terror just to side with the kikes and betray the only actual chance we had against them, just to get fucked on the other side of the iron curtain afterwards for decades.

Go back to cleaning Englands toilet faggot

Oh nice so they are now the glorious freedom fighter

You have no debts, no claims from past generations.
The past is a wash.

They ARE the DAILY reminder.

Calexit when?


without a real fight, that's what's pathetic. We just gave up the world to "be nice".

>They even tried to sell is Baja
It would be a literal paradise right now

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Whenever they'd like, they've been a burden for a while now.

That's Alabama
Cali pays for other states

Surrender Land to Mexico?
SURRENDER land to Mexico!

Mexico and their Liberal puppets will get nothing from us but a Belly full of lead and our boots to their throats.

I don't want to lose all the beaches. Better to have deep breach charges set up on that line and just blow that all into the ocean.

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Daily reminder my AR15 has more of a right to be in this country than taco niggers

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