How do you cope with the fact that there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop multiculturalism?

How do you cope with the fact that there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop multiculturalism?

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How do you cope with the fact that you're a shill who spams slide threads?

Already delegitimized as an ideology

Not a white man in the picture... and that's diversity?
What did the Mexicans and Arabs ever do? Mud hut level civilizations. And the native Americans? Stone age hunter gatherers. Negroes? Again, stone age hunter gatherers.
They come to America because the ebil white people made something they can't, and they want to take it. They don't even know what to do with it and they can't make it work.

Lots of jews left in Germany.

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There is a white man in the picture he’s just a fag

>What did the Arabs ever do?
They literally kept philosophy and mathematics alive while westerners were busy burning witches

Move to Idaho, montana, Wyoming, South/North Dakota.

Fuck off strawman atheist piece of shit.

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this is a stupid comment. you are a very stupid person. you should feel bad for spouting lies on the internet.

>no argument
It's so easy to win a discussion against Jow Forums, as soon as you bring up facts they start coping

Funny how they always show the white guy as the gay one.

Attached: firethequadlazer.png (900x869, 19K)

Bullshit Ahmed. Islam conquered areas with the sword and then what civilization was there died out.
Islam is a religion of ignorance that rejects science

Attached: Islam World is flat.png (444x291, 226K)

>being this uneducated about history
Ignorance is bliss

He isn’t wrong. The Arab world did, however, return to the Stone Age.

Fake news. They hung witches (mostly men caught on the wrong end of a property dispute, and the occasional wymyn). They burned heretics (ditto).

Meanwhile the monks were doing math, astronomy, and chemistry just fine.

I like how it used to be "america is for all of us" and now that they are around we are not including in their bullshit.

I read on Jow Forums that making meme is a effective way to combat multiculturalism

Once things get bad enough, my sons and I will take part in carving out our own ethnic state. Whites in the u.s. already self segregate from spics and niggers. It will be easier than people think.

I'll just leave this here

How do you cope with the fact that your own people practicing your own culture naturally creates Hell on Earth for everyone, including yourselves?

You could kill millions of minecraft players.

By reminding myself that you have no future.

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It already failed, everyone collapsed back into gated communities or ghettoes.
Racemixing is unpopular.
Shitskins grew diffident.
You get the impression it worked because all the people you see in the common spaces, outside. Casual companies and "friends" do not give out how they actually live

The 8/pol/ replacement is live: (there is no captcha, no pass, fresh new chan, no censorship of free speech, no lefties or shills, Android app support)

"Vegetarian options available"
My sides, ooh my sides.

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Multiculturalism implies different cultures. You mean uniculturism or maybe consumerculturalism.

He was right you know.

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Laugh because diversity is a symptom of a collapsing civilization and soon everyone will be dead.

indeed, is so fucking amusing

there is always something you can do user

When the West financially collapses, people will see the true balkanizing effects of multiculturalism.