Nofap: is it actually beneficial?

I want to fucking coom to black and latina asses but some studies show mental degredation and other bad qualities to masturbating too much.

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Yes, you should have realized this years ago.
Not only nofap, semen retention in general.
Nofap is retarded because the people who practice it still tend to lust over women constantly and use their improved energy and confidence to sleep with roasties.
Semen retention is basically monk mode. You refuse to ejaculate period, refuse all casual sex, and practice things like meditation and music to channel sexual urges into something productive. Eventually you omit lust from your mind entirely, which allows you to enter a state of existence that improves your chances of success dramatically in whatever you do.

If you have like A PROBLEM with masturbation and you're jerking off 10 times a day you need to scale it back, but masturbating by itself isn't a bad thing. Porn isn't good for you, it screws up your perceptions of what normal sexuality should be like and you eventually start getting into "harder" stuff which is even more degenerate. Just jerk off once or twice a day using your imagination

Don't listen to this coomer.
>as long as I don't watch porn, it's okay to fap multiple times a day
is the biggest coomer cope.
Masturbation is extremely damaging for men physically and mentally. It destroys your soul.

No fap is placebo. If you are literally addicted to masturbating or hurting yourself, then yes, cutting back is good. Otherwise it's all in your head.

Nofappers are completely fucking insane


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The cumulative benefits of noFap and noPorn lie in hormone receptor recovery. Each and every week you endure, the more normal receptive your hormonal receptors become.

Look at this guy and tell me masturbating is healthy.

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This as well as dopamine levels balance out.
Masturbating produces a massive dopamine spike. This dopamine spike changes how your brain works.
Your brain starts to expect a daily, sometimes multiple a day, dopamine spike. Like a drug user, your brain will punish you by giving you less dopamine daily to urge you to give it the spike.
This means if you masturbate frequently, you feel depressed more often, more lethargic. Your dopamine levels are lower than someone who doesn't fap.
If you stop fapping, it will suck for a while, but eventually your brain will start to give you more dopamine and you'll feel much better.
Break the addiction. Don't let your brain trick you.

hopefully someone is working on a coomer replacement skin for the charger in l4d2

>Shitposting on Jow Forums or playing video games produces a massive dopamine spike. This dopamine spike changes how your brain works.
>Your brain starts to expect a daily, sometimes multiple a day, dopamine spike. Like a drug user, your brain will punish you by giving you less dopamine daily to urge you to give it the spike.

Fixed that for you.

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If I nofap then I become a two pump chump. How can I do nofap while also not losing my endurance to lay pipe in roasties

Look at it this way retard:

Having sex is physiologically the same as masturbating, at least as far as your own dick and hormones are concerned. Do you think you would ever in a million years think your precious bodily fluids were being drained or whatever the fuck it is you're afraid masturbation is doing to you if you were "having sex too much?" No, it's because you've internalized the masturbation stigma and are trying to rationalize it.

Porn and fapping aren't causing your problems, they're just something you can distract yourself from them with.

DO NOT post in coom threads
DO NOT bump coom posts
DO wish death up these discord trannies and move on

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discord is killing this website

so fucking annoying you can't have threads about certain subjects anymore without an obvious discord-organized shill raid.

Don't finish at first load


Semen = Mana

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Is there a way to prevent shills? In this case though I want the coomer meme to succeed and redpill as many normies as possible, but it needs to go outside Jow Forums, onto reddit, 9gag and other places full of coomers.


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If your only ambition in life is to fornicate with roasties maybe nofap/semen retention isn't for you.

Same principal, but nothing beats fapping; that high is incredible. With it you set the threshold much higher than simply indulging in fun activities.

That said, kicking video games and pointless chan time is a good idea.

>all I care about is pleasing women

Fucking this, sage + rerport externals like fucking joshua goldberg, a jew redditor behind all this.

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they are doing the Lord's work
fuck you :D

>sex is physiologically the same as masturbation
Objectively wrong, the hormonal release associated with sex is fundamentally different

Wow what a coincidence that any time something true starts appearing on Jow Forums, somebody finds a secret discord that claims to be the source.
So now
>If you talk about the American government shilling for Israel, you're a discord tranny
>If you talk about Epstein, you're a discord tranny
>If you talk about nofap, you're a discord tranny.
What's next? Are discord trannies going to shill for eating red meat and drinking purified water?

Porn is bad. However, fapping to a porn maybe once a month is no big deal. Id recommend staying away in general.

NoFap on the other hand should be done at certain times in your life. If you're trying to get your shit together, and not fuck women, masturbation can help curve your high sex drive (if you have one.

If you have everything you need in order to get a gf, not masterbating helps you drive more for the opposite sex.

All in all, there is no correct outright response. Learn your body, decide when you want to fap, or not to fap. We're men right? So lets act like it.

Ill leave everyone with this: does chad fap when he's not getting pussy? Something to ponder on.

Fuck them with your tongue and fingers first

Burn in hell kike faggots, sage + report the discordkikes folks, get their forcedmeme fucking BANNED

>coomer cope

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In modernity, self discipline is crucial
Few have the self control to avoid fapping for a day. So I would recommend it to everyone. Few realize just how addicted they are to it

KYS nigger
No inorganic kikes in here

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>If you're trying to get your shit together, and not fuck women, masturbation can help curve your high sex drive (if you have one
Absolutely retarded. Masturbation will just curb your efforts for whatever you're trying to do. Cure your addiction, coomer.

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My COOM demands freedom.

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oooooooooooo yyeahhhhh gonnna coooooom, so gooood, urgggggghhhh. i'm coooming, i'm coooming

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>waaaah jannie pls ban meme i no like
fuck off to reddit

t. cumbrain.
Even if they're dilating discord trannies, I support the message.

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Nofap is for pathetic people to feel proud about finally wresting control over the most trivial part of their lives. Anyone who would genuinely benefit is too addicted to actually do it.

Becoming a celibate and thinking not ejaculating will allow you to preserve your mystical faggot mana and get super powers are also retarded. Mainly because jizz isn't fucking magical and secondly you'll just end up having nocturnal emissions and increased chance of prostate cancer anyway.

Porn is degenerate but it's as likely to warp your perceptions as violent movies or videogames, so long as you aren't a retarded soccer mom you'll be fine.

Here is the actual truth, nofap/anti porn threads are all slide threads that get guaranteed replies. Stop getting distracted and arguing about your dick, it is the smallest of your worries.

>keep jerking it to porn goy

you cant do nofap without a girlfriend to cum inside, you will always relapse

Yes where would Jow Forums be without morons spamming wojak edit #37856 because they're insecure about how much they jerk off and project it onto the rest of us


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If somebody is naturally a Chad, chances are they aren't nearly as effected by fapping as they already have top tier genetic makeup and balanced hormones.
A lower tier male, however....fapping is a death trap. And comparing yourself to Chad in this regard is just poor logic.
Being a low tier male and justifying your masturbation because "Chad does it" is very poor reasoning skills.
>I can squat 300lb, I saw Chad do it!
>*breaks his knee caps*
Not everything Chad can do, you can do.

>t. coomer kike with memeflag

Implying someone can change the world if they can't even change themselves.

Porn is a bio weapon and these are most important threads.

Not true at all.
Maybe for you, because you're a coomer.
Lots of men have success with nofap by channeling their sexual urges into productive outlets like music, lifting, advancing your career, religious purposes, etc.
If the only thing you change in your life is you stop fapping, you will likely fail. If you use nofap as a way to produce energy to put into new endeavors you will succeed.

This is what the Jews want.