The Republican party literally supports the mass murdering of American citizens, yet they claim that Democrats are the ones who destroy America with their "war on Christmas". Explain yourselves Americans.
The Republican party literally supports the mass murdering of American citizens...
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lol 288 only shurs would understand this
Just so you know, unrelated gang violence that happened to take place near school property is included in that "list of school shootings" as well as someone shooting a school bus with a BB gun.
>"more niggers!" the "man" shouted as he complained about guns for the millionth time in a row
Mass Murder you said?
>The Republican party literally supports the mass murdering of American citizens,
Don’t get murdered retard lol.
I don't mind them doing it.
Op is a faggot cucked by goddess Merkel, so faggot in fact that he re-elects her, and feral refugees overrun their good people, turning Germany into a shithole country. Op should worry about Germany, but Op is faggot and mad that we have guns.
Fuck you nigger.
>abortion is murder
Krautys have been uppity ever since GEOTUS started threatening their precious export business.
1. These numbers are untrue
2. School shootings have gone down
3. These stats include niggers murdering each other
4. The statistical chance you are involved in a school shooting is practically 0
Now show the stats for gun related violence. It increases all the way in my country
LOL 288 School shootings and they claimed WA had 17 of them. WA state had Z E R O fucking "school shootings" what a load of shit.
Your argument is completely irrelevant when compared to the half a million children killed by abortions each year.
*Psst* niggers
Well we have school shooting, and Germany has Muslim gang rapes. We want more guns and you want more brown migrants.
The "war on Christmas" is fake. Christmas is not even Biblical, it's just consumerism based on perverting old northern traditions.
>Hurr durr! Ban gun! Must save all life at all cost! Fuck the second amendment and the constitution! Hurr durr!
>”I had an abortion”
Lol, this has to be a troll.
Guns save lives more than they take. There is so much evidence that this isn't even contested. But of course the media only shows when guns are used for harm.
unironically says the one not making an argument
Worry about your own country faggot
It isn't about more or less guns, it's about who owns them, take a look at switzerland.
Show death ratio using different weapons in violent armed crimes.
If even one child can be saved, women should capitulate.
Also let's add in stabbings to that and see how Europe stacks up.
>someone shooting a school bus with a BB gun.
practice round?
The 8/pol/ replacement is live: (there is no captcha, no pass, fresh new chan, no censorship of free speech, no shills, Android app support)
Stupid Deutschbag:
How many people are in your nation? How many have been MURDERED due to your open borders? How many raped?
Kids, especially niggers, do stupid shit.
But, dead is dead: by strangulation, or weapon. So, stop oversimplifying like a good Goy, and start using rational thinking.
It's a natural right to own a gun faggot. Can't rely on the goobernet to protect you when they're killing innocent all the time.
The Republican party literally supports Constitutional Rights.
There. Fixed that for you.
still not even close to the same level my nigga
>500k in abortions
I'm gonna need backing sources on that user.
Maybe there'd be less school shootings if they were advertised as concealed carry zones rather than gun-free zones, so some fucker who wants to stir shit thinks twice about going in there to shoot helpless kids.
>Switzerland 0
Switzerland has literally infinite more guns per capita than the US, because everyone in the country has a government-mandated responsibility to own a gun.
So if infinitely more guns results in zero school shootings, that would prove the brainlets correct.
Well technically Saturnalia. The christmas tree is norse true.
>Liberals take Good out of schools
>We used to have guns in school
>Columbine Democrats create a pattern
>Media glorifies school shooters, ignore Chicago
>Liberals use emotionalism to steal our guns and kill us
We become retard sheep mired in sin like the Germans
It's actually more than 500k
now that was depressing
Clueless German has no clue what our culture is made of
You're a disgusting murderer if you support abortion. It's not a debate. You post a nerd. So what? At least he isn't a baby murderer like you!
Remember when London mets stood guard outside the hospital as Alfie Evans was sentenced to death, despite numerous people willing to pay for his medical care?
Thats why we need the second amendment. Thats why we havent had a problem with tyrants for 200 years you fucking beta.
Hes a German. Sad to say but krauts are lifeless borgs only fit for bug work. I used to admire Prussian work ethic and ethos when it was applied to faith, tradition and their people but now without these things theyre a ravenous group of apes defending the philosophy of nothing. Such a shame. It WAS a good race.
>At least he isn't a baby murderer like you!
Because he'll be a virgin forever, kek
Checked and redpilled
Saturnalia = Roman holiday celebrated after the Punic wars. Based on Saturn. After the Punics invaded. The Punics who sacrificed their children to their equivalent of Saturn (Ba'al Hammon aka Moloch)
You're a murderer. Learn Science, get a sonogram. You disgust me.
>whining about people editing porn pictures
>projecting your desire for bmwf relationships by saying that they're incels
>caring about what the porn Jew decides to put out and assuning that its an indicator of societal trends
In other words Go find Jesus and prya for forgiveness for your faggotry
I agree
You are wicked and will burn in Hell
I know the history of Saturnalia. I was just pointing out that the placement of Christmas on the calendar is to coincide with that. In other words christians cucked the pagans by stealing and changing their holidays.
They also gave gifts and had orgies.
Trump supporters & republicans in general are uneducated shitbags who literally & unironically vote against their own economic class interests
Based and Christpilled
>Economic class interests
>assuming i have anything in common culturally, religiously, racially or ethically with the third world shitskins imported to do the small amount of actual labor done in the us
You have to be a marxist to be this dumb.
the democrats are nazi scum
they're enemy combatants now
we need to stop listening to the democrats and start putting them in body bags
Yeah! It is in our best interest to lose our rights, open our borders, kill our economy and vote for Democrats who literally hate us! We are so dumb!
Working class whites who vote republican are still very dumb
> muh open borders meme
>muh actual platform
Yes not worshipping your lord and savior the state would make you think theyre stupid.
Voting agiasnt universal healthcare access & workplace unions is very stupid to vote against
Yes! It would be retarded to not let the democrats completely fuck up health care for the 2nd time in 10 years.
Unions fucking suck. Inneficient and corrupt as shut. Have to deal with them all the time. The Tappan Zee bridge project? Union corruption nearly doubled the cost. They'll send a guy all the way up to the hudson valley to collect some houses and he'll ask for the longest way back to draw out his hours. Fucking ridiculous. We need to Pinkerton all the unions.
And Universal healthcare? Sure. Sounds great. I love to be forced to buy a product at gunpoint that the government is selling that would lead to subpar treatment. Fucking exciting!
Youre a retard. The time for arguing with retards is quickly coming to an end.
When that time comes, he'll be well armed unlike your faggot ass.