If the purpose of the second amendment is to allow disgruntled citizens to overthrow the government...

If the purpose of the second amendment is to allow disgruntled citizens to overthrow the government, why is it illegal to assassinate politicians?

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I get all for women for killing two russians?

Its not if you kill enough of them

What if there was an amendment to let any citizen challenge a politician to a duel to the death. What would society look like then? Wouldn't that guarantee freedom?

>Politician is unpopular
>Constantly fighting duels until he steps down or dies

You're supposed to overthrow the government by engaging in lawful combat with the government's armed forces, not by sperging out and murdering politicians which has zero impact if the state itself is still exists.

Will the armed forces shoot back at you? It sounds counterproductive to let citizens fight the government but give the government superior tools to fight back.

They can only punish that which they can control. If enough people do it or die then how is it illegal? In truth crimes are only crimes when those with enough force can issue punishment.
Laws are all enforced by force.
Use enough force.
You become the law.

Because politicians passed the law


Is the sap of the maple tree for tree movement of nutrients, or syrup making?

>why is it illegal to assassinate politicians?
because Murder is wrong stupid

See Maybe that should be the law. We need to overthrow the government so we can make it law.

Those are the rules. Governments always possess superior weapons to the people. The rules are that the people only can take back control if they really really want it. It is a question of will power vs fear.

>fighting anybody

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You have to start slow, like before the Revolution.
It’s not assasination at first. It’s just harassment and abuse. Beat them up. Throw burning liquid on them. Making them live with pain is possibly more effective than killing them (so our founders might have been more prescient in that sense).

Also, there is no reason why two consenting adults cannot duel without legal ramifications, as was always customary.

Also tarring and feathering should make a comeback. Scalding hot tar.

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and kill liberals and hippy´s, you always forget that part.

we literally occupied your country

You had superior firepower and were a part of the unprofor, the fuck are you talking about

>In Canada, the battle was considered to be one of the most severe battles fought by the Canadian Forces since the Korean War.
oh boy you sure do fight a lot

Overthrowing the government is also illegal, user

>engaging an enemy on their ground

>Use enough force.
You become the law.
The only Law that truly exists in this world.
Violence, or the threat thereof, is always, and the only real solution.
Stop being such pussies, you faggots.

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It's illegal only if you get caught, like everything else.

It's illegal, but you're not stopped from trying.
Good luck taking on the US military, you magnificent bastard

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>with the government's armed forces
>t. increasingly nervous politician

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>you're supposed to win a chess game by eliminating the pawns and lower pieces one by one instead of capturing the king

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An incredibly important component of human happiness is the belief you have a choice, even if it's not true. It's simply important for idiots to believe that they could protect themselves or overthrow the government. Take away their guns and you rob them of even the illusion of freedom.


" no one interrupts my sexy sex session"